public final class TestFormulaParser {
- /**
- * @return parsed token array already confirmed not <code>null</code>
- */
- /* package */ static Ptg[] parseFormula(String formula) {
- Ptg[] result = HSSFFormulaParser.parse(formula, (HSSFWorkbook)null);
- assertNotNull("Ptg array should not be null", result);
- return result;
- }
- private static String toFormulaString(Ptg[] ptgs) {
- return HSSFFormulaParser.toFormulaString((HSSFWorkbook)null, ptgs);
- }
- @Test
- public void testSimpleFormula() {
- confirmTokenClasses("2+2",IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, AddPtg.class);
- }
- @Test
- public void testFormulaWithSpace1() {
- confirmTokenClasses(" 2 + 2 ",IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, AddPtg.class);
- }
- @Test
- public void testFormulaWithSpace2() {
- Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula("2+ sum( 3 , 4) ");
- assertEquals(5, ptgs.length);
- }
- @Test
- public void testFormulaWithSpaceNRef() {
- Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula("sum( A2:A3 )");
- assertEquals(2, ptgs.length);
- }
- @Test
- public void testFormulaWithString() {
- Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula("\"hello\" & \"world\" ");
- assertEquals(3, ptgs.length);
- }
- @Test
- public void testTRUE() {
- Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula("TRUE");
- assertEquals(1, ptgs.length);
- BoolPtg flag = (BoolPtg) ptgs[0];
- assertEquals(true, flag.getValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testSumIf() {
- Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula("SUMIF(A1:A5,\">4000\",B1:B5)");
- assertEquals(4, ptgs.length);
- }
- /**
- * Bug Reported by xt-jens.riis@nokia.com (Jens Riis)
- * Refers to Bug <a href="http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=17582">#17582</a>
- *
- */
- @Test
- public void testNonAlphaFormula() {
- Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula("\"TOTAL[\"&F3&\"]\"");
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, StringPtg.class, RefPtg.class, ConcatPtg.class, StringPtg.class, ConcatPtg.class);
- assertEquals("TOTAL[", ((StringPtg)ptgs[0]).getValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testMacroFunction() throws IOException {
- // testNames.xls contains a VB function called 'myFunc'
- final String testFile = "testNames.xls";
- HSSFWorkbook wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook(testFile);
- try {
- HSSFEvaluationWorkbook book = HSSFEvaluationWorkbook.create(wb);
- //Expected ptg stack: [NamePtg(myFunc), StringPtg(arg), (additional operands go here...), FunctionPtg(myFunc)]
- Ptg[] ptg = FormulaParser.parse("myFunc(\"arg\")", book, FormulaType.CELL, -1);
- assertEquals(3, ptg.length);
- // the name gets encoded as the first operand on the stack
- NamePtg tname = (NamePtg) ptg[0];
- assertEquals("myFunc", tname.toFormulaString(book));
- // the function's arguments are pushed onto the stack from left-to-right as OperandPtgs
- StringPtg arg = (StringPtg) ptg[1];
- assertEquals("arg", arg.getValue());
- // The external FunctionPtg is the last Ptg added to the stack
- // During formula evaluation, this Ptg pops off the the appropriate number of
- // arguments (getNumberOfOperands()) and pushes the result on the stack
- AbstractFunctionPtg tfunc = (AbstractFunctionPtg) ptg[2]; //FuncVarPtg
- assertTrue(tfunc.isExternalFunction());
- // confirm formula parsing is case-insensitive
- FormulaParser.parse("mYfUnC(\"arg\")", book, FormulaType.CELL, -1);
- // confirm formula parsing doesn't care about argument count or type
- // this should only throw an error when evaluating the formula.
- FormulaParser.parse("myFunc()", book, FormulaType.CELL, -1);
- FormulaParser.parse("myFunc(\"arg\", 0, TRUE)", book, FormulaType.CELL, -1);
- // A completely unknown formula name (not saved in workbook) should still be parseable and renderable
- // but will throw an NotImplementedFunctionException or return a #NAME? error value if evaluated.
- FormulaParser.parse("yourFunc(\"arg\")", book, FormulaType.CELL, -1);
- // Verify that myFunc and yourFunc were successfully added to Workbook names
- HSSFWorkbook wb2 = HSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
- try {
- // HSSFWorkbook/EXCEL97-specific side-effects user-defined function names must be added to Workbook's defined names in order to be saved.
- assertNotNull(wb2.getName("myFunc"));
- assertEqualsIgnoreCase("myFunc", wb2.getName("myFunc").getNameName());
- assertNotNull(wb2.getName("yourFunc"));
- assertEqualsIgnoreCase("yourFunc", wb2.getName("yourFunc").getNameName());
- // Manually check to make sure file isn't corrupted
- // TODO: develop a process for occasionally manually reviewing workbooks
- // to verify workbooks are not corrupted
- /*
- final File fileIn = HSSFTestDataSamples.getSampleFile(testFile);
- final File reSavedFile = new File(fileIn.getParentFile(), fileIn.getName().replace(".xls", "-saved.xls"));
- FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(reSavedFile);
- wb2.write(fos);
- fos.close();
- */
- } finally {
- wb2.close();
- }
- } finally {
- wb.close();
- }
- }
- private final static void assertEqualsIgnoreCase(String expected, String actual) {
- assertEquals(expected.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT), actual.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
- }
- @Test
- public void testEmbeddedSlash() {
- confirmTokenClasses("HYPERLINK(\"http://www.jakarta.org\",\"Jakarta\")",
- StringPtg.class, StringPtg.class, FuncVarPtg.class);
- }
- @Test
- public void testConcatenate() {
- confirmTokenClasses("CONCATENATE(\"first\",\"second\")",
- StringPtg.class, StringPtg.class, FuncVarPtg.class);
- }
- @Test
- public void testWorksheetReferences() throws IOException {
- HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
- wb.createSheet("NoQuotesNeeded");
- wb.createSheet("Quotes Needed Here &#$@");
- HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Test");
- HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
- HSSFCell cell;
- cell = row.createCell(0);
- cell.setCellFormula("NoQuotesNeeded!A1");
- cell = row.createCell(1);
- cell.setCellFormula("'Quotes Needed Here &#$@'!A1");
- wb.close();
- }
- @Test
- public void testUnaryMinus() {
- confirmTokenClasses("-A1", RefPtg.class, UnaryMinusPtg.class);
- }
- @Test
- public void testUnaryPlus() {
- confirmTokenClasses("+A1", RefPtg.class, UnaryPlusPtg.class);
- }
- /**
- * There may be multiple ways to encode an expression involving {@link UnaryPlusPtg}
- * or {@link UnaryMinusPtg}. These may be perfectly equivalent from a formula
- * evaluation perspective, or formula rendering. However, differences in the way
- * POI encodes formulas may cause unnecessary confusion. These non-critical tests
- * check that POI follows the same encoding rules as Excel.
- */
- @Test
- public void testExactEncodingOfUnaryPlusAndMinus() {
- // as tested in Excel:
- confirmUnary("-3", -3, NumberPtg.class);
- confirmUnary("--4", -4, NumberPtg.class, UnaryMinusPtg.class);
- confirmUnary("+++5", 5, IntPtg.class, UnaryPlusPtg.class, UnaryPlusPtg.class);
- confirmUnary("++-6", -6, NumberPtg.class, UnaryPlusPtg.class, UnaryPlusPtg.class);
- // Spaces muck things up a bit. It would be clearer why the following cases are
- // reasonable if POI encoded tAttrSpace in the right places.
- // Otherwise these differences look capricious.
- confirmUnary("+ 12", 12, IntPtg.class, UnaryPlusPtg.class);
- confirmUnary("- 13", 13, IntPtg.class, UnaryMinusPtg.class);
- }
- private static void confirmUnary(String formulaText, double val, Class<?>...expectedTokenTypes) {
- Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula(formulaText);
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, expectedTokenTypes);
- Ptg ptg0 = ptgs[0];
- if (ptg0 instanceof IntPtg) {
- IntPtg intPtg = (IntPtg) ptg0;
- assertEquals((int)val, intPtg.getValue());
- } else if (ptg0 instanceof NumberPtg) {
- NumberPtg numberPtg = (NumberPtg) ptg0;
- assertEquals(val, numberPtg.getValue(), 0.0);
- } else {
- fail("bad ptg0 " + ptg0);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testLeadingSpaceInString() {
- String value = " hi ";
- Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula("\"" + value + "\"");
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, StringPtg.class);
- assertTrue("ptg0 contains exact value", ((StringPtg)ptgs[0]).getValue().equals(value));
- }
- @Test
- public void testLookupAndMatchFunctionArgs() {
- Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula("lookup(A1, A3:A52, B3:B52)");
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, RefPtg.class, AreaPtg.class, AreaPtg.class, FuncVarPtg.class);
- assertTrue("ptg0 has Value class", ptgs[0].getPtgClass() == Ptg.CLASS_VALUE);
- ptgs = parseFormula("match(A1, A3:A52)");
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, RefPtg.class, AreaPtg.class, FuncVarPtg.class);
- assertTrue("ptg0 has Value class", ptgs[0].getPtgClass() == Ptg.CLASS_VALUE);
- }
- /** bug 33160*/
- @Test
- public void testLargeInt() {
- confirmTokenClasses("40", IntPtg.class);
- confirmTokenClasses("40000", IntPtg.class);
- }
- /** bug 33160 */
- @Test
- public void testSimpleLongFormula() {
- confirmTokenClasses("40000/2", IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, DividePtg.class);
- }
- /** bug 35027, underscore in sheet name */
- @Test
- public void testUnderscore() throws IOException {
- HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
- wb.createSheet("Cash_Flow");
- HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Test");
- HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
- HSSFCell cell;
- cell = row.createCell(0);
- cell.setCellFormula("Cash_Flow!A1");
- wb.close();
- }
+ /**
+ * @return parsed token array already confirmed not <code>null</code>
+ */
+ /* package */ static Ptg[] parseFormula(String formula) {
+ Ptg[] result = HSSFFormulaParser.parse(formula, (HSSFWorkbook)null);
+ assertNotNull("Ptg array should not be null", result);
+ return result;
+ }
+ private static String toFormulaString(Ptg[] ptgs) {
+ return HSSFFormulaParser.toFormulaString((HSSFWorkbook)null, ptgs);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSimpleFormula() {
+ confirmTokenClasses("2+2",IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, AddPtg.class);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testFormulaWithSpace1() {
+ confirmTokenClasses(" 2 + 2 ",IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, AddPtg.class);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testFormulaWithSpace2() {
+ Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula("2+ sum( 3 , 4) ");
+ assertEquals(5, ptgs.length);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testFormulaWithSpaceNRef() {
+ Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula("sum( A2:A3 )");
+ assertEquals(2, ptgs.length);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testFormulaWithString() {
+ Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula("\"hello\" & \"world\" ");
+ assertEquals(3, ptgs.length);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testTRUE() {
+ Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula("TRUE");
+ assertEquals(1, ptgs.length);
+ BoolPtg flag = (BoolPtg) ptgs[0];
+ assertEquals(true, flag.getValue());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSumIf() {
+ Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula("SUMIF(A1:A5,\">4000\",B1:B5)");
+ assertEquals(4, ptgs.length);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Bug Reported by xt-jens.riis@nokia.com (Jens Riis)
+ * Refers to Bug <a href="http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=17582">#17582</a>
+ *
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testNonAlphaFormula() {
+ Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula("\"TOTAL[\"&F3&\"]\"");
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, StringPtg.class, RefPtg.class, ConcatPtg.class, StringPtg.class, ConcatPtg.class);
+ assertEquals("TOTAL[", ((StringPtg)ptgs[0]).getValue());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMacroFunction() throws IOException {
+ // testNames.xls contains a VB function called 'myFunc'
+ final String testFile = "testNames.xls";
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook(testFile);
+ try {
+ HSSFEvaluationWorkbook book = HSSFEvaluationWorkbook.create(wb);
+ //Expected ptg stack: [NamePtg(myFunc), StringPtg(arg), (additional operands go here...), FunctionPtg(myFunc)]
+ Ptg[] ptg = FormulaParser.parse("myFunc(\"arg\")", book, FormulaType.CELL, -1);
+ assertEquals(3, ptg.length);
+ // the name gets encoded as the first operand on the stack
+ NamePtg tname = (NamePtg) ptg[0];
+ assertEquals("myFunc", tname.toFormulaString(book));
+ // the function's arguments are pushed onto the stack from left-to-right as OperandPtgs
+ StringPtg arg = (StringPtg) ptg[1];
+ assertEquals("arg", arg.getValue());
+ // The external FunctionPtg is the last Ptg added to the stack
+ // During formula evaluation, this Ptg pops off the the appropriate number of
+ // arguments (getNumberOfOperands()) and pushes the result on the stack
+ AbstractFunctionPtg tfunc = (AbstractFunctionPtg) ptg[2]; //FuncVarPtg
+ assertTrue(tfunc.isExternalFunction());
+ // confirm formula parsing is case-insensitive
+ FormulaParser.parse("mYfUnC(\"arg\")", book, FormulaType.CELL, -1);
+ // confirm formula parsing doesn't care about argument count or type
+ // this should only throw an error when evaluating the formula.
