1 password.encoder.no.such.algoritm=The specified algorithm {0} is not available in the JAAS Implementation of this JVM.
2 password.encoder.unsupported.encoding=The UTF-8 Encoding is not available in the JAAS Implementation of this JVM.
3 user.password.violation.missing=You must provide a password.
4 user.password.violation.length=You must provide a password between {0} and {1} characters in length.
5 user.password.violation.length.misconfigured=Password Length Rule is misconfigured. Specified minimum of ({0}) is larger than specified maximum of ({1}). Rule disabled.
6 user.password.violation.alpha=You must provide a password containing at least {0} alphabetic character(s).
7 user.password.violation.numeric=You must provide a password containing at least {0} numeric character(s).
8 user.password.violation.reuse=Your password cannot match any of your previous {0} password(s).
9 user.password.violation.alphanum.only=You must provide a password containing all alpha-numeric characters.
10 user.password.violation.whitespace.detected=You must provide a password without whitespace characters.