"fixed" block container handling fixed (see block-container_absolute-position_fixed.xml).
Barcode4J generating barcodes correctly for both GOCA and conversion-mode="bitmap".
AbstractGenericSVGHandler now declares use of static final String BITMAP which is used by concrete subclasses and provides overridable methods. for buildGraphicsNode() and createPainter().
*State classes are now renamed *PaintingState.
AFPImageGraphics2DFactory - painter is not overriden but is now instead prepared for y-axis inversion.
AFPGraphics2DAdapter - commented lines removed.
Inlining now only done when the graphic is a non conversion-mode="bitmap".
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xmlgraphics/fop/branches/Temp_AFPGOCAResources@711273