+ desc 'Duplicates a key. Exemple rake locales:dup key=foo new_key=bar'
+ task :dup do
+ dir = ENV['DIR'] || './config/locales'
+ files = Dir.glob(File.join(dir,'*.yml'))
+ skips = ENV['skip'] ? Regexp.union(ENV['skip'].split(',')) : nil
+ key = ENV['key']
+ new_key = ENV['new_key']
+ abort "Missing key argument" if key.blank?
+ abort "Missing new_key argument" if new_key.blank?
+ files.each do |path|
+ # Skip certain locales
+ (puts "Skipping #{path}"; next) if File.basename(path, ".yml") =~ skips
+ puts "Adding #{new_key} to #{path}"
+ strings = File.read(path)
+ unless strings =~ /^( #{key}: .+)$/
+ puts "Key not found in #{path}"
+ next
+ end
+ line = $1
+ File.open(path, 'a') do |file|
+ file.puts(line.sub(key, new_key))
+ end
+ end
+ end
desc 'Check parsing yaml by psych library on Ruby 1.9.'
# On Fedora 12 and 13, if libyaml-devel is available,