+ FormulaParser.parse("myFunc()", book, FormulaType.CELL, -1);
+ FormulaParser.parse("myFunc(\"arg\", 0, TRUE)", book, FormulaType.CELL, -1);
+ // A completely unknown formula name (not saved in workbook) should still be parseable and renderable
+ // but will throw an NotImplementedFunctionException or return a #NAME? error value if evaluated.
+ FormulaParser.parse("yourFunc(\"arg\")", book, FormulaType.CELL, -1);
+ // Verify that myFunc and yourFunc were successfully added to Workbook names
+ HSSFWorkbook wb2 = HSSFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(wb);
+ try {
+ // HSSFWorkbook/EXCEL97-specific side-effects user-defined function names must be added to Workbook's defined names in order to be saved.
+ assertNotNull(wb2.getName("myFunc"));
+ assertEqualsIgnoreCase("myFunc", wb2.getName("myFunc").getNameName());
+ assertNotNull(wb2.getName("yourFunc"));
+ assertEqualsIgnoreCase("yourFunc", wb2.getName("yourFunc").getNameName());
+ // Manually check to make sure file isn't corrupted
+ // TODO: develop a process for occasionally manually reviewing workbooks
+ // to verify workbooks are not corrupted
+ /*
+ final File fileIn = HSSFTestDataSamples.getSampleFile(testFile);
+ final File reSavedFile = new File(fileIn.getParentFile(), fileIn.getName().replace(".xls", "-saved.xls"));
+ FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(reSavedFile);
+ wb2.write(fos);
+ fos.close();
+ */
+ } finally {
+ wb2.close();
+ }
+ } finally {
+ wb.close();
+ }
+ }
+ private final static void assertEqualsIgnoreCase(String expected, String actual) {
+ assertEquals(expected.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT), actual.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testEmbeddedSlash() {
+ confirmTokenClasses("HYPERLINK(\"http://www.jakarta.org\",\"Jakarta\")",
+ StringPtg.class, StringPtg.class, FuncVarPtg.class);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testConcatenate() {
+ confirmTokenClasses("CONCATENATE(\"first\",\"second\")",
+ StringPtg.class, StringPtg.class, FuncVarPtg.class);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWorksheetReferences() throws IOException {
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ wb.createSheet("NoQuotesNeeded");
+ wb.createSheet("Quotes Needed Here &#$@");
+ HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Test");
+ HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
+ HSSFCell cell;
+ cell = row.createCell(0);
+ cell.setCellFormula("NoQuotesNeeded!A1");
+ cell = row.createCell(1);
+ cell.setCellFormula("'Quotes Needed Here &#$@'!A1");
+ wb.close();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testUnaryMinus() {
+ confirmTokenClasses("-A1", RefPtg.class, UnaryMinusPtg.class);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testUnaryPlus() {
+ confirmTokenClasses("+A1", RefPtg.class, UnaryPlusPtg.class);
+ }
+ /**
+ * There may be multiple ways to encode an expression involving {@link UnaryPlusPtg}
+ * or {@link UnaryMinusPtg}. These may be perfectly equivalent from a formula
+ * evaluation perspective, or formula rendering. However, differences in the way
+ * POI encodes formulas may cause unnecessary confusion. These non-critical tests
+ * check that POI follows the same encoding rules as Excel.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testExactEncodingOfUnaryPlusAndMinus() {
+ // as tested in Excel:
+ confirmUnary("-3", -3, NumberPtg.class);
+ confirmUnary("--4", -4, NumberPtg.class, UnaryMinusPtg.class);
+ confirmUnary("+++5", 5, IntPtg.class, UnaryPlusPtg.class, UnaryPlusPtg.class);
+ confirmUnary("++-6", -6, NumberPtg.class, UnaryPlusPtg.class, UnaryPlusPtg.class);
+ // Spaces muck things up a bit. It would be clearer why the following cases are
+ // reasonable if POI encoded tAttrSpace in the right places.
+ // Otherwise these differences look capricious.
+ confirmUnary("+ 12", 12, IntPtg.class, UnaryPlusPtg.class);
+ confirmUnary("- 13", 13, IntPtg.class, UnaryMinusPtg.class);
+ }
+ private static void confirmUnary(String formulaText, double val, Class<?>...expectedTokenTypes) {
+ Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula(formulaText);
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, expectedTokenTypes);
+ Ptg ptg0 = ptgs[0];
+ if (ptg0 instanceof IntPtg) {
+ IntPtg intPtg = (IntPtg) ptg0;
+ assertEquals((int)val, intPtg.getValue());
+ } else if (ptg0 instanceof NumberPtg) {
+ NumberPtg numberPtg = (NumberPtg) ptg0;
+ assertEquals(val, numberPtg.getValue(), 0.0);
+ } else {
+ fail("bad ptg0 " + ptg0);
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testLeadingSpaceInString() {
+ String value = " hi ";
+ Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula("\"" + value + "\"");
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, StringPtg.class);
+ assertTrue("ptg0 contains exact value", ((StringPtg)ptgs[0]).getValue().equals(value));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testLookupAndMatchFunctionArgs() {
+ Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula("lookup(A1, A3:A52, B3:B52)");
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, RefPtg.class, AreaPtg.class, AreaPtg.class, FuncVarPtg.class);
+ assertTrue("ptg0 has Value class", ptgs[0].getPtgClass() == Ptg.CLASS_VALUE);
+ ptgs = parseFormula("match(A1, A3:A52)");
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, RefPtg.class, AreaPtg.class, FuncVarPtg.class);
+ assertTrue("ptg0 has Value class", ptgs[0].getPtgClass() == Ptg.CLASS_VALUE);
+ }
+ /** bug 33160*/
+ @Test
+ public void testLargeInt() {
+ confirmTokenClasses("40", IntPtg.class);
+ confirmTokenClasses("40000", IntPtg.class);
+ }
+ /** bug 33160 */
+ @Test
+ public void testSimpleLongFormula() {
+ confirmTokenClasses("40000/2", IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, DividePtg.class);
+ }
+ /** bug 35027, underscore in sheet name */
+ @Test
+ public void testUnderscore() throws IOException {
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ wb.createSheet("Cash_Flow");
+ HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Test");
+ HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
+ HSSFCell cell;
+ cell = row.createCell(0);
+ cell.setCellFormula("Cash_Flow!A1");
+ wb.close();
+ }
/** bug 49725, defined names with underscore */
- @Test
+ @Test
public void testNamesWithUnderscore() throws IOException {
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); //or new XSSFWorkbook();
HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("NamesWithUnderscore");
// bug 38396 : Formula with exponential numbers not parsed correctly.
