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ajc154.xml 25KB

16 years ago
16 years ago
16 years ago
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16 years ago
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16 years ago
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16 years ago
16 years ago
16 years ago
16 years ago
  1. <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "../tests/ajcTestSuite.dtd"[]>
  2. <!-- AspectJ v1.5.4Tests -->
  3. <suite>
  4. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr166647" title="ltw and cflow problem">
  5. <compile options="-1.5" files="," outjar="code.jar"/>
  6. <compile options="-1.5 -Xlint:ignore" files="" outjar="aspects.jar"/>
  7. <run class="a.ClassWithMain" classpath="aspects.jar,code.jar" ltw="aop1.xml">
  8. <stdout>
  9. <line text="advice fired"/>
  10. </stdout>
  11. <stderr>
  12. </stderr>
  13. </run>
  14. </ajc-test>
  15. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr211052" title="declare atType problems - 1">
  16. <compile options="-1.5" files=""/>
  17. <run class="MyPojo"/>
  18. </ajc-test>
  19. <!-- DistantResource is explicitly mentioned as c.d.DistantResource -->
  20. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr211052" title="declare atType problems - 2">
  21. <compile options="-1.5 -showWeaveInfo" files=",,">
  22. <message kind="weave" text="'c.d.DistantResource' ( is annotated with @SimpleAnnotation(classname = &quot;oranges&quot;)"/>
  23. </compile>
  24. <run class="c.d.DistantResource">
  25. <stdout>
  26. <line text="Annotation is @a.b.SimpleAnnotation(classname=oranges)" vm="1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8"/>
  27. <line text="Annotation is @a.b.SimpleAnnotation(classname=&quot;oranges&quot;)" vm="9+"/>
  28. </stdout>
  29. </run>
  30. </ajc-test>
  31. <!-- DistantResource is imported and refered to as DistantResource -->
  32. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr211052" title="declare atType problems - 3">
  33. <compile options="-1.5 -showWeaveInfo" files=",,">
  34. <message kind="weave" text="'c.d.DistantResource' ( is annotated with @SimpleAnnotation(classname = &quot;oranges&quot;)"/>
  35. </compile>
  36. <run class="c.d.DistantResource">
  37. <stdout>
  38. <line text="Annotation is @a.b.SimpleAnnotation(classname=oranges)" vm="1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8"/>
  39. <line text="Annotation is @a.b.SimpleAnnotation(classname=&quot;oranges&quot;)" vm="9+"/>
  40. </stdout>
  41. </run>
  42. </ajc-test>
  43. <!-- Annotation is in a different package to the aspect and explicitly referenced with a fully qualified name -->
  44. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr211052" title="declare atType problems - 4">
  45. <compile options="-1.5 -showWeaveInfo" files=",,">
  46. <message kind="weave" text="'c.d.DistantResource' ( is annotated with @e.f.SimpleAnnotation2(classname = &quot;oranges&quot;)"/>
  47. </compile>
  48. <run class="c.d.DistantResource">
  49. <stdout>
  50. <line text="Annotation is @e.f.SimpleAnnotation2(classname=oranges)" vm="1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8"/>
  51. <line text="Annotation is @e.f.SimpleAnnotation2(classname=&quot;oranges&quot;)" vm="9+"/>
  52. </stdout>
  53. </run>
  54. </ajc-test>
  55. <!-- Annotation is in a different package to the aspect and imported -->
  56. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr211052" title="declare atType problems - 5">
  57. <compile options="-1.5 -showWeaveInfo" files=",,">
  58. <message kind="weave" text="'c.d.DistantResource' ( is annotated with @SimpleAnnotation2(classname = &quot;oranges&quot;)"/>
  59. </compile>
  60. <run class="c.d.DistantResource">
  61. <stdout>
  62. <line text="Annotation is @e.f.SimpleAnnotation2(classname=oranges)" vm="1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8"/>
  63. <line text="Annotation is @e.f.SimpleAnnotation2(classname=&quot;oranges&quot;)" vm="9+"/>
  64. </stdout>
  65. </run>
  66. </ajc-test>
  67. <!-- target for annotation is from a jar -->
  68. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr211052" title="declare atType problems - 6">
  69. <compile options="-1.5" files="" outjar="target.jar"/>
  70. <compile options="-1.5 -showWeaveInfo" files="," inpath="target.jar">
