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editor.go 31KB

  1. // Copyright 2016 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
  2. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
  3. package repo
  4. import (
  5. "fmt"
  6. "io"
  7. "net/http"
  8. "path"
  9. "strings"
  10. ""
  11. git_model ""
  12. repo_model ""
  13. ""
  14. ""
  15. ""
  16. ""
  17. ""
  18. ""
  19. ""
  20. ""
  21. ""
  22. ""
  23. ""
  24. ""
  25. ""
  26. ""
  27. ""
  28. files_service ""
  29. )
  30. const (
  31. tplEditFile base.TplName = "repo/editor/edit"
  32. tplEditDiffPreview base.TplName = "repo/editor/diff_preview"
  33. tplDeleteFile base.TplName = "repo/editor/delete"
  34. tplUploadFile base.TplName = "repo/editor/upload"
  35. frmCommitChoiceDirect string = "direct"
  36. frmCommitChoiceNewBranch string = "commit-to-new-branch"
  37. )
  38. func canCreateBasePullRequest(ctx *context.Context) bool {
  39. baseRepo := ctx.Repo.Repository.BaseRepo
  40. return baseRepo != nil && baseRepo.UnitEnabled(ctx, unit.TypePullRequests)
  41. }
  42. func renderCommitRights(ctx *context.Context) bool {
  43. canCommitToBranch, err := ctx.Repo.CanCommitToBranch(ctx, ctx.Doer)
  44. if err != nil {
  45. log.Error("CanCommitToBranch: %v", err)
  46. }
  47. ctx.Data["CanCommitToBranch"] = canCommitToBranch
  48. ctx.Data["CanCreatePullRequest"] = ctx.Repo.Repository.UnitEnabled(ctx, unit.TypePullRequests) || canCreateBasePullRequest(ctx)
  49. return canCommitToBranch.CanCommitToBranch
  50. }
  51. // redirectForCommitChoice redirects after committing the edit to a branch
  52. func redirectForCommitChoice(ctx *context.Context, commitChoice, newBranchName, treePath string) {
  53. if commitChoice == frmCommitChoiceNewBranch {
  54. // Redirect to a pull request when possible
  55. redirectToPullRequest := false
  56. repo := ctx.Repo.Repository
  57. baseBranch := ctx.Repo.BranchName
  58. headBranch := newBranchName
  59. if repo.UnitEnabled(ctx, unit.TypePullRequests) {
  60. redirectToPullRequest = true
  61. } else if canCreateBasePullRequest(ctx) {
  62. redirectToPullRequest = true
  63. baseBranch = repo.BaseRepo.DefaultBranch
  64. headBranch = repo.Owner.Name + "/" + repo.Name + ":" + headBranch
  65. repo = repo.BaseRepo
  66. }
  67. if redirectToPullRequest {
  68. ctx.Redirect(repo.Link() + "/compare/" + util.PathEscapeSegments(baseBranch) + "..." + util.PathEscapeSegments(headBranch))
  69. return
  70. }
  71. }
  72. returnURI := ctx.FormString("return_uri")
  73. ctx.RedirectToCurrentSite(
  74. returnURI,
  75. ctx.Repo.RepoLink+"/src/branch/"+util.PathEscapeSegments(newBranchName)+"/"+util.PathEscapeSegments(treePath),
  76. )
  77. }
  78. // getParentTreeFields returns list of parent tree names and corresponding tree paths
  79. // based on given tree path.
  80. func getParentTreeFields(treePath string) (treeNames, treePaths []string) {
  81. if len(treePath) == 0 {
  82. return treeNames, treePaths
  83. }
  84. treeNames = strings.Split(treePath, "/")
  85. treePaths = make([]string, len(treeNames))
  86. for i := range treeNames {
  87. treePaths[i] = strings.Join(treeNames[:i+1], "/")
  88. }
  89. return treeNames, treePaths
  90. }
  91. func editFile(ctx *context.Context, isNewFile bool) {
  92. ctx.Data["PageIsViewCode"] = true
  93. ctx.Data["PageIsEdit"] = true
  94. ctx.Data["IsNewFile"] = isNewFile
  95. canCommit := renderCommitRights(ctx)
  96. treePath := cleanUploadFileName(ctx.Repo.TreePath)
  97. if treePath != ctx.Repo.TreePath {
  98. if isNewFile {
  99. ctx.Redirect(path.Join(ctx.Repo.RepoLink, "_new", util.PathEscapeSegments(ctx.Repo.BranchName), util.PathEscapeSegments(treePath)))
  100. } else {
  101. ctx.Redirect(path.Join(ctx.Repo.RepoLink, "_edit", util.PathEscapeSegments(ctx.Repo.BranchName), util.PathEscapeSegments(treePath)))
  102. }
  103. return
  104. }
  105. // Check if the filename (and additional path) is specified in the querystring
  106. // (filename is a misnomer, but kept for compatibility with GitHub)
  107. filePath, fileName := path.Split(ctx.Req.URL.Query().Get("filename"))
  108. filePath = strings.Trim(filePath, "/")
  109. treeNames, treePaths := getParentTreeFields(path.Join(ctx.Repo.TreePath, filePath))
  110. if !isNewFile {
  111. entry, err := ctx.Repo.Commit.GetTreeEntryByPath(ctx.Repo.TreePath)
  112. if err != nil {
  113. HandleGitError(ctx, "Repo.Commit.GetTreeEntryByPath", err)
  114. return
  115. }
  116. // No way to edit a directory online.
