local threshold = mean
local total = spam + ham
- if total >= threshold and total > 0 then
+ if total == 0 or math.abs(ham - spam) <= total * ${epsilon_common} then
+ common = common + 1
+ if ttl > ${common_ttl} then
+ discriminated = discriminated + 1
+ redis.call('EXPIRE', key, ${common_ttl})
+ end
+ elseif total >= threshold and total > 0 then
if ham / total > ${significant_factor} or spam / total > ${significant_factor} then
significant = significant + 1
if ${lazy} or expire < 0 then
extended = extended + 1
- elseif total == 0 or math.abs(ham - spam) <= total * ${epsilon_common} then
- common = common + 1
- if ttl > ${common_ttl} then
- discriminated = discriminated + 1
- redis.call('EXPIRE', key, ${common_ttl})
- end
infrequent = infrequent + 1
if expire < 0 then