- @Test
- public void testExponentialParsing() {
- confirmTokenClasses("1.3E21/2", NumberPtg.class, IntPtg.class, DividePtg.class);
- confirmTokenClasses("1322E21/2", NumberPtg.class, IntPtg.class, DividePtg.class);
- confirmTokenClasses("1.3E1/2", NumberPtg.class, IntPtg.class, DividePtg.class);
- }
+ @Test
+ public void testExponentialParsing() {
+ confirmTokenClasses("1.3E21/2", NumberPtg.class, IntPtg.class, DividePtg.class);
+ confirmTokenClasses("1322E21/2", NumberPtg.class, IntPtg.class, DividePtg.class);
+ confirmTokenClasses("1.3E1/2", NumberPtg.class, IntPtg.class, DividePtg.class);
+ }
- @Test
- public void testExponentialInSheet() throws IOException {
- HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ @Test
+ public void testExponentialInSheet() throws IOException {
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
- wb.createSheet("Cash_Flow");
+ wb.createSheet("Cash_Flow");
- HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Test");
- HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
- HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(0);
- String formula = null;
+ HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Test");
+ HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
+ HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(0);
+ String formula = null;
- cell.setCellFormula("1.3E21/3");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "1.3E+21/3", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("-1.3E21/3");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "-1.3E+21/3", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("1322E21/3");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "1.322E+24/3", formula);
+ cell.setCellFormula("1.3E21/3");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "1.3E+21/3", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("-1322E21/3");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "-1.322E+24/3", formula);
+ cell.setCellFormula("-1.3E21/3");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "-1.3E+21/3", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("1.3E1/3");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "13/3", formula);
+ cell.setCellFormula("1322E21/3");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "1.322E+24/3", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("-1.3E1/3");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "-13/3", formula);
+ cell.setCellFormula("-1322E21/3");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "-1.322E+24/3", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("1.3E-4/3");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "0.00013/3", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("-1.3E-4/3");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "-0.00013/3", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("13E-15/3");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "0.000000000000013/3", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("-13E-15/3");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "-0.000000000000013/3", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("1.3E3/3");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "1300/3", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("-1.3E3/3");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "-1300/3", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("1300000000000000/3");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "1300000000000000/3", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("-1300000000000000/3");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "-1300000000000000/3", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("-10E-1/3.1E2*4E3/3E4");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "-1/310*4000/30000", formula);
- wb.close();
- }
- @Test
- public void testNumbers() throws IOException {
- HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
- wb.createSheet("Cash_Flow");
- HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Test");
- HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
- HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(0);
- String formula = null;
- // starts from decimal point
- cell.setCellFormula(".1");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("0.1", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("+.1");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("0.1", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("-.1");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("-0.1", formula);
+ cell.setCellFormula("1.3E1/3");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "13/3", formula);
- // has exponent
- cell.setCellFormula("10E1");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("100", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("10E+1");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("100", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("10E-1");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("1", formula);
- wb.close();
- }
- @Test
- public void testRanges() throws IOException {
- HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
- wb.createSheet("Cash_Flow");
+ cell.setCellFormula("-1.3E1/3");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "-13/3", formula);
- HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Test");
- HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
- HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(0);
- String formula = null;
+ cell.setCellFormula("1.3E-4/3");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "0.00013/3", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("A1.A2");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("A1:A2", formula);
+ cell.setCellFormula("-1.3E-4/3");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "-0.00013/3", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("A1..A2");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("A1:A2", formula);
+ cell.setCellFormula("13E-15/3");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "0.000000000000013/3", formula);
- cell.setCellFormula("A1...A2");
- formula = cell.getCellFormula();
- assertEquals("A1:A2", formula);
- wb.close();
- }
+ cell.setCellFormula("-13E-15/3");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "-0.000000000000013/3", formula);
+ cell.setCellFormula("1.3E3/3");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "1300/3", formula);
+ cell.setCellFormula("-1.3E3/3");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "-1300/3", formula);
+ cell.setCellFormula("1300000000000000/3");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "1300000000000000/3", formula);
- @Test
- public void testMultiSheetReference() throws IOException {
+ cell.setCellFormula("-1300000000000000/3");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "-1300000000000000/3", formula);
+ cell.setCellFormula("-10E-1/3.1E2*4E3/3E4");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("Exponential formula string", "-1/310*4000/30000", formula);
+ wb.close();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testNumbers() throws IOException {
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ wb.createSheet("Cash_Flow");
+ HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Test");
+ HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
+ HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(0);
+ String formula = null;
+ // starts from decimal point
+ cell.setCellFormula(".1");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("0.1", formula);
+ cell.setCellFormula("+.1");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("0.1", formula);
+ cell.setCellFormula("-.1");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("-0.1", formula);
+ // has exponent
+ cell.setCellFormula("10E1");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("100", formula);
+ cell.setCellFormula("10E+1");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("100", formula);
+ cell.setCellFormula("10E-1");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("1", formula);
+ wb.close();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRanges() throws IOException {
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ wb.createSheet("Cash_Flow");
+ HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Test");
+ HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
+ HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(0);
+ String formula = null;
+ cell.setCellFormula("A1.A2");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("A1:A2", formula);
+ cell.setCellFormula("A1..A2");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("A1:A2", formula);
+ cell.setCellFormula("A1...A2");
+ formula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ assertEquals("A1:A2", formula);
+ wb.close();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMultiSheetReference() throws IOException {
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
wb.createSheet("Test Sheet");
HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Test");
HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(0);
assertEquals("Cash_Flow:\'Test Sheet\'!A1:B2", formula);
- }
- /**
- * Test for bug observable at svn revision 618865 (5-Feb-2008)<br/>
- * a formula consisting of a single no-arg function got rendered without the function braces
- */
- @Test
- public void testToFormulaStringZeroArgFunction() throws IOException {
- HSSFWorkbook book = new HSSFWorkbook();
- Ptg[] ptgs = {
- FuncPtg.create(10),
- };
- assertEquals("NA()", HSSFFormulaParser.toFormulaString(book, ptgs));
- book.close();
- }
- @Test
- public void testPercent() {
- confirmTokenClasses("5%", IntPtg.class, PercentPtg.class);
- // spaces OK
- confirmTokenClasses(" 250 % ", IntPtg.class, PercentPtg.class);
- // double percent OK
- confirmTokenClasses("12345.678%%", NumberPtg.class, PercentPtg.class, PercentPtg.class);
- // percent of a bracketed expression
- confirmTokenClasses("(A1+35)%*B1%", RefPtg.class, IntPtg.class, AddPtg.class, ParenthesisPtg.class,
- PercentPtg.class, RefPtg.class, PercentPtg.class, MultiplyPtg.class);
- // percent of a text quantity
- confirmTokenClasses("\"8.75\"%", StringPtg.class, PercentPtg.class);
- // percent to the power of
- confirmTokenClasses("50%^3", IntPtg.class, PercentPtg.class, IntPtg.class, PowerPtg.class);
- // things that parse OK but would *evaluate* to an error
- confirmTokenClasses("\"abc\"%", StringPtg.class, PercentPtg.class);
- confirmTokenClasses("#N/A%", ErrPtg.class, PercentPtg.class);
- }
- /**
- * Tests combinations of various operators in the absence of brackets
- */
- @Test
- public void testPrecedenceAndAssociativity() {
- // TRUE=TRUE=2=2 evaluates to FALSE
- confirmTokenClasses("TRUE=TRUE=2=2", BoolPtg.class, BoolPtg.class, EqualPtg.class,
- IntPtg.class, EqualPtg.class, IntPtg.class, EqualPtg.class);
- // 2^3^2 evaluates to 64 not 512
- confirmTokenClasses("2^3^2", IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, PowerPtg.class,
- IntPtg.class, PowerPtg.class);
- // "abc" & 2 + 3 & "def" evaluates to "abc5def"
- confirmTokenClasses("\"abc\"&2+3&\"def\"", StringPtg.class, IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class,
- AddPtg.class, ConcatPtg.class, StringPtg.class, ConcatPtg.class);
- // (1 / 2) - (3 * 4)
- confirmTokenClasses("1/2-3*4", IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, DividePtg.class,
- IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, MultiplyPtg.class, SubtractPtg.class);
- // 2 * (2^2)
- // NOT: (2 *2) ^ 2 -> int int multiply int power
- confirmTokenClasses("2*2^2", IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, PowerPtg.class, MultiplyPtg.class);
- // 2^200% -> 2 not 1.6E58
- confirmTokenClasses("2^200%", IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, PercentPtg.class, PowerPtg.class);
- }
- /* package */ static Ptg[] confirmTokenClasses(String formula, Class<?>...expectedClasses) {
- Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula(formula);
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, expectedClasses);
- return ptgs;
- }
- private static void confirmTokenClasses(Ptg[] ptgs, Class<?>...expectedClasses) {
- assertEquals(expectedClasses.length, ptgs.length);
- for (int i = 0; i < expectedClasses.length; i++) {
- if(expectedClasses[i] != ptgs[i].getClass()) {
- fail("difference at token[" + i + "]: expected ("
- + expectedClasses[i].getName() + ") but got ("
- + ptgs[i].getClass().getName() + ")");
- }
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testPower() {
- confirmTokenClasses("2^5", IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, PowerPtg.class);
- }
- private static Ptg parseSingleToken(String formula, Class<? extends Ptg> ptgClass) {
- Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula(formula);
- assertEquals(1, ptgs.length);
- Ptg result = ptgs[0];
- assertEquals(ptgClass, result.getClass());
- return result;
- }
- @Test
- public void testParseNumber() {
- IntPtg ip;
- // bug 33160
- ip = (IntPtg) parseSingleToken("40", IntPtg.class);
- assertEquals(40, ip.getValue());
- ip = (IntPtg) parseSingleToken("40000", IntPtg.class);
- assertEquals(40000, ip.getValue());
- // check the upper edge of the IntPtg range:
- ip = (IntPtg) parseSingleToken("65535", IntPtg.class);
- assertEquals(65535, ip.getValue());
- NumberPtg np = (NumberPtg) parseSingleToken("65536", NumberPtg.class);
- assertEquals(65536, np.getValue(), 0);
- np = (NumberPtg) parseSingleToken("65534.6", NumberPtg.class);
- assertEquals(65534.6, np.getValue(), 0);
- }
- public void testMissingArgs() {
- confirmTokenClasses("if(A1, ,C1)",
- RefPtg.class,
- AttrPtg.class, // tAttrIf
- MissingArgPtg.class,
- AttrPtg.class, // tAttrSkip
- RefPtg.class,
- AttrPtg.class, // tAttrSkip
- FuncVarPtg.class
- );
- confirmTokenClasses("counta( , A1:B2, )", MissingArgPtg.class, AreaPtg.class, MissingArgPtg.class,
- FuncVarPtg.class);
- }
- @Test
- public void testParseErrorLiterals() {
- confirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.NULL_INTERSECTION, "#NULL!");
- confirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.DIV_ZERO, "#DIV/0!");
- confirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.VALUE_INVALID, "#VALUE!");
- confirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.REF_INVALID, "#REF!");
- confirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.NAME_INVALID, "#NAME?");
- confirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.NUM_ERROR, "#NUM!");
- confirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.N_A, "#N/A");
- parseFormula("HLOOKUP(F7,#REF!,G7,#REF!)");
- }
- private static void confirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg expectedToken, String formula) {
- assertEquals(expectedToken, parseSingleToken(formula, ErrPtg.class));
- }
- /**
- * To aid readability the parameters have been encoded with single quotes instead of double
- * quotes. This method converts single quotes to double quotes before performing the parse
- * and result check.
