Rebrand the source as TigerVNC. It is my hope that this patch is
minimal but still complete. The rebranding was done using a script:
find trunk -name .svn -prune -o -type f -exec \{\} \;
pushd trunk
svn revert doc/TODO doc/registered-codes.txt doc/ft-protocol-problems.txt doc/rfbtight.tex
perl -pi -e 's|tightvnc|tigervnc|g' unix/ win/ unix/README
With looking like:
perl -pi -e 's|TightVNC|TigerVNC|g' "$@"
perl -pi -e 's|www\.tightvnc\.com/bugs\.html|www\.tigervnc\.org|g' "$@"
perl -pi -e 's|www\.tightvnc\.com|www\.tigervnc\.org|g' "$@"
perl -pi -e 's|devteam\@tightvnc\.com|tigervnc-devel\@lists\.sourceforge\.net|g' "$@"
perl -pi -e 's|TigerVNC Team|TightVNC Team|g' "$@"
perl -pi -e 's|TigerVNC Group|TightVNC Group|g' "$@"
perl -pi -e 's|TigerVNC protocol|TightVNC protocol|g' "$@"
perl -pi -e 's|TigerVNC-specific|TightVNC-specific|g' "$@"
perl -pi -e 's|Vendor signatures: standard VNC/RealVNC, TridiaVNC, and TigerVNC|Vendor signatures: standard VNC/RealVNC, TridiaVNC, and TightVNC|g' "$@"
perl -pi -e 's|TigerVNC vendor|TightVNC vendor|g' "$@"
perl -pi -e 's|TigerVNC extension|TightVNC extension|g' "$@"
perl -pi -e 's|protocolTigerVNC|protocolTightVNC|g' "$@"
perl -pi -e 's|TigerVNC additions were|TightVNC additions were|g' "$@"
perl -pi -e 's|TigerVNC 1\.2|TightVNC 1\.2|g' "$@"
perl -pi -e 's|TigerVNC authentication type|TightVNC authentication type|g' "$@"
git-svn-id: svn://