1 // Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
3 exports[`should correctly change the button based on the status 1`] = `
12 exports[`should correctly change the button based on the status 2`] = `
14 className="js-confirm"
21 exports[`should display correctly 1`] = `
24 bodyOpenClassName="ReactModal__Body--open"
27 contentLabel="marketplace.install_x.Foo"
29 onRequestClose={[Function]}
30 overlayClassName="modal-overlay"
31 parentSelector={[Function]}
32 portalClassName="ReactModalPortal"
33 shouldCloseOnOverlayClick={true}
36 className="modal-head"
39 marketplace.install_x.Foo
43 className="modal-body"
47 "download_link": "download_url",
48 "more_link": "more_url",
50 "request_license_link": "license_url",
53 updateLicense={[Function]}
56 className="modal-foot"
59 className="js-modal-close"