- */
- private static void confirmStringParse(String singleQuotedValue) {
- // formula: internal quotes become double double, surround with double quotes
- String formula = '"' + singleQuotedValue.replaceAll("'", "\"\"") + '"';
- String expectedValue = singleQuotedValue.replace('\'', '"');
- StringPtg sp = (StringPtg) parseSingleToken(formula, StringPtg.class);
- assertEquals(expectedValue, sp.getValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testParseStringLiterals_bug28754() throws IOException {
- StringPtg sp;
- try {
- sp = (StringPtg) parseSingleToken("\"test\"\"ing\"", StringPtg.class);
- } catch (RuntimeException e) {
- if(e.getMessage().startsWith("Cannot Parse")) {
- fail("Identified bug 28754a");
- }
- throw e;
- }
- assertEquals("test\"ing", sp.getValue());
- HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
- try {
- HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet();
- wb.setSheetName(0, "Sheet1");
+ }
- HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
- HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(0);
- cell.setCellFormula("right(\"test\"\"ing\", 3)");
- String actualCellFormula = cell.getCellFormula();
- if("RIGHT(\"test\"ing\",3)".equals(actualCellFormula)) {
- fail("Identified bug 28754b");
- }
- assertEquals("RIGHT(\"test\"\"ing\",3)", actualCellFormula);
- } finally {
- wb.close();
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testParseStringLiterals() {
- confirmStringParse("goto considered harmful");
- confirmStringParse("goto 'considered' harmful");
- confirmStringParse("");
- confirmStringParse("'");
- confirmStringParse("''");
- confirmStringParse("' '");
- confirmStringParse(" ' ");
- }
- @Test
- public void testParseSumIfSum() {
- String formulaString;
- Ptg[] ptgs;
- ptgs = parseFormula("sum(5, 2, if(3>2, sum(A1:A2), 6))");
- formulaString = toFormulaString(ptgs);
- assertEquals("SUM(5,2,IF(3>2,SUM(A1:A2),6))", formulaString);
- ptgs = parseFormula("if(1<2,sum(5, 2, if(3>2, sum(A1:A2), 6)),4)");
- formulaString = toFormulaString(ptgs);
- assertEquals("IF(1<2,SUM(5,2,IF(3>2,SUM(A1:A2),6)),4)", formulaString);
- }
- @Test
- public void testParserErrors() {
- parseExpectedException(" 12 . 345 ");
- parseExpectedException("1 .23 ");
- parseExpectedException("sum(#NAME)");
- parseExpectedException("1 + #N / A * 2");
- parseExpectedException("#value?");
- parseExpectedException("#DIV/ 0+2");
- parseExpectedException("IF(TRUE)");
- parseExpectedException("countif(A1:B5, C1, D1)");
- parseExpectedException("(");
- parseExpectedException(")");
- parseExpectedException("+");
- parseExpectedException("42+");
- parseExpectedException("IF(");
- }
- private static void parseExpectedException(String formula) {
- try {
- parseFormula(formula);
- fail("Expected FormulaParseException: " + formula);
- } catch (FormulaParseException e) {
- // expected during successful test
- assertNotNull(e.getMessage());
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testSetFormulaWithRowBeyond32768_Bug44539() throws IOException {
- HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
- HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet();
- wb.setSheetName(0, "Sheet1");
- HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
- HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(0);
- cell.setCellFormula("SUM(A32769:A32770)");
- if("SUM(A-32767:A-32766)".equals(cell.getCellFormula())) {
- fail("Identified bug 44539");
- }
- assertEquals("SUM(A32769:A32770)", cell.getCellFormula());
- wb.close();
- }
- @Test
- public void testSpaceAtStartOfFormula() {
- // Simulating cell formula of "= 4" (note space)
- // The same Ptg array can be observed if an excel file is saved with that exact formula
- AttrPtg spacePtg = AttrPtg.createSpace(AttrPtg.SpaceType.SPACE_BEFORE, 1);
- Ptg[] ptgs = { spacePtg, new IntPtg(4), };
- String formulaString;
- try {
- formulaString = toFormulaString(ptgs);
- } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
- if(e.getMessage().equalsIgnoreCase("too much stuff left on the stack")) {
- fail("Identified bug 44609");
- }
- // else some unexpected error
- throw e;
- }
- // FormulaParser strips spaces anyway
- assertEquals("4", formulaString);
- ptgs = new Ptg[] { new IntPtg(3), spacePtg, new IntPtg(4), spacePtg, AddPtg.instance, };
- formulaString = toFormulaString(ptgs);
- assertEquals("3+4", formulaString);
- }
- /**
- * Checks some internal error detecting logic ('stack underflow error' in toFormulaString)
- */
- @Test
- public void testTooFewOperandArgs() {
- // Simulating badly encoded cell formula of "=/1"
- // Not sure if Excel could ever produce this
- Ptg[] ptgs = {
- // Excel would probably have put tMissArg here
- new IntPtg(1),
- DividePtg.instance,
- };
- try {
- toFormulaString(ptgs);
- fail("Expected exception was not thrown");
- } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
- // expected during successful test
- assertTrue(e.getMessage().startsWith("Too few arguments supplied to operation"));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Make sure that POI uses the right Func Ptg when encoding formulas. Functions with variable
- * number of args should get FuncVarPtg, functions with fixed args should get FuncPtg.<p/>
- *
- * Prior to the fix for bug 44675 POI would encode FuncVarPtg for all functions. In many cases
- * Excel tolerates the wrong Ptg and evaluates the formula OK (e.g. SIN), but in some cases
- * (e.g. COUNTIF) Excel fails to evaluate the formula, giving '#VALUE!' instead.
- */
- @Test
- public void testFuncPtgSelection() {
- Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula("countif(A1:A2, 1)");
- assertEquals(3, ptgs.length);
- if(ptgs[2] instanceof FuncVarPtg) {
- fail("Identified bug 44675");
- }
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, AreaPtg.class, IntPtg.class, FuncPtg.class);
- confirmTokenClasses("sin(1)", IntPtg.class, FuncPtg.class);
- }
- @Test
- public void testWrongNumberOfFunctionArgs() throws IOException {
- confirmArgCountMsg("sin()", "Too few arguments to function 'SIN'. Expected 1 but got 0.");
- confirmArgCountMsg("countif(1, 2, 3, 4)", "Too many arguments to function 'COUNTIF'. Expected 2 but got 4.");
- confirmArgCountMsg("index(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)", "Too many arguments to function 'INDEX'. At most 4 were expected but got 6.");
- confirmArgCountMsg("vlookup(1, 2)", "Too few arguments to function 'VLOOKUP'. At least 3 were expected but got 2.");
- }
- private static void confirmArgCountMsg(String formula, String expectedMessage) throws IOException {
- HSSFWorkbook book = new HSSFWorkbook();
- try {
- HSSFFormulaParser.parse(formula, book);
- fail("Didn't get parse exception as expected");
- } catch (FormulaParseException e) {
- confirmParseException(e, expectedMessage);
- }
- book.close();
- }
- @Test
- public void testParseErrorExpectedMsg() {
- try {
- parseFormula("round(3.14;2)");
- fail("Didn't get parse exception as expected");
- } catch (FormulaParseException e) {
- confirmParseException(e,
- "Parse error near char 10 ';' in specified formula 'round(3.14;2)'. Expected ',' or ')'");
- }
- try {
- parseFormula(" =2+2");
- fail("Didn't get parse exception as expected");
- } catch (FormulaParseException e) {
- confirmParseException(e,
- "The specified formula ' =2+2' starts with an equals sign which is not allowed.");
- }
- }
- /**
- * this function name has a dot in it.
- */
- @Test
- public void testParseErrorTypeFunction() {
- Ptg[] ptgs;
- try {
- ptgs = parseFormula("error.type(A1)");
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
- if (e.getMessage().equals("Invalid Formula cell reference: 'error'")) {
- fail("Identified bug 45334");
- }
- throw e;
- }
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, RefPtg.class, FuncPtg.class);
- assertEquals("ERROR.TYPE", ((FuncPtg) ptgs[1]).getName());
- }
- @Test
- public void testNamedRangeThatLooksLikeCell() throws IOException {
- HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
- HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Sheet1");
- HSSFName name = wb.createName();
- name.setRefersToFormula("Sheet1!B1");
- name.setNameName("pfy1");
- Ptg[] ptgs;
- try {
- ptgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("count(pfy1)", wb);
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
- if (e.getMessage().equals("Specified colIx (1012) is out of range")) {
- fail("Identified bug 45354");
- }
- wb.close();
- throw e;
- }
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, NamePtg.class, FuncVarPtg.class);
- HSSFCell cell = sheet.createRow(0).createCell(0);
- cell.setCellFormula("count(pfy1)");
- assertEquals("COUNT(pfy1)", cell.getCellFormula());
- try {
- cell.setCellFormula("count(pf1)");
- fail("Expected formula parse execption");
- } catch (FormulaParseException e) {
- confirmParseException(e,
- "Specified named range 'pf1' does not exist in the current workbook.");
- }
- cell.setCellFormula("count(fp1)"); // plain cell ref, col is in range
- wb.close();
- }
- @Test
- public void testParseAreaRefHighRow_bug45358() throws IOException {
- Ptg[] ptgs;
- AreaI aptg;
- HSSFWorkbook book = new HSSFWorkbook();
- book.createSheet("Sheet1");
- ptgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("Sheet1!A10:A40000", book);
- aptg = (AreaI) ptgs[0];
- if (aptg.getLastRow() == -25537) {
- fail("Identified bug 45358");
- }
- assertEquals(39999, aptg.getLastRow());
- ptgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("Sheet1!A10:A65536", book);
- aptg = (AreaI) ptgs[0];
- assertEquals(65535, aptg.getLastRow());
- // plain area refs should be ok too
- ptgs = parseFormula("A10:A65536");
- aptg = (AreaI) ptgs[0];
- assertEquals(65535, aptg.getLastRow());
- book.close();
- }
- @Test
- public void testParseArray() {
- Ptg[] ptgs;
- ptgs = parseFormula("mode({1,2,2,#REF!;FALSE,3,3,2})");
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, ArrayPtg.class, FuncVarPtg.class);
- assertEquals("{1,2,2,#REF!;FALSE,3,3,2}", ptgs[0].toFormulaString());
- ArrayPtg aptg = (ArrayPtg) ptgs[0];
- Object[][] values = aptg.getTokenArrayValues();
- assertEquals(ErrorConstant.valueOf(FormulaError.REF.getCode()), values[0][3]);
- assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, values[1][0]);
- }
- @Test
- public void testParseStringElementInArray() {
- Ptg[] ptgs;
- ptgs = parseFormula("MAX({\"5\"},3)");
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, ArrayPtg.class, IntPtg.class, FuncVarPtg.class);
- Object element = ((ArrayPtg)ptgs[0]).getTokenArrayValues()[0][0];
- if (element instanceof UnicodeString) {
- // this would cause ClassCastException below
- fail("Wrong encoding of array element value");
- }
- assertEquals(String.class, element.getClass());
- // make sure the formula encodes OK
- int encSize = Ptg.getEncodedSize(ptgs);
- byte[] data = new byte[encSize];
- Ptg.serializePtgs(ptgs, data, 0);
- byte[] expData = HexRead.readFromString(
- "20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 " // tArray
- + "1E 03 00 " // tInt(3)
- + "42 02 07 00 " // tFuncVar(MAX) 2-arg
- + "00 00 00 " // Array data: 1 col, 1 row
- + "02 01 00 00 35" // elem (type=string, len=1, "5")
- );
- assertArrayEquals(expData, data);
- int initSize = Ptg.getEncodedSizeWithoutArrayData(ptgs);
- Ptg[] ptgs2 = Ptg.readTokens(initSize, new LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream(data));
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs2, ArrayPtg.class, IntPtg.class, FuncVarPtg.class);
- }
- @Test
- public void testParseArrayNegativeElement() {
- Ptg[] ptgs;
- try {
- ptgs = parseFormula("{-42}");
- } catch (FormulaParseException e) {
- if (e.getMessage().equals("Parse error near char 1 '-' in specified formula '{-42}'. Expected Integer")) {
- fail("Identified bug - failed to parse negative array element.");
- }
- throw e;
- }
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, ArrayPtg.class);
- Object element = ((ArrayPtg)ptgs[0]).getTokenArrayValues()[0][0];
- assertEquals(-42.0, ((Double)element).doubleValue(), 0.0);
- // Should be able to handle whitespace between unary minus and digits (Excel
- // accepts this formula after presenting the user with a confirmation dialog).