  71. <message kind="weave" text="'c.d.DistantResource' ( is annotated with @SimpleAnnotation2(classname = &quot;oranges&quot;)"/>
  72. </compile>
  73. <run class="c.d.DistantResource">
  74. <stdout>
  75. <line text="Annotation is @e.f.SimpleAnnotation2(classname=oranges)" vm="1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8"/>
  76. <line text="Annotation is @e.f.SimpleAnnotation2(classname=&quot;oranges&quot;)" vm="9+"/>
  77. </stdout>
  78. </run>
  79. </ajc-test>
  80. <!-- target for annotation is from a jar and annotation and aspect are in a different jar-->
  81. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr211052" title="declare atType problems - 7">
  82. <compile options="-1.5" files="" outjar="target.jar"/>
  83. <compile options="-1.5 -Xlint:ignore" files="," outjar="aspect.jar"/>
  84. <compile options="-1.5 -showWeaveInfo" aspectpath="aspect.jar" inpath="target.jar">
  85. <message kind="weave" text="'c.d.DistantResource' ( is annotated with @e.f.SimpleAnnotation2(classname = &quot;oranges&quot;)"/>
  86. </compile>
  87. <run class="c.d.DistantResource">
  88. <stdout>
  89. <line text="Annotation is @e.f.SimpleAnnotation2(classname=oranges)" vm="1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8"/>
  90. <line text="Annotation is @e.f.SimpleAnnotation2(classname=&quot;oranges&quot;)" vm="9+"/>
  91. </stdout>
  92. </run>
  93. </ajc-test>
  94. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr211674" title="after throwing annotation style problem - 1">
  95. <compile options="-1.5" files=""/>
  96. <run class="Test"/>
  97. </ajc-test>
  98. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr211674" title="after throwing annotation style problem - 2">
  99. <compile options="-1.5" files=""/>
  100. <run class="Test2"/>
  101. </ajc-test>
  102. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr194314" title="broken lvt for woven at aspectj around advice">
  103. <compile options="-1.5" files="test/,test/,test/,test/"/>
  104. </ajc-test>
  105. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr148381/simple" title="argNames does not work - simple">
  106. <!-- this compile is just to get code.jar into the sandbox, all the code is already precompiled in code.jar -->
  107. <compile options="-1.5" files="" classpath="code.jar"/>
  108. <run class="test.Main" classpath="code.jar" ltw="META-INF/aop.xml" usefullltw="true">
  109. <stdout>
  110. <line text="This method was intercepted by the advice:"/>
  111. </stdout>
  112. <stderr/>
  113. </run>
  114. </ajc-test>
  115. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr148381/error1" title="argNames does not work - error1">
  116. <!-- this compile is just to get code.jar into the sandbox, all the code is already precompiled in code.jar -->
  117. <compile options="-1.5" files="" classpath="code.jar"/>
  118. <run class="test.Main" classpath="code.jar" ltw="META-INF/aop.xml">
  119. <stderr>
  120. <line text="argNames annotation value does not specify the right number of argument names for the method 'Object flagExpectationMismatch(ProceedingJoinPoint,PerformanceMonitor)'"/>
  121. <line text="Cannot read debug info for @Aspect to handle formal binding in pointcuts (please compile with 'javac -g' or '&lt;javac debug='true'.../&gt;' in Ant)"/>
  122. </stderr>
  123. <stdout/>
  124. </run>
  125. </ajc-test>
  126. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr148381/error2" title="argNames does not work - error2">
  127. <!-- this compile is just to get code.jar into the sandbox, all the code is already precompiled in code.jar -->
  128. <compile options="-1.5" files="" classpath="code.jar"/>
  129. <run class="test.Main" classpath="code.jar" ltw="META-INF/aop.xml">
  130. <stderr>
  131. <line text="argNames annotation value does not specify the right number of argument names for the method 'Object flagExpectationMismatch(ProceedingJoinPoint,PerformanceMonitor)'"/>
  132. <line text="Cannot read debug info for @Aspect to handle formal binding in pointcuts (please compile with 'javac -g' or '&lt;javac debug='true'.../&gt;' in Ant)"/>
  133. </stderr>
  134. <stdout/>
  135. </run>
  136. </ajc-test>
  137. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr148381/error3" title="argNames does not work - error3">
  138. <!-- this compile is just to get code.jar into the sandbox, all the code is already precompiled in code.jar -->
