1 // Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
3 exports[`renders correctly: list element 1`] = `
6 aria-label="project_plural"
11 noRowsRenderer={[Function]}
12 onRowsRendered={[Function]}
14 overscanIndicesGetter={[Function]}
18 rowRenderer={[Function]}
19 scrollToAlignment="auto"
32 exports[`renders correctly: row element 1`] = `
63 exports[`renders different types of "no projects" 1`] = `
65 className="projects-list"
73 exports[`renders different types of "no projects" 2`] = `
75 className="projects-list"
81 exports[`renders different types of "no projects" 3`] = `
83 className="projects-list"