1 // Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
3 exports[`should render correctly 1`] = `
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32 className="source-viewer"
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80 "creationDate": "2017-03-01T09:36:01+0100",
83 "key": "AVsae-CQS-9G3txfbFN2",
85 "message": "Reduce the number of conditional operators (4) used in the expression",
86 "project": "myproject",
89 "rule": "javascript:S1067",
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110 "component": "main.js",
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114 "creationDate": "2017-03-01T09:36:01+0100",
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117 "key": "AVsae-CQS-9G3txfbFN2",
119 "message": "Reduce the number of conditional operators (4) used in the expression",
120 "project": "myproject",
122 "projectName": "Foo",
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128 "textRange": Object {
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140 loadDuplications={[Function]}
141 loadSourcesAfter={[Function]}
142 loadSourcesBefore={[Function]}
143 loadingSourcesAfter={false}
144 loadingSourcesBefore={false}
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