  117. if entry.IsDir() {
  118. ctx.NotFound("entry.IsDir", nil)
  119. return
  120. }
  121. blob := entry.Blob()
  122. if blob.Size() >= setting.UI.MaxDisplayFileSize {
  123. ctx.NotFound("blob.Size", err)
  124. return
  125. }
  126. dataRc, err := blob.DataAsync()
  127. if err != nil {
  128. ctx.NotFound("blob.Data", err)
  129. return
  130. }
  131. defer dataRc.Close()
  132. ctx.Data["FileSize"] = blob.Size()
  133. ctx.Data["FileName"] = blob.Name()
  134. buf := make([]byte, 1024)
  135. n, _ := util.ReadAtMost(dataRc, buf)
  136. buf = buf[:n]
  137. // Only some file types are editable online as text.
  138. if !typesniffer.DetectContentType(buf).IsRepresentableAsText() {
  139. ctx.NotFound("typesniffer.IsRepresentableAsText", nil)
  140. return
  141. }
  142. d, _ := io.ReadAll(dataRc)
  143. buf = append(buf, d...)
  144. if content, err := charset.ToUTF8(buf, charset.ConvertOpts{KeepBOM: true}); err != nil {
  145. log.Error("ToUTF8: %v", err)
  146. ctx.Data["FileContent"] = string(buf)
  147. } else {
  148. ctx.Data["FileContent"] = content
  149. }
  150. } else {
  151. // Append filename from query, or empty string to allow user name the new file.
  152. treeNames = append(treeNames, fileName)
  153. }
  154. ctx.Data["TreeNames"] = treeNames
  155. ctx.Data["TreePaths"] = treePaths
  156. ctx.Data["BranchLink"] = ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + ctx.Repo.BranchNameSubURL()
  157. ctx.Data["commit_summary"] = ""
  158. ctx.Data["commit_message"] = ""
  159. if canCommit {
  160. ctx.Data["commit_choice"] = frmCommitChoiceDirect
  161. } else {
  162. ctx.Data["commit_choice"] = frmCommitChoiceNewBranch
  163. }
  164. ctx.Data["new_branch_name"] = GetUniquePatchBranchName(ctx)
  165. ctx.Data["last_commit"] = ctx.Repo.CommitID
  166. ctx.Data["PreviewableExtensions"] = strings.Join(markup.PreviewableExtensions(), ",")
  167. ctx.Data["LineWrapExtensions"] = strings.Join(setting.Repository.Editor.LineWrapExtensions, ",")
  168. ctx.Data["EditorconfigJson"] = GetEditorConfig(ctx, treePath)
  169. ctx.Data["IsEditingFileOnly"] = ctx.FormString("return_uri") != ""
  170. ctx.Data["ReturnURI"] = ctx.FormString("return_uri")
  171. ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplEditFile)
  172. }
  173. // GetEditorConfig returns a editorconfig JSON string for given treePath or "null"
  174. func GetEditorConfig(ctx *context.Context, treePath string) string {
  175. ec, _, err := ctx.Repo.GetEditorconfig()
  176. if err == nil {
  177. def, err := ec.GetDefinitionForFilename(treePath)
  178. if err == nil {
  179. jsonStr, _ := json.Marshal(def)
  180. return string(jsonStr)
  181. }
  182. }
  183. return "null"
  184. }
  185. // EditFile render edit file page
  186. func EditFile(ctx *context.Context) {
  187. editFile(ctx, false)
  188. }
  189. // NewFile render create file page
  190. func NewFile(ctx *context.Context) {
  191. editFile(ctx, true)
  192. }
  193. func editFilePost(ctx *context.Context, form forms.EditRepoFileForm, isNewFile bool) {
  194. canCommit := renderCommitRights(ctx)
  195. treeNames, treePaths := getParentTreeFields(form.TreePath)
  196. branchName := ctx.Repo.BranchName
  197. if form.CommitChoice == frmCommitChoiceNewBranch {
  198. branchName = form.NewBranchName
  199. }
  200. ctx.Data["PageIsEdit"] = true
  201. ctx.Data["PageHasPosted"] = true
  202. ctx.Data["IsNewFile"] = isNewFile
  203. ctx.Data["TreePath"] = form.TreePath
  204. ctx.Data["TreeNames"] = treeNames
  205. ctx.Data["TreePaths"] = treePaths
  206. ctx.Data["BranchLink"] = ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/branch/" + util.PathEscapeSegments(ctx.Repo.BranchName)
  207. ctx.Data["FileContent"] = form.Content
  208. ctx.Data["commit_summary"] = form.CommitSummary
  209. ctx.Data["commit_message"] = form.CommitMessage
  210. ctx.Data["commit_choice"] = form.CommitChoice
  211. ctx.Data["new_branch_name"] = form.NewBranchName
  212. ctx.Data["last_commit"] = ctx.Repo.CommitID
  213. ctx.Data["PreviewableExtensions"] = strings.Join(markup.PreviewableExtensions(), ",")
  214. ctx.Data["LineWrapExtensions"] = strings.Join(setting.Repository.Editor.LineWrapExtensions, ",")
  215. ctx.Data["EditorconfigJson"] = GetEditorConfig(ctx, form.TreePath)
  216. if ctx.HasError() {
  217. ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplEditFile)
  218. return
  219. }
  220. // Cannot commit to a an existing branch if user doesn't have rights
  221. if branchName == ctx.Repo.BranchName && !canCommit {
  222. ctx.Data["Err_NewBranchName"] = true
  223. ctx.Data["commit_choice"] = frmCommitChoiceNewBranch
