Please push some commits to <span wicket:id="pushurl"></span>\r
- <h3>Git Command-Line Syntax</h3> \r
- <pre wicket:id="syntax"></pre>\r
+ <h3>Git Command-Line Syntax</h3>\r
+ <span style="padding-bottom:5px;">If you do not have a local Git repository, then you should clone this repository, commit some files, and then push your commits back to this repository.</span>\r
+ <p></p>\r
+ <pre style="padding-top:5px;" wicket:id="cloneSyntax"></pre>\r
+ <p></p>\r
+ <span style="padding-bottom:5px;">If you already have a local Git repository with commits, then you may add this repository as a remote and push to it.</span>\r
+ <p></p>\r
+ <pre wicket:id="remoteSyntax"></pre>\r
<h3>Learn Git</h3>\r
- If you are lost or don't know what to do with this information, consider reviewing the excellent <a href="http://progit.org/book" target="_blank">Pro Git</a> book for a better understanding on how to use Git.\r
+ If you are unsure how to use this information, consider reviewing the <a href="http://book.git-scm.com">Git Community Book</a> or <a href="http://progit.org/book" target="_blank">Pro Git</a> for a better understanding on how to use Git.\r
<h4>Open Source Git Clients</h4>\r
add(new Label("repository", repositoryName));\r
add(new RepositoryUrlPanel("pushurl", repositoryUrls.get(0)));\r
- add(new Label("syntax", MessageFormat.format("git remote add gitblit {0}\ngit push gitblit master", repositoryUrls.get(0))));\r
+ add(new Label("cloneSyntax", MessageFormat.format("git clone {0}", repositoryUrls.get(0))));\r
+ add(new Label("remoteSyntax", MessageFormat.format("git remote add gitblit {0}\ngit push gitblit master", repositoryUrls.get(0))));\r