- ptgs = parseFormula("{- 5}");
- element = ((ArrayPtg)ptgs[0]).getTokenArrayValues()[0][0];
- assertEquals(-5.0, ((Double)element).doubleValue(), 0.0);
- }
- @Test
- public void testRangeOperator() throws IOException {
- HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
- HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet();
- HSSFCell cell = sheet.createRow(0).createCell(0);
- wb.setSheetName(0, "Sheet1");
- cell.setCellFormula("Sheet1!B$4:Sheet1!$C1"); // explicit range ':' operator
- assertEquals("Sheet1!B$4:Sheet1!$C1", cell.getCellFormula());
- cell.setCellFormula("Sheet1!B$4:$C1"); // plain area ref
- assertEquals("Sheet1!B1:$C$4", cell.getCellFormula()); // note - area ref is normalised
- cell.setCellFormula("Sheet1!$C1...B$4"); // different syntax for plain area ref
- assertEquals("Sheet1!B1:$C$4", cell.getCellFormula());
- // with funny sheet name
- wb.setSheetName(0, "A1...A2");
- cell.setCellFormula("A1...A2!B1");
- assertEquals("A1...A2!B1", cell.getCellFormula());
- wb.close();
- }
- @Test
- public void testBooleanNamedSheet() throws IOException {
- HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
- HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("true");
- HSSFCell cell = sheet.createRow(0).createCell(0);
- cell.setCellFormula("'true'!B2");
- assertEquals("'true'!B2", cell.getCellFormula());
- wb.close();
- }
- @Test
- public void testParseExternalWorkbookReference() throws IOException {
- HSSFWorkbook wbA = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("multibookFormulaA.xls");
- HSSFCell cell = wbA.getSheetAt(0).getRow(0).getCell(0);
- // make sure formula in sample is as expected
- assertEquals("[multibookFormulaB.xls]BSheet1!B1", cell.getCellFormula());
- Ptg[] expectedPtgs = FormulaExtractor.getPtgs(cell);
- confirmSingle3DRef(expectedPtgs, 1);
- // now try (re-)parsing the formula
- Ptg[] actualPtgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("[multibookFormulaB.xls]BSheet1!B1", wbA);
- confirmSingle3DRef(actualPtgs, 1); // externalSheetIndex 1 -> BSheet1
- // try parsing a formula pointing to a different external sheet
- Ptg[] otherPtgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("[multibookFormulaB.xls]AnotherSheet!B1", wbA);
- confirmSingle3DRef(otherPtgs, 0); // externalSheetIndex 0 -> AnotherSheet
- // try setting the same formula in a cell
- cell.setCellFormula("[multibookFormulaB.xls]AnotherSheet!B1");
- assertEquals("[multibookFormulaB.xls]AnotherSheet!B1", cell.getCellFormula());
- wbA.close();
- }
- private static void confirmSingle3DRef(Ptg[] ptgs, int expectedExternSheetIndex) {
- assertEquals(1, ptgs.length);
- Ptg ptg0 = ptgs[0];
- assertTrue(ptg0 instanceof Ref3DPtg);
- assertEquals(expectedExternSheetIndex, ((Ref3DPtg)ptg0).getExternSheetIndex());
- }
- @Test
- public void testUnion() throws IOException {
- String formula = "Sheet1!$B$2:$C$3,OFFSET(Sheet1!$E$2:$E$4,1,Sheet1!$A$1),Sheet1!$D$6";
- HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
- wb.createSheet("Sheet1");
- Ptg[] ptgs = FormulaParser.parse(formula, HSSFEvaluationWorkbook.create(wb), FormulaType.CELL, -1,-1);
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs,
- // TODO - AttrPtg.class, // Excel prepends this
- MemFuncPtg.class,
- Area3DPtg.class,
- Area3DPtg.class,
- IntPtg.class,
- Ref3DPtg.class,
- FuncVarPtg.class,
- UnionPtg.class,
- Ref3DPtg.class,
- UnionPtg.class
- );
- MemFuncPtg mf = (MemFuncPtg)ptgs[0];
- assertEquals(45, mf.getLenRefSubexpression());
+ /**
+ * Test for bug observable at svn revision 618865 (5-Feb-2008)<br/>
+ * a formula consisting of a single no-arg function got rendered without the function braces
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testToFormulaStringZeroArgFunction() throws IOException {
+ HSSFWorkbook book = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ Ptg[] ptgs = {
+ FuncPtg.create(10),
+ };
+ assertEquals("NA()", HSSFFormulaParser.toFormulaString(book, ptgs));
+ book.close();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testPercent() {
+ confirmTokenClasses("5%", IntPtg.class, PercentPtg.class);
+ // spaces OK
+ confirmTokenClasses(" 250 % ", IntPtg.class, PercentPtg.class);
+ // double percent OK
+ confirmTokenClasses("12345.678%%", NumberPtg.class, PercentPtg.class, PercentPtg.class);
+ // percent of a bracketed expression
+ confirmTokenClasses("(A1+35)%*B1%", RefPtg.class, IntPtg.class, AddPtg.class, ParenthesisPtg.class,
+ PercentPtg.class, RefPtg.class, PercentPtg.class, MultiplyPtg.class);
+ // percent of a text quantity
+ confirmTokenClasses("\"8.75\"%", StringPtg.class, PercentPtg.class);
+ // percent to the power of
+ confirmTokenClasses("50%^3", IntPtg.class, PercentPtg.class, IntPtg.class, PowerPtg.class);
+ // things that parse OK but would *evaluate* to an error
+ confirmTokenClasses("\"abc\"%", StringPtg.class, PercentPtg.class);
+ confirmTokenClasses("#N/A%", ErrPtg.class, PercentPtg.class);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests combinations of various operators in the absence of brackets
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testPrecedenceAndAssociativity() {
+ // TRUE=TRUE=2=2 evaluates to FALSE
+ confirmTokenClasses("TRUE=TRUE=2=2", BoolPtg.class, BoolPtg.class, EqualPtg.class,
+ IntPtg.class, EqualPtg.class, IntPtg.class, EqualPtg.class);
+ // 2^3^2 evaluates to 64 not 512
+ confirmTokenClasses("2^3^2", IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, PowerPtg.class,
+ IntPtg.class, PowerPtg.class);
+ // "abc" & 2 + 3 & "def" evaluates to "abc5def"
+ confirmTokenClasses("\"abc\"&2+3&\"def\"", StringPtg.class, IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class,
+ AddPtg.class, ConcatPtg.class, StringPtg.class, ConcatPtg.class);
+ // (1 / 2) - (3 * 4)
+ confirmTokenClasses("1/2-3*4", IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, DividePtg.class,
+ IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, MultiplyPtg.class, SubtractPtg.class);
+ // 2 * (2^2)
+ // NOT: (2 *2) ^ 2 -> int int multiply int power
+ confirmTokenClasses("2*2^2", IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, PowerPtg.class, MultiplyPtg.class);
+ // 2^200% -> 2 not 1.6E58
+ confirmTokenClasses("2^200%", IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, PercentPtg.class, PowerPtg.class);
+ }
+ /* package */ static Ptg[] confirmTokenClasses(String formula, Class<?>...expectedClasses) {
+ Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula(formula);
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, expectedClasses);
+ return ptgs;
+ }
+ private static void confirmTokenClasses(Ptg[] ptgs, Class<?>...expectedClasses) {
+ assertEquals(expectedClasses.length, ptgs.length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < expectedClasses.length; i++) {
+ if(expectedClasses[i] != ptgs[i].getClass()) {
+ fail("difference at token[" + i + "]: expected ("
+ + expectedClasses[i].getName() + ") but got ("
+ + ptgs[i].getClass().getName() + ")");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testPower() {
+ confirmTokenClasses("2^5", IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, PowerPtg.class);
+ }
+ private static Ptg parseSingleToken(String formula, Class<? extends Ptg> ptgClass) {
+ Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula(formula);
+ assertEquals(1, ptgs.length);
+ Ptg result = ptgs[0];
+ assertEquals(ptgClass, result.getClass());
+ return result;
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testParseNumber() {
+ IntPtg ip;
+ // bug 33160
+ ip = (IntPtg) parseSingleToken("40", IntPtg.class);
+ assertEquals(40, ip.getValue());
+ ip = (IntPtg) parseSingleToken("40000", IntPtg.class);
+ assertEquals(40000, ip.getValue());
+ // check the upper edge of the IntPtg range:
+ ip = (IntPtg) parseSingleToken("65535", IntPtg.class);
+ assertEquals(65535, ip.getValue());
+ NumberPtg np = (NumberPtg) parseSingleToken("65536", NumberPtg.class);
+ assertEquals(65536, np.getValue(), 0);
+ np = (NumberPtg) parseSingleToken("65534.6", NumberPtg.class);
+ assertEquals(65534.6, np.getValue(), 0);
+ }
+ public void testMissingArgs() {
+ confirmTokenClasses("if(A1, ,C1)",
+ RefPtg.class,
+ AttrPtg.class, // tAttrIf
+ MissingArgPtg.class,
+ AttrPtg.class, // tAttrSkip
+ RefPtg.class,
+ AttrPtg.class, // tAttrSkip
+ FuncVarPtg.class
+ );
+ confirmTokenClasses("counta( , A1:B2, )", MissingArgPtg.class, AreaPtg.class, MissingArgPtg.class,
+ FuncVarPtg.class);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testParseErrorLiterals() {
+ confirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.NULL_INTERSECTION, "#NULL!");
+ confirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.DIV_ZERO, "#DIV/0!");
+ confirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.VALUE_INVALID, "#VALUE!");
+ confirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.REF_INVALID, "#REF!");
+ confirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.NAME_INVALID, "#NAME?");
+ confirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.NUM_ERROR, "#NUM!");
+ confirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg.N_A, "#N/A");
+ parseFormula("HLOOKUP(F7,#REF!,G7,#REF!)");
+ }
+ private static void confirmParseErrorLiteral(ErrPtg expectedToken, String formula) {
+ assertEquals(expectedToken, parseSingleToken(formula, ErrPtg.class));
+ }
+ /**
+ * To aid readability the parameters have been encoded with single quotes instead of double
+ * quotes. This method converts single quotes to double quotes before performing the parse
+ * and result check.