  224. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.cannot_commit_to_protected_branch", branchName), tplEditFile, &form)
  225. return
  226. }
  227. // CommitSummary is optional in the web form, if empty, give it a default message based on add or update
  228. // `message` will be both the summary and message combined
  229. message := strings.TrimSpace(form.CommitSummary)
  230. if len(message) == 0 {
  231. if isNewFile {
  232. message = ctx.Locale.TrString("repo.editor.add", form.TreePath)
  233. } else {
  234. message = ctx.Locale.TrString("repo.editor.update", form.TreePath)
  235. }
  236. }
  237. form.CommitMessage = strings.TrimSpace(form.CommitMessage)
  238. if len(form.CommitMessage) > 0 {
  239. message += "\n\n" + form.CommitMessage
  240. }
  241. operation := "update"
  242. if isNewFile {
  243. operation = "create"
  244. }
  245. if _, err := files_service.ChangeRepoFiles(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Doer, &files_service.ChangeRepoFilesOptions{
  246. LastCommitID: form.LastCommit,
  247. OldBranch: ctx.Repo.BranchName,
  248. NewBranch: branchName,
  249. Message: message,
  250. Files: []*files_service.ChangeRepoFile{
  251. {
  252. Operation: operation,
  253. FromTreePath: ctx.Repo.TreePath,
  254. TreePath: form.TreePath,
  255. ContentReader: strings.NewReader(strings.ReplaceAll(form.Content, "\r", "")),
  256. },
  257. },
  258. Signoff: form.Signoff,
  259. }); err != nil {
  260. // This is where we handle all the errors thrown by files_service.ChangeRepoFiles
  261. if git.IsErrNotExist(err) {
  262. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.file_editing_no_longer_exists", ctx.Repo.TreePath), tplEditFile, &form)
  263. } else if git_model.IsErrLFSFileLocked(err) {
  264. ctx.Data["Err_TreePath"] = true
  265. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.upload_file_is_locked", err.(git_model.ErrLFSFileLocked).Path, err.(git_model.ErrLFSFileLocked).UserName), tplEditFile, &form)
  266. } else if models.IsErrFilenameInvalid(err) {
  267. ctx.Data["Err_TreePath"] = true
  268. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.filename_is_invalid", form.TreePath), tplEditFile, &form)
  269. } else if models.IsErrFilePathInvalid(err) {
  270. ctx.Data["Err_TreePath"] = true
  271. if fileErr, ok := err.(models.ErrFilePathInvalid); ok {
  272. switch fileErr.Type {
  273. case git.EntryModeSymlink:
  274. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.file_is_a_symlink", fileErr.Path), tplEditFile, &form)
  275. case git.EntryModeTree:
  276. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.filename_is_a_directory", fileErr.Path), tplEditFile, &form)
  277. case git.EntryModeBlob:
  278. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.directory_is_a_file", fileErr.Path), tplEditFile, &form)
  279. default:
  280. ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
  281. }
  282. } else {
  283. ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
  284. }
  285. } else if models.IsErrRepoFileAlreadyExists(err) {
  286. ctx.Data["Err_TreePath"] = true
  287. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.file_already_exists", form.TreePath), tplEditFile, &form)
  288. } else if git.IsErrBranchNotExist(err) {
  289. // For when a user adds/updates a file to a branch that no longer exists
  290. if branchErr, ok := err.(git.ErrBranchNotExist); ok {
  291. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.branch_does_not_exist", branchErr.Name), tplEditFile, &form)
  292. } else {
  293. ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
  294. }
  295. } else if git_model.IsErrBranchAlreadyExists(err) {
  296. // For when a user specifies a new branch that already exists
  297. ctx.Data["Err_NewBranchName"] = true
  298. if branchErr, ok := err.(git_model.ErrBranchAlreadyExists); ok {
  299. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.branch_already_exists", branchErr.BranchName), tplEditFile, &form)
  300. } else {
  301. ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
  302. }
  303. } else if models.IsErrCommitIDDoesNotMatch(err) {
  304. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.commit_id_not_matching"), tplEditFile, &form)
  305. } else if git.IsErrPushOutOfDate(err) {
  306. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.push_out_of_date"), tplEditFile, &form)
  307. } else if git.IsErrPushRejected(err) {
  308. errPushRej := err.(*git.ErrPushRejected)
  309. if len(errPushRej.Message) == 0 {
  310. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.push_rejected_no_message"), tplEditFile, &form)
