--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r
+ Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation\r
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");\r
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\r
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at\r
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\r
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\r
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\r
+ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\r
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\r
+ limitations under the License.\r
+<!-- $Id$ -->\r
+ <info>\r
+ <p>\r
+ This test checks multi-column documents. This test is a special regression test \r
+ (a section that is not the first span group, is not spanned, is forced to be \r
+ balanced and breaks over a page).\r
+ </p>\r
+ </info>\r
+ <fo>\r
+ <fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">\r
+ <fo:layout-master-set>\r
+ <fo:simple-page-master master-name="normal" page-width="320pt" page-height="4in" margin="20pt">\r
+ <fo:region-body column-count="3" column-gap="10pt"/>\r
+ </fo:simple-page-master>\r
+ </fo:layout-master-set>\r
+ <fo:page-sequence master-reference="normal" white-space-collapse="true">\r
+ <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">\r
+ <fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line1</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line2</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line3</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line4</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line5</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line6</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line7</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line8</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line9</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line10</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line11</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line12</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line13</fo:block>\r
+ </fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block span="all">\r
+ <fo:block>This line is spanned over all columns.</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>This line is spanned over all columns.</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>This line is spanned over all columns.</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>This line is spanned over all columns.</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>This line is spanned over all columns.</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>This line is spanned over all columns.</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>This line is spanned over all columns.</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>This line is spanned over all columns.</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>This line is spanned over all columns.</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>This line is spanned over all columns.</fo:block>\r
+ </fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block> <!-- this is the interesting block for this test -->\r
+ <fo:block>line1</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line2</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line3</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line4</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line5</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line6</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line7</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line8</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line9</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line10</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line11</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line12</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line13</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line14</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line15</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line16</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line17</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line18</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line19</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line20</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line21</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line22</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line23</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line24</fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block>line25</fo:block>\r
+ </fo:block>\r
+ <fo:block span="all"/>\r
+ </fo:flow>\r
+ </fo:page-sequence>\r
+ </fo:root>\r
+ </fo>\r
+ <checks>\r
+ <eval expected="2" xpath="count(//pageViewport)"/>\r
+ \r
+ <eval expected="2" xpath="count(//pageViewport[@nr=1]//lineArea[.='line6'])"/>\r
+ <!-- the bug cause the second "line7" block to be painted on page 1 instead of 2 -->\r
+ <eval expected="1" xpath="count(//pageViewport[@nr=1]//lineArea[.='line7'])"/>\r
+ <eval expected="1" xpath="count(//pageViewport[@nr=2]//lineArea[.='line7'])"/>\r
+ </checks>\r