  139. <compile options="-1.5" files="" classpath="code.jar"/>
  140. <run class="test.Main" classpath="code.jar" ltw="META-INF/aop.xml">
  141. <stderr>
  142. <line text="argNames annotation value does not specify the right number of argument names for the method 'void a(Foo)'"/>
  143. <line text="Cannot read debug info for @Aspect to handle formal binding in pointcuts (please compile with 'javac -g' or '&lt;javac debug='true'.../&gt;' in Ant)"/>
  144. <line text="argNames annotation value does not specify the right number of argument names for the method 'void f(Foo)'"/>
  145. <line text="Cannot read debug info for @Aspect to handle formal binding in pointcuts (please compile with 'javac -g' or '&lt;javac debug='true'.../&gt;' in Ant)"/>
  146. <line text="argNames annotation value does not specify the right number of argument names for the method 'void e(Foo)'"/>
  147. <line text="Cannot read debug info for @Aspect to handle formal binding in pointcuts (please compile with 'javac -g' or '&lt;javac debug='true'.../&gt;' in Ant)"/>
  148. <line text="argNames annotation value does not specify the right number of argument names for the method 'void d(Foo)'"/>
  149. <line text="Cannot read debug info for @Aspect to handle formal binding in pointcuts (please compile with 'javac -g' or '&lt;javac debug='true'.../&gt;' in Ant)"/>
  150. <line text="argNames annotation value does not specify the right number of argument names for the method 'void c(Foo)'"/>
  151. <line text="Cannot read debug info for @Aspect to handle formal binding in pointcuts (please compile with 'javac -g' or '&lt;javac debug='true'.../&gt;' in Ant)"/>
  152. <line text="argNames annotation value does not specify the right number of argument names for the method 'void b(Foo)'"/>
  153. <line text="Cannot read debug info for @Aspect to handle formal binding in pointcuts (please compile with 'javac -g' or '&lt;javac debug='true'.../&gt;' in Ant)"/>
  154. </stderr>
  155. <stdout/>
  156. </run>
  157. </ajc-test>
  158. <!-- very basic with all code style, should be fine -->
  159. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr209019/case1" title="various issues with ltw and around advice - 1">
  160. <compile options="-1.5" files=",,,"/>
  161. <run class="Runner">
  162. <stdout>
  163. <line text="Proceeded at joinpoint call(Object a.b.A.m3())"/>
  164. <line text="Proceeded at joinpoint call(Object a.b.A.m2())"/>
  165. </stdout>
  166. </run>
  167. </ajc-test>
  168. <!-- switch from code style sub-aspect to annotation style sub aspect -->
  169. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr209019/case2" title="various issues with ltw and around advice - 2">
  170. <compile options="-1.5 -XnoInline" files=",,,"/>
  171. <run class="Runner">
  172. <stdout>
  173. <line text="Proceeded at joinpoint call(Object a.b.A.m3())"/>
  174. <line text="Proceeded at joinpoint call(Object a.b.A.m2())"/>
  175. </stdout>
  176. <stderr>
  177. </stderr>
  178. </run>
  179. </ajc-test>
  180. <!-- same as case2 but without -XnoInline -->
  181. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr209019/case2" title="various issues with ltw and around advice - 3">
  182. <compile options="-1.5" files=",,,"/>
  183. <run class="Runner">
  184. <stdout>
  185. <line text="Proceeded at joinpoint call(Object a.b.A.m3())"/>
  186. <line text="Proceeded at joinpoint call(Object a.b.A.m2())"/>
  187. </stdout>
  188. <stderr>
  189. </stderr>
  190. </run>
  191. </ajc-test>
  192. <!-- now loadtime weaving -->
  193. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr209019/case3" title="various issues with ltw and around advice - 4">
  194. <compile options="-1.5" files=",,"/>
  195. <run class="Runner" ltw="aop.xml" usefullltw="true">
  196. <stdout>
  197. <line text="Proceeded at joinpoint call(Object a.b.A.m3())"/>
  198. <line text="Proceeded at joinpoint call(Object a.b.A.m2())"/>
  199. </stdout>
  200. <stderr>
  201. </stderr>
  202. </run>
  203. </ajc-test>
  204. <!-- just checking the new syntax compiles OK -->
  205. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr169432/case1" title="declare parents problem when target already implements interface - 1">
  206. <compile options="-1.5" files=",,"/>
  207. </ajc-test>