  311. } else {
  312. flashError, err := ctx.RenderToHTML(tplAlertDetails, map[string]any{
  313. "Message": ctx.Tr("repo.editor.push_rejected"),
  314. "Summary": ctx.Tr("repo.editor.push_rejected_summary"),
  315. "Details": utils.SanitizeFlashErrorString(errPushRej.Message),
  316. })
  317. if err != nil {
  318. ctx.ServerError("editFilePost.HTMLString", err)
  319. return
  320. }
  321. ctx.RenderWithErr(flashError, tplEditFile, &form)
  322. }
  323. } else {
  324. flashError, err := ctx.RenderToHTML(tplAlertDetails, map[string]any{
  325. "Message": ctx.Tr("repo.editor.fail_to_update_file", form.TreePath),
  326. "Summary": ctx.Tr("repo.editor.fail_to_update_file_summary"),
  327. "Details": utils.SanitizeFlashErrorString(err.Error()),
  328. })
  329. if err != nil {
  330. ctx.ServerError("editFilePost.HTMLString", err)
  331. return
  332. }
  333. ctx.RenderWithErr(flashError, tplEditFile, &form)
  334. }
  335. }
  336. if ctx.Repo.Repository.IsEmpty {
  337. if isEmpty, err := ctx.Repo.GitRepo.IsEmpty(); err == nil && !isEmpty {
  338. _ = repo_model.UpdateRepositoryCols(ctx, &repo_model.Repository{ID: ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, IsEmpty: false}, "is_empty")
  339. }
  340. }
  341. redirectForCommitChoice(ctx, form.CommitChoice, branchName, form.TreePath)
  342. }
  343. // EditFilePost response for editing file
  344. func EditFilePost(ctx *context.Context) {
  345. form := web.GetForm(ctx).(*forms.EditRepoFileForm)
  346. editFilePost(ctx, *form, false)
  347. }
  348. // NewFilePost response for creating file
  349. func NewFilePost(ctx *context.Context) {
  350. form := web.GetForm(ctx).(*forms.EditRepoFileForm)
  351. editFilePost(ctx, *form, true)
  352. }
  353. // DiffPreviewPost render preview diff page
  354. func DiffPreviewPost(ctx *context.Context) {
  355. form := web.GetForm(ctx).(*forms.EditPreviewDiffForm)
  356. treePath := cleanUploadFileName(ctx.Repo.TreePath)
  357. if len(treePath) == 0 {
  358. ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "file name to diff is invalid")
  359. return
  360. }
  361. entry, err := ctx.Repo.Commit.GetTreeEntryByPath(treePath)
  362. if err != nil {
  363. ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetTreeEntryByPath: "+err.Error())
  364. return
  365. } else if entry.IsDir() {
  366. ctx.Error(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
  367. return
  368. }
  369. diff, err := files_service.GetDiffPreview(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Repo.BranchName, treePath, form.Content)
  370. if err != nil {
  371. ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetDiffPreview: "+err.Error())
  372. return
  373. }
  374. if diff.NumFiles != 0 {
  375. ctx.Data["File"] = diff.Files[0]
  376. }
  377. ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplEditDiffPreview)
  378. }
  379. // DeleteFile render delete file page
  380. func DeleteFile(ctx *context.Context) {
  381. ctx.Data["PageIsDelete"] = true
  382. ctx.Data["BranchLink"] = ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + ctx.Repo.BranchNameSubURL()
  383. treePath := cleanUploadFileName(ctx.Repo.TreePath)
  384. if treePath != ctx.Repo.TreePath {
  385. ctx.Redirect(path.Join(ctx.Repo.RepoLink, "_delete", util.PathEscapeSegments(ctx.Repo.BranchName), util.PathEscapeSegments(treePath)))
  386. return
  387. }
  388. ctx.Data["TreePath"] = treePath
  389. canCommit := renderCommitRights(ctx)
  390. ctx.Data["commit_summary"] = ""
  391. ctx.Data["commit_message"] = ""
  392. ctx.Data["last_commit"] = ctx.Repo.CommitID
  393. if canCommit {
  394. ctx.Data["commit_choice"] = frmCommitChoiceDirect
  395. } else {
  396. ctx.Data["commit_choice"] = frmCommitChoiceNewBranch
  397. }
  398. ctx.Data["new_branch_name"] = GetUniquePatchBranchName(ctx)
  399. ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplDeleteFile)
  400. }
  401. // DeleteFilePost response for deleting file
  402. func DeleteFilePost(ctx *context.Context) {
  403. form := web.GetForm(ctx).(*forms.DeleteRepoFileForm)
  404. canCommit := renderCommitRights(ctx)
  405. branchName := ctx.Repo.BranchName
  406. if form.CommitChoice == frmCommitChoiceNewBranch {
  407. branchName = form.NewBranchName
  408. }
  409. ctx.Data["PageIsDelete"] = true
  410. ctx.Data["BranchLink"] = ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + ctx.Repo.BranchNameSubURL()
  411. ctx.Data["TreePath"] = ctx.Repo.TreePath
  412. ctx.Data["commit_summary"] = form.CommitSummary
  413. ctx.Data["commit_message"] = form.CommitMessage