+ */
+ private static void confirmStringParse(String singleQuotedValue) {
+ // formula: internal quotes become double double, surround with double quotes
+ String formula = '"' + singleQuotedValue.replaceAll("'", "\"\"") + '"';
+ String expectedValue = singleQuotedValue.replace('\'', '"');
+ StringPtg sp = (StringPtg) parseSingleToken(formula, StringPtg.class);
+ assertEquals(expectedValue, sp.getValue());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testParseStringLiterals_bug28754() throws IOException {
+ StringPtg sp;
+ try {
+ sp = (StringPtg) parseSingleToken("\"test\"\"ing\"", StringPtg.class);
+ } catch (RuntimeException e) {
+ if(e.getMessage().startsWith("Cannot Parse")) {
+ fail("Identified bug 28754a");
+ }
+ throw e;
+ }
+ assertEquals("test\"ing", sp.getValue());
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ try {
+ HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet();
+ wb.setSheetName(0, "Sheet1");
+ HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
+ HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(0);
+ cell.setCellFormula("right(\"test\"\"ing\", 3)");
+ String actualCellFormula = cell.getCellFormula();
+ if("RIGHT(\"test\"ing\",3)".equals(actualCellFormula)) {
+ fail("Identified bug 28754b");
+ }
+ assertEquals("RIGHT(\"test\"\"ing\",3)", actualCellFormula);
+ } finally {
+ wb.close();
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testParseStringLiterals() {
+ confirmStringParse("goto considered harmful");
+ confirmStringParse("goto 'considered' harmful");
+ confirmStringParse("");
+ confirmStringParse("'");
+ confirmStringParse("''");
+ confirmStringParse("' '");
+ confirmStringParse(" ' ");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testParseSumIfSum() {
+ String formulaString;
+ Ptg[] ptgs;
+ ptgs = parseFormula("sum(5, 2, if(3>2, sum(A1:A2), 6))");
+ formulaString = toFormulaString(ptgs);
+ assertEquals("SUM(5,2,IF(3>2,SUM(A1:A2),6))", formulaString);
+ ptgs = parseFormula("if(1<2,sum(5, 2, if(3>2, sum(A1:A2), 6)),4)");
+ formulaString = toFormulaString(ptgs);
+ assertEquals("IF(1<2,SUM(5,2,IF(3>2,SUM(A1:A2),6)),4)", formulaString);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testParserErrors() {
+ parseExpectedException(" 12 . 345 ");
+ parseExpectedException("1 .23 ");
+ parseExpectedException("sum(#NAME)");
+ parseExpectedException("1 + #N / A * 2");
+ parseExpectedException("#value?");
+ parseExpectedException("#DIV/ 0+2");
+ parseExpectedException("IF(TRUE)");
+ parseExpectedException("countif(A1:B5, C1, D1)");
+ parseExpectedException("(");
+ parseExpectedException(")");
+ parseExpectedException("+");
+ parseExpectedException("42+");
+ parseExpectedException("IF(");
+ }
+ private static void parseExpectedException(String formula) {
+ try {
+ parseFormula(formula);
+ fail("Expected FormulaParseException: " + formula);
+ } catch (FormulaParseException e) {
+ // expected during successful test
+ assertNotNull(e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSetFormulaWithRowBeyond32768_Bug44539() throws IOException {
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet();
+ wb.setSheetName(0, "Sheet1");
+ HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
+ HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(0);
+ cell.setCellFormula("SUM(A32769:A32770)");
+ if("SUM(A-32767:A-32766)".equals(cell.getCellFormula())) {
+ fail("Identified bug 44539");
+ }
+ assertEquals("SUM(A32769:A32770)", cell.getCellFormula());
+ wb.close();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSpaceAtStartOfFormula() {
+ // Simulating cell formula of "= 4" (note space)
+ // The same Ptg array can be observed if an excel file is saved with that exact formula
+ AttrPtg spacePtg = AttrPtg.createSpace(AttrPtg.SpaceType.SPACE_BEFORE, 1);
+ Ptg[] ptgs = { spacePtg, new IntPtg(4), };
+ String formulaString;
+ try {
+ formulaString = toFormulaString(ptgs);
+ } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
+ if(e.getMessage().equalsIgnoreCase("too much stuff left on the stack")) {
+ fail("Identified bug 44609");
+ }
+ // else some unexpected error
+ throw e;
+ }
+ // FormulaParser strips spaces anyway
+ assertEquals("4", formulaString);
+ ptgs = new Ptg[] { new IntPtg(3), spacePtg, new IntPtg(4), spacePtg, AddPtg.instance, };
+ formulaString = toFormulaString(ptgs);
+ assertEquals("3+4", formulaString);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks some internal error detecting logic ('stack underflow error' in toFormulaString)
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testTooFewOperandArgs() {
+ // Simulating badly encoded cell formula of "=/1"
+ // Not sure if Excel could ever produce this
+ Ptg[] ptgs = {
+ // Excel would probably have put tMissArg here
+ new IntPtg(1),
+ DividePtg.instance,
+ };
+ try {
+ toFormulaString(ptgs);
+ fail("Expected exception was not thrown");
+ } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
+ // expected during successful test
+ assertTrue(e.getMessage().startsWith("Too few arguments supplied to operation"));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Make sure that POI uses the right Func Ptg when encoding formulas. Functions with variable
+ * number of args should get FuncVarPtg, functions with fixed args should get FuncPtg.<p/>
+ *
+ * Prior to the fix for bug 44675 POI would encode FuncVarPtg for all functions. In many cases
+ * Excel tolerates the wrong Ptg and evaluates the formula OK (e.g. SIN), but in some cases
+ * (e.g. COUNTIF) Excel fails to evaluate the formula, giving '#VALUE!' instead.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testFuncPtgSelection() {
+ Ptg[] ptgs = parseFormula("countif(A1:A2, 1)");
+ assertEquals(3, ptgs.length);
+ if(ptgs[2] instanceof FuncVarPtg) {
+ fail("Identified bug 44675");
+ }
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, AreaPtg.class, IntPtg.class, FuncPtg.class);
+ confirmTokenClasses("sin(1)", IntPtg.class, FuncPtg.class);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testWrongNumberOfFunctionArgs() throws IOException {
+ confirmArgCountMsg("sin()", "Too few arguments to function 'SIN'. Expected 1 but got 0.");
+ confirmArgCountMsg("countif(1, 2, 3, 4)", "Too many arguments to function 'COUNTIF'. Expected 2 but got 4.");
+ confirmArgCountMsg("index(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)", "Too many arguments to function 'INDEX'. At most 4 were expected but got 6.");
+ confirmArgCountMsg("vlookup(1, 2)", "Too few arguments to function 'VLOOKUP'. At least 3 were expected but got 2.");
+ }
+ private static void confirmArgCountMsg(String formula, String expectedMessage) throws IOException {
+ HSSFWorkbook book = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ try {
+ HSSFFormulaParser.parse(formula, book);
+ fail("Didn't get parse exception as expected");
+ } catch (FormulaParseException e) {
+ confirmParseException(e, expectedMessage);
+ }
+ book.close();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testParseErrorExpectedMsg() {
+ try {
+ parseFormula("round(3.14;2)");
+ fail("Didn't get parse exception as expected");
+ } catch (FormulaParseException e) {
+ confirmParseException(e,
+ "Parse error near char 10 ';' in specified formula 'round(3.14;2)'. Expected ',' or ')'");
+ }
+ try {
+ parseFormula(" =2+2");
+ fail("Didn't get parse exception as expected");
+ } catch (FormulaParseException e) {
+ confirmParseException(e,
+ "The specified formula ' =2+2' starts with an equals sign which is not allowed.");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * this function name has a dot in it.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testParseErrorTypeFunction() {
+ Ptg[] ptgs;
+ try {
+ ptgs = parseFormula("error.type(A1)");
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ if (e.getMessage().equals("Invalid Formula cell reference: 'error'")) {
+ fail("Identified bug 45334");
+ }
+ throw e;
+ }
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, RefPtg.class, FuncPtg.class);
+ assertEquals("ERROR.TYPE", ((FuncPtg) ptgs[1]).getName());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testNamedRangeThatLooksLikeCell() throws IOException {
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Sheet1");
+ HSSFName name = wb.createName();
+ name.setRefersToFormula("Sheet1!B1");
+ name.setNameName("pfy1");
+ Ptg[] ptgs;
+ try {
+ ptgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("count(pfy1)", wb);
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+ if (e.getMessage().equals("Specified colIx (1012) is out of range")) {
+ fail("Identified bug 45354");
+ }
+ wb.close();
+ throw e;
+ }
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, NamePtg.class, FuncVarPtg.class);
+ HSSFCell cell = sheet.createRow(0).createCell(0);
+ cell.setCellFormula("count(pfy1)");
+ assertEquals("COUNT(pfy1)", cell.getCellFormula());
+ try {
+ cell.setCellFormula("count(pf1)");
+ fail("Expected formula parse execption");
+ } catch (FormulaParseException e) {
+ confirmParseException(e,
+ "Specified named range 'pf1' does not exist in the current workbook.");
+ }
+ cell.setCellFormula("count(fp1)"); // plain cell ref, col is in range
+ wb.close();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testParseAreaRefHighRow_bug45358() throws IOException {
+ Ptg[] ptgs;
+ AreaI aptg;
+ HSSFWorkbook book = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ book.createSheet("Sheet1");
+ ptgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("Sheet1!A10:A40000", book);
+ aptg = (AreaI) ptgs[0];
+ if (aptg.getLastRow() == -25537) {
+ fail("Identified bug 45358");
+ }
+ assertEquals(39999, aptg.getLastRow());
+ ptgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("Sheet1!A10:A65536", book);
+ aptg = (AreaI) ptgs[0];
+ assertEquals(65535, aptg.getLastRow());
+ // plain area refs should be ok too
+ ptgs = parseFormula("A10:A65536");
+ aptg = (AreaI) ptgs[0];
+ assertEquals(65535, aptg.getLastRow());
+ book.close();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testParseArray() {
+ Ptg[] ptgs;
+ ptgs = parseFormula("mode({1,2,2,#REF!;FALSE,3,3,2})");
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, ArrayPtg.class, FuncVarPtg.class);
+ assertEquals("{1,2,2,#REF!;FALSE,3,3,2}", ptgs[0].toFormulaString());
+ ArrayPtg aptg = (ArrayPtg) ptgs[0];
+ Object[][] values = aptg.getTokenArrayValues();
+ assertEquals(ErrorConstant.valueOf(FormulaError.REF.getCode()), values[0][3]);
+ assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, values[1][0]);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testParseStringElementInArray() {
+ Ptg[] ptgs;
+ ptgs = parseFormula("MAX({\"5\"},3)");
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, ArrayPtg.class, IntPtg.class, FuncVarPtg.class);
+ Object element = ((ArrayPtg)ptgs[0]).getTokenArrayValues()[0][0];
+ if (element instanceof UnicodeString) {
+ // this would cause ClassCastException below
+ fail("Wrong encoding of array element value");
+ }
+ assertEquals(String.class, element.getClass());
+ // make sure the formula encodes OK
+ int encSize = Ptg.getEncodedSize(ptgs);
+ byte[] data = new byte[encSize];
+ Ptg.serializePtgs(ptgs, data, 0);
+ byte[] expData = HexRead.readFromString(
+ "20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 " // tArray
+ + "1E 03 00 " // tInt(3)
+ + "42 02 07 00 " // tFuncVar(MAX) 2-arg
+ + "00 00 00 " // Array data: 1 col, 1 row
+ + "02 01 00 00 35" // elem (type=string, len=1, "5")
+ );
+ assertArrayEquals(expData, data);
+ int initSize = Ptg.getEncodedSizeWithoutArrayData(ptgs);
+ Ptg[] ptgs2 = Ptg.readTokens(initSize, new LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream(data));
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs2, ArrayPtg.class, IntPtg.class, FuncVarPtg.class);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testParseArrayNegativeElement() {
+ Ptg[] ptgs;
+ try {
+ ptgs = parseFormula("{-42}");
+ } catch (FormulaParseException e) {
+ if (e.getMessage().equals("Parse error near char 1 '-' in specified formula '{-42}'. Expected Integer")) {
+ fail("Identified bug - failed to parse negative array element.");
+ }
+ throw e;
+ }
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, ArrayPtg.class);
+ Object element = ((ArrayPtg)ptgs[0]).getTokenArrayValues()[0][0];
+ assertEquals(-42.0, ((Double)element).doubleValue(), 0.0);
+ // Should be able to handle whitespace between unary minus and digits (Excel
+ // accepts this formula after presenting the user with a confirmation dialog).
