import me.prettyprint.cassandra.model.CqlQuery;
import me.prettyprint.cassandra.model.CqlRows;
+import me.prettyprint.cassandra.serializers.LongSerializer;
import me.prettyprint.cassandra.serializers.StringSerializer;
import me.prettyprint.cassandra.service.template.ColumnFamilyTemplate;
import me.prettyprint.cassandra.service.template.ColumnFamilyUpdater;
.addEqualsExpression( "projectId", projectId ) //
- for (Row<String,String,String> row : result.get())
+ for ( Row<String, String, String> row : result.get() )
this.projectVersionMetadataModelTemplate.deleteRow( row.getKey() );
StringSerializer ss = StringSerializer.get();
- CqlQuery<String, String, String> cqlQuery = new CqlQuery<String, String, String>( keyspace, ss, ss, ss );
- cqlQuery.setQuery( "select * from " + cassandraArchivaManager.getArtifactMetadataModelFamilyName() //
- + " where 'whenGathered' >= " + startTime.getTime() //
- + " and 'whenGathered' <= " + endTime.getTime() //
- + " and respositoryName = '" + repositoryId + "'" );
- QueryResult<CqlRows<String, String, String>> result = cqlQuery.execute();
- List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>( result.get().getCount() );
- for ( Row<String, String, String> row : result.get() )
+ StringBuilder cqlQuery =
+ new StringBuilder( "select * from " + cassandraArchivaManager.getArtifactMetadataModelFamilyName() );
+ cqlQuery.append( " where repositoryName = '" + repositoryId + "'" );
+ if ( startTime != null )
- keys.add( row.getKey() );
+ cqlQuery.append( " and 'whenGathered' >= " + startTime.getTime() );
+ if ( endTime != null )
+ {
+ cqlQuery.append( " and 'whenGathered' <= " + endTime.getTime() );
+ }
+ QueryResult<CqlRows<String, String, String>> result =
+ new CqlQuery<String, String, String>( keyspace, ss, ss, ss ).setQuery( cqlQuery.toString() ).execute();
-/* final List<ArtifactMetadataModel> artifactMetadataModels = new ArrayList<ArtifactMetadataModel>();
- // FIXME cql query
- getArtifactMetadataModelEntityManager().visitAll( new Function<ArtifactMetadataModel, Boolean>()
- {
- @Override
- public Boolean apply( ArtifactMetadataModel artifactMetadataModel )
- {
- if ( artifactMetadataModel != null )
- {
- if ( StringUtils.equals( artifactMetadataModel.getRepositoryId(), repositoryId )
- && artifactMetadataModel.getNamespace() != null &&
- artifactMetadataModel.getProject() != null && artifactMetadataModel.getId() != null )
- {
+ List<ArtifactMetadata> artifactMetadatas = new ArrayList<ArtifactMetadata>( result.get().getCount() );
- Date when = artifactMetadataModel.getWhenGathered();
- if ( ( startTime != null ? when.getTime() >= startTime.getTime() : true ) && ( endTime != null ?
- when.getTime() <= endTime.getTime() : true ) )
- {
- logger.debug( "getArtifactsByDateRange visitAll found: {}", artifactMetadataModel );
- artifactMetadataModels.add( artifactMetadataModel );
- }
- }
- }
- return Boolean.TRUE;
- }
- } );
- List<ArtifactMetadata> artifactMetadatas = new ArrayList<ArtifactMetadata>( artifactMetadataModels.size() );
+ LongSerializer ls = LongSerializer.get();
- for ( ArtifactMetadataModel model : artifactMetadataModels )
+ for ( Row<String, String, String> row : result.get() )
- ArtifactMetadata artifactMetadata = getModelMapper().map( model, ArtifactMetadata.class );
- populateFacets( artifactMetadata );
+ ColumnSlice<String, String> columnSlice = row.getColumnSlice();
+ ArtifactMetadata artifactMetadata = new ArtifactMetadata();
+ artifactMetadata.setNamespace( columnSlice.getColumnByName( "namespaceId" ).getValue() );
+ artifactMetadata.setSize( ls.fromByteBuffer( columnSlice.getColumnByName( "size" ).getValueBytes() ) );
+ artifactMetadata.setId( columnSlice.getColumnByName( "id" ).getValue() );
+ artifactMetadata.setFileLastModified(
+ ls.fromByteBuffer( columnSlice.getColumnByName( "fileLastModified" ).getValueBytes() ) );
+ artifactMetadata.setMd5( columnSlice.getColumnByName( "md5" ).getValue() );
+ artifactMetadata.setProject( columnSlice.getColumnByName( "project" ).getValue() );
+ artifactMetadata.setProjectVersion( columnSlice.getColumnByName( "projectVersion" ).getValue() );
+ artifactMetadata.setRepositoryId( columnSlice.getColumnByName( "repositoryName" ).getValue() );
+ artifactMetadata.setSha1( columnSlice.getColumnByName( "sha1" ).getValue() );
+ artifactMetadata.setVersion( columnSlice.getColumnByName( "version" ).getValue() );
+ artifactMetadata.setWhenGathered(
+ new Date( ls.fromByteBuffer( columnSlice.getColumnByName( "whenGathered" ).getValueBytes() ) ) );
artifactMetadatas.add( artifactMetadata );
- // FIXME facets ?
- logger.debug( "getArtifactsByDateRange repositoryId: {}, startTime: {}, endTime: {}, artifactMetadatas: {}",
- repositoryId, startTime, endTime, artifactMetadatas );
- return artifactMetadatas;*/
- return Collections.emptyList();
+ return artifactMetadatas;
protected void populateFacets( final ArtifactMetadata artifactMetadata )