  414. ctx.Data["commit_choice"] = form.CommitChoice
  415. ctx.Data["new_branch_name"] = form.NewBranchName
  416. ctx.Data["last_commit"] = ctx.Repo.CommitID
  417. if ctx.HasError() {
  418. ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplDeleteFile)
  419. return
  420. }
  421. if branchName == ctx.Repo.BranchName && !canCommit {
  422. ctx.Data["Err_NewBranchName"] = true
  423. ctx.Data["commit_choice"] = frmCommitChoiceNewBranch
  424. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.cannot_commit_to_protected_branch", branchName), tplDeleteFile, &form)
  425. return
  426. }
  427. message := strings.TrimSpace(form.CommitSummary)
  428. if len(message) == 0 {
  429. message = ctx.Locale.TrString("repo.editor.delete", ctx.Repo.TreePath)
  430. }
  431. form.CommitMessage = strings.TrimSpace(form.CommitMessage)
  432. if len(form.CommitMessage) > 0 {
  433. message += "\n\n" + form.CommitMessage
  434. }
  435. if _, err := files_service.ChangeRepoFiles(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Doer, &files_service.ChangeRepoFilesOptions{
  436. LastCommitID: form.LastCommit,
  437. OldBranch: ctx.Repo.BranchName,
  438. NewBranch: branchName,
  439. Files: []*files_service.ChangeRepoFile{
  440. {
  441. Operation: "delete",
  442. TreePath: ctx.Repo.TreePath,
  443. },
  444. },
  445. Message: message,
  446. Signoff: form.Signoff,
  447. }); err != nil {
  448. // This is where we handle all the errors thrown by repofiles.DeleteRepoFile
  449. if git.IsErrNotExist(err) || models.IsErrRepoFileDoesNotExist(err) {
  450. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.file_deleting_no_longer_exists", ctx.Repo.TreePath), tplDeleteFile, &form)
  451. } else if models.IsErrFilenameInvalid(err) {
  452. ctx.Data["Err_TreePath"] = true
  453. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.filename_is_invalid", ctx.Repo.TreePath), tplDeleteFile, &form)
  454. } else if models.IsErrFilePathInvalid(err) {
  455. ctx.Data["Err_TreePath"] = true
  456. if fileErr, ok := err.(models.ErrFilePathInvalid); ok {
  457. switch fileErr.Type {
  458. case git.EntryModeSymlink:
  459. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.file_is_a_symlink", fileErr.Path), tplDeleteFile, &form)
  460. case git.EntryModeTree:
  461. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.filename_is_a_directory", fileErr.Path), tplDeleteFile, &form)
  462. case git.EntryModeBlob:
  463. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.directory_is_a_file", fileErr.Path), tplDeleteFile, &form)
  464. default:
  465. ctx.ServerError("DeleteRepoFile", err)
  466. }
  467. } else {
  468. ctx.ServerError("DeleteRepoFile", err)
  469. }
  470. } else if git.IsErrBranchNotExist(err) {
  471. // For when a user deletes a file to a branch that no longer exists
  472. if branchErr, ok := err.(git.ErrBranchNotExist); ok {
  473. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.branch_does_not_exist", branchErr.Name), tplDeleteFile, &form)
  474. } else {
  475. ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
  476. }
  477. } else if git_model.IsErrBranchAlreadyExists(err) {
  478. // For when a user specifies a new branch that already exists
  479. if branchErr, ok := err.(git_model.ErrBranchAlreadyExists); ok {
  480. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.branch_already_exists", branchErr.BranchName), tplDeleteFile, &form)
  481. } else {
  482. ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
  483. }
  484. } else if models.IsErrCommitIDDoesNotMatch(err) || git.IsErrPushOutOfDate(err) {
  485. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.file_changed_while_deleting", ctx.Repo.RepoLink+"/compare/"+util.PathEscapeSegments(form.LastCommit)+"..."+util.PathEscapeSegments(ctx.Repo.CommitID)), tplDeleteFile, &form)
  486. } else if git.IsErrPushRejected(err) {
  487. errPushRej := err.(*git.ErrPushRejected)
  488. if len(errPushRej.Message) == 0 {
  489. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.push_rejected_no_message"), tplDeleteFile, &form)
  490. } else {
  491. flashError, err := ctx.RenderToHTML(tplAlertDetails, map[string]any{
  492. "Message": ctx.Tr("repo.editor.push_rejected"),
  493. "Summary": ctx.Tr("repo.editor.push_rejected_summary"),
  494. "Details": utils.SanitizeFlashErrorString(errPushRej.Message),
  495. })
  496. if err != nil {
  497. ctx.ServerError("DeleteFilePost.HTMLString", err)
  498. return
  499. }
  500. ctx.RenderWithErr(flashError, tplDeleteFile, &form)
  501. }
  502. } else {
  503. ctx.ServerError("DeleteRepoFile", err)
  504. }
  505. }