+ ptgs = parseFormula("{- 5}");
+ element = ((ArrayPtg)ptgs[0]).getTokenArrayValues()[0][0];
+ assertEquals(-5.0, ((Double)element).doubleValue(), 0.0);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRangeOperator() throws IOException {
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet();
+ HSSFCell cell = sheet.createRow(0).createCell(0);
+ wb.setSheetName(0, "Sheet1");
+ cell.setCellFormula("Sheet1!B$4:Sheet1!$C1"); // explicit range ':' operator
+ assertEquals("Sheet1!B$4:Sheet1!$C1", cell.getCellFormula());
+ cell.setCellFormula("Sheet1!B$4:$C1"); // plain area ref
+ assertEquals("Sheet1!B1:$C$4", cell.getCellFormula()); // note - area ref is normalised
+ cell.setCellFormula("Sheet1!$C1...B$4"); // different syntax for plain area ref
+ assertEquals("Sheet1!B1:$C$4", cell.getCellFormula());
+ // with funny sheet name
+ wb.setSheetName(0, "A1...A2");
+ cell.setCellFormula("A1...A2!B1");
+ assertEquals("A1...A2!B1", cell.getCellFormula());
+ wb.close();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testBooleanNamedSheet() throws IOException {
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("true");
+ HSSFCell cell = sheet.createRow(0).createCell(0);
+ cell.setCellFormula("'true'!B2");
+ assertEquals("'true'!B2", cell.getCellFormula());
+ wb.close();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testParseExternalWorkbookReference() throws IOException {
+ HSSFWorkbook wbA = HSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("multibookFormulaA.xls");
+ HSSFCell cell = wbA.getSheetAt(0).getRow(0).getCell(0);
+ // make sure formula in sample is as expected
+ assertEquals("[multibookFormulaB.xls]BSheet1!B1", cell.getCellFormula());
+ Ptg[] expectedPtgs = FormulaExtractor.getPtgs(cell);
+ confirmSingle3DRef(expectedPtgs, 1);
+ // now try (re-)parsing the formula
+ Ptg[] actualPtgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("[multibookFormulaB.xls]BSheet1!B1", wbA);
+ confirmSingle3DRef(actualPtgs, 1); // externalSheetIndex 1 -> BSheet1
+ // try parsing a formula pointing to a different external sheet
+ Ptg[] otherPtgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("[multibookFormulaB.xls]AnotherSheet!B1", wbA);
+ confirmSingle3DRef(otherPtgs, 0); // externalSheetIndex 0 -> AnotherSheet
+ // try setting the same formula in a cell
+ cell.setCellFormula("[multibookFormulaB.xls]AnotherSheet!B1");
+ assertEquals("[multibookFormulaB.xls]AnotherSheet!B1", cell.getCellFormula());
+ wbA.close();
+ }
+ private static void confirmSingle3DRef(Ptg[] ptgs, int expectedExternSheetIndex) {
+ assertEquals(1, ptgs.length);
+ Ptg ptg0 = ptgs[0];
+ assertTrue(ptg0 instanceof Ref3DPtg);
+ assertEquals(expectedExternSheetIndex, ((Ref3DPtg)ptg0).getExternSheetIndex());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testUnion() throws IOException {
+ String formula = "Sheet1!$B$2:$C$3,OFFSET(Sheet1!$E$2:$E$4,1,Sheet1!$A$1),Sheet1!$D$6";
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ wb.createSheet("Sheet1");
+ Ptg[] ptgs = FormulaParser.parse(formula, HSSFEvaluationWorkbook.create(wb), FormulaType.CELL, -1,-1);
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs,
+ // TODO - AttrPtg.class, // Excel prepends this
+ MemFuncPtg.class,
+ Area3DPtg.class,
+ Area3DPtg.class,
+ IntPtg.class,
+ Ref3DPtg.class,
+ FuncVarPtg.class,
+ UnionPtg.class,
+ Ref3DPtg.class,
+ UnionPtg.class
+ );
+ MemFuncPtg mf = (MemFuncPtg)ptgs[0];
+ assertEquals(45, mf.getLenRefSubexpression());
// We don't check the type of the operands.
confirmTokenClasses("1,2", MemAreaPtg.class, IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, UnionPtg.class);
- }
+ }
- @Test
- public void testIntersection() throws IOException {
+ @Test
+ public void testIntersection() throws IOException {
String formula = "Sheet1!$B$2:$C$3 OFFSET(Sheet1!$E$2:$E$4, 1,Sheet1!$A$1) Sheet1!$D$6";
HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
confirmTokenClasses("1 2", MemAreaPtg.class, IntPtg.class, IntPtg.class, IntersectionPtg.class);
- }
- @Test
- public void testComparisonInParen() {
- confirmTokenClasses("(A1 > B2)",
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testComparisonInParen() {
+ confirmTokenClasses("(A1 > B2)",
- }
- @Test
- public void testUnionInParen() {
- confirmTokenClasses("(A1:B2,B2:C3)",
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testUnionInParen() {
+ confirmTokenClasses("(A1:B2,B2:C3)",
- }
+ }
- @Test
+ @Test
public void testIntersectionInParen() {
confirmTokenClasses("(A1:B2 B2:C3)",
- @Test
- public void testRange_bug46643() throws IOException {
- String formula = "Sheet1!A1:Sheet1!B3";
- HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
- wb.createSheet("Sheet1");
- Ptg[] ptgs = FormulaParser.parse(formula, HSSFEvaluationWorkbook.create(wb), FormulaType.CELL, -1, -1);
- if (ptgs.length == 3) {
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, Ref3DPtg.class, Ref3DPtg.class, RangePtg.class);
- fail("Identified bug 46643");
- }
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs,
- MemFuncPtg.class,
- Ref3DPtg.class,
- Ref3DPtg.class,
- RangePtg.class
- );
- MemFuncPtg mf = (MemFuncPtg)ptgs[0];
- assertEquals(15, mf.getLenRefSubexpression());
- wb.close();
- }
- /** Named ranges with backslashes, e.g. 'POI\\2009' */
- @Test
- public void testBackSlashInNames() throws IOException {
- HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
- HSSFName name = wb.createName();
- name.setNameName("POI\\2009");
- name.setRefersToFormula("Sheet1!$A$1");
- HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet();
- HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
- HSSFCell cell_C1 = row.createCell(2);
- cell_C1.setCellFormula("POI\\2009");
- assertEquals("POI\\2009", cell_C1.getCellFormula());
- HSSFCell cell_D1 = row.createCell(2);
- cell_D1.setCellFormula("NOT(POI\\2009=\"3.5-final\")");
- assertEquals("NOT(POI\\2009=\"3.5-final\")", cell_D1.getCellFormula());
- wb.close();
- }
- /**
- * TODO - delete equiv test:
- * {@link BaseTestBugzillaIssues#test42448()}
- */
- @Test
- public void testParseAbnormalSheetNamesAndRanges_bug42448() throws IOException {
- HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
- wb.createSheet("A");
- try {
- HSSFFormulaParser.parse("SUM(A!C7:A!C67)", wb);
- } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
- fail("Identified bug 42448");
- }
- // the exact example from the bugzilla description:
- HSSFFormulaParser.parse("SUMPRODUCT(A!C7:A!C67, B8:B68) / B69", wb);
- wb.close();
- }
- @Test
- public void testRangeFuncOperand_bug46951() throws IOException {
- HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
- Ptg[] ptgs;
- try {
- ptgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("SUM(C1:OFFSET(C1,0,B1))", wb);
- } catch (RuntimeException e) {
- if (e.getMessage().equals("Specified named range 'OFFSET' does not exist in the current workbook.")) {
- fail("Identified bug 46951");
- }
- wb.close();
- throw e;
- }
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs,
- MemFuncPtg.class, // [len=23]
- RefPtg.class, // [C1]
- RefPtg.class, // [C1]
- IntPtg.class, // [0]
- RefPtg.class, // [B1]
- FuncVarPtg.class, // [OFFSET nArgs=3]
- RangePtg.class, //
- AttrPtg.class // [sum ]
- );
- wb.close();
- }
- @Test
- public void testUnionOfFullCollFullRowRef() throws IOException {
- Ptg[] ptgs;
- ptgs = parseFormula("3:4");
- ptgs = parseFormula("$Z:$AC");
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, AreaPtg.class);
- ptgs = parseFormula("B:B");
- ptgs = parseFormula("$11:$13");
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, AreaPtg.class);
- ptgs = parseFormula("$A:$A,$1:$4");
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, MemAreaPtg.class,
- AreaPtg.class,
- AreaPtg.class,
- UnionPtg.class
- );
- HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
- wb.createSheet("Sheet1");
- ptgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("Sheet1!$A:$A,Sheet1!$1:$4", wb);
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, MemFuncPtg.class,
- Area3DPtg.class,
- Area3DPtg.class,
- UnionPtg.class
- );
- ptgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("'Sheet1'!$A:$A,'Sheet1'!$1:$4", wb);
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs,
- MemFuncPtg.class,