  208. <!-- now violate the rules, the types matching the pattern do not implement the interface -->
  209. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr169432/case2" title="declare parents problem when target already implements interface - 2">
  210. <compile options="-1.5" files="">
  211. <message kind="error" line="20" text="@DeclareParents: No defaultImpl was specified but the type 'C1' does not implement the method 'int m()' defined on the interface 'NonMarkerInterface'"/>
  212. <message kind="error" line="24" text="@DeclareParents: No defaultImpl was specified but the type 'C2' does not implement the method 'int m()' defined on the interface 'NonMarkerInterface'"/>
  213. </compile>
  214. </ajc-test>
  215. <!-- now they do, lets check they behave as expected -->
  216. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr169432/case3" title="declare parents problem when target already implements interface - 3">
  217. <compile options="-1.5" files=""/>
  218. <run class="A">
  219. <stdout>
  220. <line text="C1.m() returns 1"/>
  221. <line text="C2.m() returns 2"/>
  222. </stdout>
  223. </run>
  224. </ajc-test>
  225. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr202088" title="abstract annotation style pointcut with context">
  226. <compile options="-1.5" files=""/>
  227. <compile options="-1.5" files="">
  228. </compile>
  229. <run class="tracing.Bug2">
  230. <stdout>
  231. <line text="o is 'instance of C'"/>
  232. </stdout>
  233. </run>
  234. </ajc-test>
  235. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr169428" title="no error for atDecp in normal class">
  236. <compile options="-1.5" files="">
  237. <message kind="error" text="Advice must be declared inside an aspect type"/>
  238. </compile>
  239. <compile options="-1.5" files="">
  240. <message kind="error" text="DeclareParents can only be used inside an aspect type"/>
  241. </compile>
  242. </ajc-test>
  243. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr162539" title="NPE with missing @aspect annotation in pointcut library - 1">
  244. <compile files="test/ataspectj/pointcutlibrary/, test/ataspectj/pointcutlibrary/" classpath="lib.jar" options="-1.5"/>
  245. </ajc-test>
  246. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr162539" title="NPE with missing @aspect annotation in pointcut library - 2">
  247. <compile files="test/ataspectj/pointcutlibrary/, test/ataspectj/pointcutlibrary/, test/ataspectj/pointcutlibrary/" options="-1.5"/>
  248. </ajc-test>
  249. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr176991" title="wrong number of type parameters">
  250. <compile options="-1.5" files=""/>
  251. </ajc-test>
  252. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr186673" title="jars and zips with non-standard suffix">
  253. <compile options="-1.5" files="" outjar="apple.jar.0"/>
  254. <compile options="-1.5" files="" outjar="orange.zipfoo"/>
  255. <!-- check ant and a standard compile -->
  256. <!--ant file="ant.xml" target="default" verbose="true">
  257. <stdout>
  258. <line text="Blah"/>
  259. </stdout>
  260. </ant-->
  261. <compile options="-1.5" files="" classpath="orange.zipfoo,apple.jar.0"/>
  262. </ajc-test>
  263. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr203646" title="npe with itd on inner generic interface">
  264. <compile options="-1.5" files=""/>
  265. <!--compile options="-1.5 -emacssym" files=""/-->
  266. </ajc-test>
  267. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr203646" title="npe with itd on inner generic interface - emacssym">
  268. <compile options="-1.5 -emacssym" files=""/>
  269. </ajc-test>
  270. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr203646" title="npe with itd on inner generic interface - exampleA">
  271. <compile options="-1.5" files=""/>
  272. <run class="ExampleA"/>
  273. </ajc-test>
  274. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr203646" title="npe with itd on inner generic interface - exampleB">
  275. <compile options="-1.5" files="">
  276. <message kind="error" line="20" text="The method intro(String) in the type I.J&lt;String&gt; is not applicable for the arguments (int)"/>
  277. </compile>
  278. </ajc-test>
  279. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr203646" title="npe with itd on inner generic interface - exampleC">
  280. <compile options="-1.5" files=""/>