  506. ctx.Flash.Success(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.file_delete_success", ctx.Repo.TreePath))
  507. treePath := path.Dir(ctx.Repo.TreePath)
  508. if treePath == "." {
  509. treePath = "" // the file deleted was in the root, so we return the user to the root directory
  510. }
  511. if len(treePath) > 0 {
  512. // Need to get the latest commit since it changed
  513. commit, err := ctx.Repo.GitRepo.GetBranchCommit(ctx.Repo.BranchName)
  514. if err == nil && commit != nil {
  515. // We have the comment, now find what directory we can return the user to
  516. // (must have entries)
  517. treePath = GetClosestParentWithFiles(treePath, commit)
  518. } else {
  519. treePath = "" // otherwise return them to the root of the repo
  520. }
  521. }
  522. redirectForCommitChoice(ctx, form.CommitChoice, branchName, treePath)
  523. }
  524. // UploadFile render upload file page
  525. func UploadFile(ctx *context.Context) {
  526. ctx.Data["PageIsUpload"] = true
  527. upload.AddUploadContext(ctx, "repo")
  528. canCommit := renderCommitRights(ctx)
  529. treePath := cleanUploadFileName(ctx.Repo.TreePath)
  530. if treePath != ctx.Repo.TreePath {
  531. ctx.Redirect(path.Join(ctx.Repo.RepoLink, "_upload", util.PathEscapeSegments(ctx.Repo.BranchName), util.PathEscapeSegments(treePath)))
  532. return
  533. }
  534. ctx.Repo.TreePath = treePath
  535. treeNames, treePaths := getParentTreeFields(ctx.Repo.TreePath)
  536. if len(treeNames) == 0 {
  537. // We must at least have one element for user to input.
  538. treeNames = []string{""}
  539. }
  540. ctx.Data["TreeNames"] = treeNames
  541. ctx.Data["TreePaths"] = treePaths
  542. ctx.Data["BranchLink"] = ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/" + ctx.Repo.BranchNameSubURL()
  543. ctx.Data["commit_summary"] = ""
  544. ctx.Data["commit_message"] = ""
  545. if canCommit {
  546. ctx.Data["commit_choice"] = frmCommitChoiceDirect
  547. } else {
  548. ctx.Data["commit_choice"] = frmCommitChoiceNewBranch
  549. }
  550. ctx.Data["new_branch_name"] = GetUniquePatchBranchName(ctx)
  551. ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplUploadFile)
  552. }
  553. // UploadFilePost response for uploading file
  554. func UploadFilePost(ctx *context.Context) {
  555. form := web.GetForm(ctx).(*forms.UploadRepoFileForm)
  556. ctx.Data["PageIsUpload"] = true
  557. upload.AddUploadContext(ctx, "repo")
  558. canCommit := renderCommitRights(ctx)
  559. oldBranchName := ctx.Repo.BranchName
  560. branchName := oldBranchName
  561. if form.CommitChoice == frmCommitChoiceNewBranch {
  562. branchName = form.NewBranchName
  563. }
  564. form.TreePath = cleanUploadFileName(form.TreePath)
  565. treeNames, treePaths := getParentTreeFields(form.TreePath)
  566. if len(treeNames) == 0 {
  567. // We must at least have one element for user to input.
  568. treeNames = []string{""}
  569. }
  570. ctx.Data["TreePath"] = form.TreePath
  571. ctx.Data["TreeNames"] = treeNames
  572. ctx.Data["TreePaths"] = treePaths
  573. ctx.Data["BranchLink"] = ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/src/branch/" + util.PathEscapeSegments(branchName)
  574. ctx.Data["commit_summary"] = form.CommitSummary
  575. ctx.Data["commit_message"] = form.CommitMessage
  576. ctx.Data["commit_choice"] = form.CommitChoice
  577. ctx.Data["new_branch_name"] = branchName
  578. if ctx.HasError() {
  579. ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplUploadFile)
  580. return
  581. }
  582. if oldBranchName != branchName {
  583. if _, err := ctx.Repo.GitRepo.GetBranch(branchName); err == nil {
  584. ctx.Data["Err_NewBranchName"] = true
  585. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.branch_already_exists", branchName), tplUploadFile, &form)
  586. return
  587. }
  588. } else if !canCommit {
  589. ctx.Data["Err_NewBranchName"] = true
  590. ctx.Data["commit_choice"] = frmCommitChoiceNewBranch
  591. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.cannot_commit_to_protected_branch", branchName), tplUploadFile, &form)
  592. return
  593. }
  594. if !ctx.Repo.Repository.IsEmpty {
  595. var newTreePath string
  596. for _, part := range treeNames {
  597. newTreePath = path.Join(newTreePath, part)
  598. entry, err := ctx.Repo.Commit.GetTreeEntryByPath(newTreePath)
  599. if err != nil {
  600. if git.IsErrNotExist(err) {
  601. break // Means there is no item with that name, so we're good
  602. }
  603. ctx.ServerError("Repo.Commit.GetTreeEntryByPath", err)
  604. return
  605. }
  606. // User can only upload files to a directory, the directory name shouldn't be an existing file.
  607. if !entry.IsDir() {
  608. ctx.Data["Err_TreePath"] = true
  609. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.directory_is_a_file", part), tplUploadFile, &form)
  610. return
  611. }
  612. }
  613. }
  614. message := strings.TrimSpace(form.CommitSummary)
  615. if len(message) == 0 {
  616. dir := form.TreePath
  617. if dir == "" {
  618. dir = "/"
  619. }
  620. message = ctx.Locale.TrString("repo.editor.upload_files_to_dir", dir)
  621. }
  622. form.CommitMessage = strings.TrimSpace(form.CommitMessage)
  623. if len(form.CommitMessage) > 0 {
  624. message += "\n\n" + form.CommitMessage
  625. }
  626. if err := files_service.UploadRepoFiles(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Doer, &files_service.UploadRepoFileOptions{
  627. LastCommitID: ctx.Repo.CommitID,
  628. OldBranch: oldBranchName,
  629. NewBranch: branchName,
  630. TreePath: form.TreePath,
  631. Message: message,
  632. Files: form.Files,
  633. Signoff: form.Signoff,
  634. }); err != nil {
  635. if git_model.IsErrLFSFileLocked(err) {
  636. ctx.Data["Err_TreePath"] = true
  637. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.upload_file_is_locked", err.(git_model.ErrLFSFileLocked).Path, err.(git_model.ErrLFSFileLocked).UserName), tplUploadFile, &form)
  638. } else if models.IsErrFilenameInvalid(err) {
  639. ctx.Data["Err_TreePath"] = true
  640. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.filename_is_invalid", form.TreePath), tplUploadFile, &form)
  641. } else if models.IsErrFilePathInvalid(err) {
  642. ctx.Data["Err_TreePath"] = true
  643. fileErr := err.(models.ErrFilePathInvalid)
  644. switch fileErr.Type {
  645. case git.EntryModeSymlink:
  646. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.file_is_a_symlink", fileErr.Path), tplUploadFile, &form)
  647. case git.EntryModeTree:
  648. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.filename_is_a_directory", fileErr.Path), tplUploadFile, &form)
  649. case git.EntryModeBlob:
  650. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.directory_is_a_file", fileErr.Path), tplUploadFile, &form)
  651. default:
  652. ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
  653. }
  654. } else if models.IsErrRepoFileAlreadyExists(err) {
  655. ctx.Data["Err_TreePath"] = true
  656. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.file_already_exists", form.TreePath), tplUploadFile, &form)
  657. } else if git.IsErrBranchNotExist(err) {
  658. branchErr := err.(git.ErrBranchNotExist)
  659. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.branch_does_not_exist", branchErr.Name), tplUploadFile, &form)
  660. } else if git_model.IsErrBranchAlreadyExists(err) {
  661. // For when a user specifies a new branch that already exists
  662. ctx.Data["Err_NewBranchName"] = true
  663. branchErr := err.(git_model.ErrBranchAlreadyExists)
  664. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.branch_already_exists", branchErr.BranchName), tplUploadFile, &form)
  665. } else if git.IsErrPushOutOfDate(err) {
  666. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.file_changed_while_editing", ctx.Repo.RepoLink+"/compare/"+util.PathEscapeSegments(ctx.Repo.CommitID)+"..."+util.PathEscapeSegments(form.NewBranchName)), tplUploadFile, &form)
  667. } else if git.IsErrPushRejected(err) {
  668. errPushRej := err.(*git.ErrPushRejected)
  669. if len(errPushRej.Message) == 0 {
  670. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.push_rejected_no_message"), tplUploadFile, &form)
  671. } else {
  672. flashError, err := ctx.RenderToHTML(tplAlertDetails, map[string]any{
  673. "Message": ctx.Tr("repo.editor.push_rejected"),
  674. "Summary": ctx.Tr("repo.editor.push_rejected_summary"),
  675. "Details": utils.SanitizeFlashErrorString(errPushRej.Message),
  676. })
  677. if err != nil {
  678. ctx.ServerError("UploadFilePost.HTMLString", err)
  679. return
  680. }
  681. ctx.RenderWithErr(flashError, tplUploadFile, &form)
  682. }
  683. } else {
  684. // os.ErrNotExist - upload file missing in the intervening time?!