  281. <run class="ExampleC"/>
  282. </ajc-test>
  283. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr203646" title="npe with itd on inner generic interface - exampleD">
  284. <compile options="-1.5" files=""/>
  285. <run class="ExampleD"/>
  286. </ajc-test>
  287. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr203646" title="npe with itd on inner generic interface - exampleE">
  288. <compile options="-1.5" files=""/>
  289. <run class="ExampleE"/>
  290. </ajc-test>
  291. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr203646" title="npe with itd on inner generic interface - exampleF">
  292. <compile options="-1.5" files=""/>
  293. <run class="ExampleF"/>
  294. </ajc-test>
  295. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr203646" title="npe with itd on inner generic interface - exampleG">
  296. <compile options="-1.5" files=""/>
  297. </ajc-test>
  298. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr206732" title="itd clash for types from aspectpath">
  299. <compile outjar="foo.jar" files="Advised.aj"/>
  300. <compile files="Ref.aj" aspectpath="foo.jar"/>
  301. </ajc-test>
  302. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr175806" title="coping with bad tables">
  303. <compile options="-1.5" files=""/>
  304. </ajc-test>
  305. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr174449" title="problem with generic aspect and generic pointcut">
  306. <compile options="-1.5" files=""/>
  307. <run class="Foo">
  308. <stderr>
  309. <line text="around advice executing: servant class is class Boo"/>
  310. <line text="around advice executing: servant class is class Goo"/>
  311. </stderr>
  312. </run>
  313. </ajc-test>
  314. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr174449" title="problem with generic aspect and generic pointcut - noinline">
  315. <compile options="-1.5 -XnoInline" files=""/>
  316. <run class="Foo">
  317. <stderr>
  318. <line text="around advice executing: servant class is class Boo"/>
  319. <line text="around advice executing: servant class is class Goo"/>
  320. </stderr>
  321. </run>
  322. </ajc-test>
  323. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr171953_2" title="problem with generic methods and ordering - ok">
  324. <compile options="-1.5" files="test/ListFactoryAspect.aj, test/,test/,test/,test/,test/">
  325. </compile>
  326. </ajc-test>
  327. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr171953_2" title="problem with generic methods and ordering - bad">
  328. <compile options="-1.5" files="test/,test/,test/,test/,test/ListFactoryAspect.aj,test/">
  329. </compile>
  330. </ajc-test>
  331. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr171953" title="problem with itd and join point signature collection - bad">
  332. <compile options="-1.5 -showWeaveInfo" files="test/,test/,test/,test/ExecutionAspect.aj,test/ test/ test/">
  333. <message kind="weave" text="Join point 'method-execution(void test.SecondTestExecutable.execute())' in Type 'test.SecondTestExecutable' ( advised by around advice from 'test.ExecutionAspect' (ExecutionAspect.aj:9)"/>
  334. <message kind="weave" text="Extending interface set for type 'test.AbstractExecutable' ( to include '' (ExecutionAspect.aj)"/>
  335. <message kind="weave" text="Join point 'method-execution(void test.SubTestExecutable.execute())' in Type 'test.SubTestExecutable' ( advised by around advice from 'test.ExecutionAspect' (ExecutionAspect.aj:9)"/>
  336. <message kind="weave" text="Join point 'method-execution(void test.TestExecutable.execute())' in Type 'test.TestExecutable' ( advised by around advice from 'test.ExecutionAspect' (ExecutionAspect.aj:9)"/>
  337. </compile>
  338. <run class="test.SecondTestExecutable"/>
  339. </ajc-test>
  340. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr171953" title="problem with itd and join point signature collection - ok">
  341. <compile options="-1.5 -showWeaveInfo" files="test/ test/ test/ test/ test/ExecutionAspect.aj test/RunnableAspect.aj test/ test/">
  342. <message kind="weave" text="Join point 'method-execution(void test.SecondTestExecutable.execute())' in Type 'test.SecondTestExecutable' ( advised by around advice from 'test.ExecutionAspect' (ExecutionAspect.aj:9)"/>
  343. <message kind="weave" text="Extending interface set for type 'test.AbstractExecutable' ( to include '' (ExecutionAspect.aj)"/>