  685. log.Error("Error during upload to repo: %-v to filepath: %s on %s from %s: %v", ctx.Repo.Repository, form.TreePath, oldBranchName, form.NewBranchName, err)
  686. ctx.RenderWithErr(ctx.Tr("repo.editor.unable_to_upload_files", form.TreePath, err), tplUploadFile, &form)
  687. }
  688. return
  689. }
  690. if ctx.Repo.Repository.IsEmpty {
  691. if isEmpty, err := ctx.Repo.GitRepo.IsEmpty(); err == nil && !isEmpty {
  692. _ = repo_model.UpdateRepositoryCols(ctx, &repo_model.Repository{ID: ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, IsEmpty: false}, "is_empty")
  693. }
  694. }
  695. redirectForCommitChoice(ctx, form.CommitChoice, branchName, form.TreePath)
  696. }
  697. func cleanUploadFileName(name string) string {
  698. // Rebase the filename
  699. name = util.PathJoinRel(name)
  700. // Git disallows any filenames to have a .git directory in them.
  701. for _, part := range strings.Split(name, "/") {
  702. if strings.ToLower(part) == ".git" {
  703. return ""
  704. }
  705. }
  706. return name
  707. }
  708. // UploadFileToServer upload file to server file dir not git
  709. func UploadFileToServer(ctx *context.Context) {
  710. file, header, err := ctx.Req.FormFile("file")
  711. if err != nil {
  712. ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("FormFile: %v", err))
  713. return
  714. }
  715. defer file.Close()
  716. buf := make([]byte, 1024)
  717. n, _ := util.ReadAtMost(file, buf)
  718. if n > 0 {
  719. buf = buf[:n]
  720. }
  721. err = upload.Verify(buf, header.Filename, setting.Repository.Upload.AllowedTypes)
  722. if err != nil {
  723. ctx.Error(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error())
  724. return
  725. }
  726. name := cleanUploadFileName(header.Filename)
  727. if len(name) == 0 {
  728. ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Upload file name is invalid")
  729. return
  730. }
  731. upload, err := repo_model.NewUpload(ctx, name, buf, file)
  732. if err != nil {
  733. ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("NewUpload: %v", err))
  734. return
  735. }
  736. log.Trace("New file uploaded: %s", upload.UUID)
  737. ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]string{
  738. "uuid": upload.UUID,
  739. })
  740. }
  741. // RemoveUploadFileFromServer remove file from server file dir
  742. func RemoveUploadFileFromServer(ctx *context.Context) {
  743. form := web.GetForm(ctx).(*forms.RemoveUploadFileForm)
  744. if len(form.File) == 0 {
  745. ctx.Status(http.StatusNoContent)
  746. return
  747. }
  748. if err := repo_model.DeleteUploadByUUID(ctx, form.File); err != nil {
  749. ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Sprintf("DeleteUploadByUUID: %v", err))
  750. return
  751. }
  752. log.Trace("Upload file removed: %s", form.File)
  753. ctx.Status(http.StatusNoContent)
  754. }
  755. // GetUniquePatchBranchName Gets a unique branch name for a new patch branch
  756. // It will be in the form of <username>-patch-<num> where <num> is the first branch of this format
  757. // that doesn't already exist. If we exceed 1000 tries or an error is thrown, we just return "" so the user has to
  758. // type in the branch name themselves (will be an empty field)
  759. func GetUniquePatchBranchName(ctx *context.Context) string {
  760. prefix := ctx.Doer.LowerName + "-patch-"
  761. for i := 1; i <= 1000; i++ {
  762. branchName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", prefix, i)
  763. if _, err := ctx.Repo.GitRepo.GetBranch(branchName); err != nil {
  764. if git.IsErrBranchNotExist(err) {
  765. return branchName
  766. }
  767. log.Error("GetUniquePatchBranchName: %v", err)
  768. return ""
  769. }
  770. }
  771. return ""
  772. }
  773. // GetClosestParentWithFiles Recursively gets the path of parent in a tree that has files (used when file in a tree is
  774. // deleted). Returns "" for the root if no parents other than the root have files. If the given treePath isn't a
  775. // SubTree or it has no entries, we go up one dir and see if we can return the user to that listing.
  776. func GetClosestParentWithFiles(treePath string, commit *git.Commit) string {
  777. if len(treePath) == 0 || treePath == "." {
  778. return ""
  779. }
  780. // see if the tree has entries
  781. if tree, err := commit.SubTree(treePath); err != nil {
  782. // failed to get tree, going up a dir
  783. return GetClosestParentWithFiles(path.Dir(treePath), commit)
  784. } else if entries, err := tree.ListEntries(); err != nil || len(entries) == 0 {
  785. // no files in this dir, going up a dir
  786. return GetClosestParentWithFiles(path.Dir(treePath), commit)
  787. }
  788. return treePath
  789. }