  344. <message kind="weave" text="Join point 'method-execution(void test.SubTestExecutable.execute())' in Type 'test.SubTestExecutable' ( advised by around advice from 'test.ExecutionAspect' (ExecutionAspect.aj:9)"/>
  345. <message kind="weave" text="Join point 'method-execution(void test.TestExecutable.execute())' in Type 'test.TestExecutable' ( advised by around advice from 'test.ExecutionAspect' (ExecutionAspect.aj:9)"/>
  346. </compile>
  347. <run class="test.SecondTestExecutable"/>
  348. </ajc-test>
  349. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr171952" title="generic methods and ITDs">
  350. <compile files="," options="-1.5"/>
  351. </ajc-test>
  352. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr169428" title="using decp annotation without aspect annotation">
  353. <compile files="" options="-1.5">
  354. <message kind="error" text="Found @AspectJ annotations in a non @Aspect type 'AnAspect'"/>
  355. </compile>
  356. </ajc-test>
  357. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr170467" title="itds and parameterized parameters">
  358. <compile files="Bug.aj" options="-1.5"/>
  359. <compile files="Bug2.aj" options="-1.5"/>
  360. </ajc-test>
  361. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr169706" title="inherited annotations">
  362. <compile files=",,,,," options="-1.5 -showWeaveInfo">
  363. <message kind="weave" text="Join point 'method-call(void' in Type 'Test' ( advised by before advice from 'MyAspect' ("/>
  364. </compile>
  365. </ajc-test>
  366. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr165885" title="generic field npe">
  367. <compile files=",," options="-1.5">
  368. <message kind="warning" line="8" text="foo"/>
  369. </compile>
  370. </ajc-test>
  371. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr168044" title="complex generics - 1">
  372. <compile files="" options="-1.5">
  373. </compile>
  374. </ajc-test>
  375. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr168063" title="incorrectly marking field transient">
  376. <compile files=""/>
  377. <run class="A">
  378. <stdout>
  379. <line text="It worked, data preserved!"/>
  380. </stdout>
  381. </run>
  382. </ajc-test>
  383. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr166084" title="incorrect optimization of istore">
  384. <compile files="" inpath="simple.jar"/>
  385. <run class="Simple"/>
  386. </ajc-test>
  387. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr165631" title="dual parameterizations not allowed">
  388. <!-- two variations of the same situation, should fail in the same way -->
  389. <compile files="" options="-1.5">
  390. <message kind="error" line="12" text="Cannot declare parent B"/>
  391. </compile>
  392. <compile files="" options="-1.5">
  393. <message kind="error" line="13" text="Cannot declare parent B"/>
  394. </compile>
  395. </ajc-test>
  396. <ajc-test dir="ltw"
  397. title="Suppress warnings1"
  398. keywords="xlint, ltw, nowarn, pr166238">
  399. <compile
  400. files=""
  401. >
  402. </compile>
  403. <run class="Main" ltw="aop-noxlintfile-nowarn.xml">
  404. <stderr/> <!-- no warnings from missing xlint file: they are suppressed -->
  405. </run>
  406. </ajc-test>
  407. <ajc-test dir="ltw"
  408. title="Suppress warnings2"
  409. keywords="xlint, ltw, nowarn, pr166238">
  410. <compile
  411. files=""
  412. >
  413. </compile>
  414. <run class="Main" ltw="aop-noxlintfile-warnnone.xml">
  415. <stderr/> <!-- no warnings from missing xlint file: they are suppressed -->
  416. </run>
  417. </ajc-test>
  418. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr172107" title="null returned from getField()"
  419. keywords="pr172107">
  420. <compile files=",Instrumentation.aj"/>
  421. <run class="ReadWriteAJBug172107"/>
  422. </ajc-test>
  423. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr197719" title="annotation style syntax and cross package extension">
  424. <compile files="test/aspects/,test/aspects/,test/aspects/,test/aspects/,test/aspects2/" options="-1.5"/>
  425. <run class="test.aspects2.C2"/>
  426. </ajc-test>
  427. <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr205907" title="new pointcut designators in a reference pointcut">
  428. <compile files="Test.aj"/>
  429. </ajc-test>
  430. </suite>