- Area3DPtg.class,
- Area3DPtg.class,
- UnionPtg.class
- );
- wb.close();
- }
- @Test
- public void testExplicitRangeWithTwoSheetNames() throws IOException {
- HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
- wb.createSheet("Sheet1");
- Ptg[] ptgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("Sheet1!F1:Sheet1!G2", wb);
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs,
- MemFuncPtg.class,
- Ref3DPtg.class,
- Ref3DPtg.class,
- RangePtg.class
- );
- MemFuncPtg mf;
- mf = (MemFuncPtg)ptgs[0];
- assertEquals(15, mf.getLenRefSubexpression());
- wb.close();
- }
- /**
- * Checks that the area-ref and explicit range operators get the right associativity
- * and that the {@link MemFuncPtg} / {@link MemAreaPtg} is added correctly
- */
- @Test
- public void testComplexExplicitRangeEncodings() {
- Ptg[] ptgs;
- ptgs = parseFormula("SUM(OFFSET(A1,0,0):B2:C3:D4:E5:OFFSET(F6,1,1):G7)");
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs,
- // AttrPtg.class, // [volatile ] // POI doesn't do this yet (Apr 2009)
- MemFuncPtg.class, // len 57
- RefPtg.class, // [A1]
- IntPtg.class, // [0]
- IntPtg.class, // [0]
- FuncVarPtg.class, // [OFFSET nArgs=3]
- AreaPtg.class, // [B2:C3]
- RangePtg.class,
- AreaPtg.class, // [D4:E5]
- RangePtg.class,
- RefPtg.class, // [F6]
- IntPtg.class, // [1]
- IntPtg.class, // [1]
- FuncVarPtg.class, // [OFFSET nArgs=3]
- RangePtg.class,
- RefPtg.class, // [G7]
- RangePtg.class,
- AttrPtg.class // [sum ]
- );
- MemFuncPtg mf = (MemFuncPtg)ptgs[0];
- assertEquals(57, mf.getLenRefSubexpression());
- assertEquals("D4:E5", ((AreaPtgBase)ptgs[7]).toFormulaString());
- assertTrue(((AttrPtg)ptgs[16]).isSum());
- ptgs = parseFormula("SUM(A1:B2:C3:D4)");
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs,
- // AttrPtg.class, // [volatile ] // POI doesn't do this yet (Apr 2009)
- MemAreaPtg.class, // len 19
- AreaPtg.class, // [A1:B2]
- AreaPtg.class, // [C3:D4]
- RangePtg.class,
- AttrPtg.class // [sum ]
- );
- MemAreaPtg ma = (MemAreaPtg)ptgs[0];
- assertEquals(19, ma.getLenRefSubexpression());
- }
- /**
- * Mostly confirming that erroneous conditions are detected. Actual error message wording is not critical.
- *
- */
- @Test
- public void testEdgeCaseParserErrors() throws IOException {
- HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
- wb.createSheet("Sheet1");
- confirmParseError(wb, "A1:ROUND(B1,1)", "The RHS of the range operator ':' at position 3 is not a proper reference.");
+ @Test
+ public void testRange_bug46643() throws IOException {
+ String formula = "Sheet1!A1:Sheet1!B3";
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ wb.createSheet("Sheet1");
+ Ptg[] ptgs = FormulaParser.parse(formula, HSSFEvaluationWorkbook.create(wb), FormulaType.CELL, -1, -1);
+ if (ptgs.length == 3) {
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, Ref3DPtg.class, Ref3DPtg.class, RangePtg.class);
+ fail("Identified bug 46643");
+ }
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs,
+ MemFuncPtg.class,
+ Ref3DPtg.class,
+ Ref3DPtg.class,
+ RangePtg.class
+ );
+ MemFuncPtg mf = (MemFuncPtg)ptgs[0];
+ assertEquals(15, mf.getLenRefSubexpression());
+ wb.close();
+ }
+ /** Named ranges with backslashes, e.g. 'POI\\2009' */
+ @Test
+ public void testBackSlashInNames() throws IOException {
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ HSSFName name = wb.createName();
+ name.setNameName("POI\\2009");
+ name.setRefersToFormula("Sheet1!$A$1");
+ HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet();
+ HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
+ HSSFCell cell_C1 = row.createCell(2);
+ cell_C1.setCellFormula("POI\\2009");
+ assertEquals("POI\\2009", cell_C1.getCellFormula());
+ HSSFCell cell_D1 = row.createCell(2);
+ cell_D1.setCellFormula("NOT(POI\\2009=\"3.5-final\")");
+ assertEquals("NOT(POI\\2009=\"3.5-final\")", cell_D1.getCellFormula());
+ wb.close();
+ }
+ /**
+ * TODO - delete equiv test:
+ * {@link BaseTestBugzillaIssues#test42448()}
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testParseAbnormalSheetNamesAndRanges_bug42448() throws IOException {
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ wb.createSheet("A");
+ try {
+ HSSFFormulaParser.parse("SUM(A!C7:A!C67)", wb);
+ } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+ fail("Identified bug 42448");
+ }
+ // the exact example from the bugzilla description:
+ HSSFFormulaParser.parse("SUMPRODUCT(A!C7:A!C67, B8:B68) / B69", wb);
+ wb.close();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testRangeFuncOperand_bug46951() throws IOException {
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ Ptg[] ptgs;
+ try {
+ ptgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("SUM(C1:OFFSET(C1,0,B1))", wb);
+ } catch (RuntimeException e) {
+ if (e.getMessage().equals("Specified named range 'OFFSET' does not exist in the current workbook.")) {
+ fail("Identified bug 46951");
+ }
+ wb.close();
+ throw e;
+ }
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs,
+ MemFuncPtg.class, // [len=23]
+ RefPtg.class, // [C1]
+ RefPtg.class, // [C1]
+ IntPtg.class, // [0]
+ RefPtg.class, // [B1]
+ FuncVarPtg.class, // [OFFSET nArgs=3]
+ RangePtg.class, //
+ AttrPtg.class // [sum ]
+ );
+ wb.close();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testUnionOfFullCollFullRowRef() throws IOException {
+ Ptg[] ptgs;
+ ptgs = parseFormula("3:4");
+ ptgs = parseFormula("$Z:$AC");
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, AreaPtg.class);
+ ptgs = parseFormula("B:B");
+ ptgs = parseFormula("$11:$13");
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, AreaPtg.class);
+ ptgs = parseFormula("$A:$A,$1:$4");
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, MemAreaPtg.class,
+ AreaPtg.class,
+ AreaPtg.class,
+ UnionPtg.class
+ );
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ wb.createSheet("Sheet1");
+ ptgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("Sheet1!$A:$A,Sheet1!$1:$4", wb);
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, MemFuncPtg.class,
+ Area3DPtg.class,
+ Area3DPtg.class,
+ UnionPtg.class
+ );
+ ptgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("'Sheet1'!$A:$A,'Sheet1'!$1:$4", wb);
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs,
+ MemFuncPtg.class,
+ Area3DPtg.class,
+ Area3DPtg.class,
+ UnionPtg.class
+ );
+ wb.close();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testExplicitRangeWithTwoSheetNames() throws IOException {
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ wb.createSheet("Sheet1");
+ Ptg[] ptgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("Sheet1!F1:Sheet1!G2", wb);
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs,
+ MemFuncPtg.class,
+ Ref3DPtg.class,
+ Ref3DPtg.class,
+ RangePtg.class
+ );
+ MemFuncPtg mf;
+ mf = (MemFuncPtg)ptgs[0];
+ assertEquals(15, mf.getLenRefSubexpression());
+ wb.close();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks that the area-ref and explicit range operators get the right associativity
+ * and that the {@link MemFuncPtg} / {@link MemAreaPtg} is added correctly
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testComplexExplicitRangeEncodings() {
+ Ptg[] ptgs;
+ ptgs = parseFormula("SUM(OFFSET(A1,0,0):B2:C3:D4:E5:OFFSET(F6,1,1):G7)");
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs,
+ // AttrPtg.class, // [volatile ] // POI doesn't do this yet (Apr 2009)
+ MemFuncPtg.class, // len 57
+ RefPtg.class, // [A1]
+ IntPtg.class, // [0]
+ IntPtg.class, // [0]
+ FuncVarPtg.class, // [OFFSET nArgs=3]
+ AreaPtg.class, // [B2:C3]
+ RangePtg.class,
+ AreaPtg.class, // [D4:E5]
+ RangePtg.class,
+ RefPtg.class, // [F6]
+ IntPtg.class, // [1]
+ IntPtg.class, // [1]
+ FuncVarPtg.class, // [OFFSET nArgs=3]
+ RangePtg.class,
+ RefPtg.class, // [G7]
+ RangePtg.class,
+ AttrPtg.class // [sum ]
+ );
+ MemFuncPtg mf = (MemFuncPtg)ptgs[0];
+ assertEquals(57, mf.getLenRefSubexpression());
+ assertEquals("D4:E5", ((AreaPtgBase)ptgs[7]).toFormulaString());
+ assertTrue(((AttrPtg)ptgs[16]).isSum());
+ ptgs = parseFormula("SUM(A1:B2:C3:D4)");
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs,
+ // AttrPtg.class, // [volatile ] // POI doesn't do this yet (Apr 2009)
+ MemAreaPtg.class, // len 19
+ AreaPtg.class, // [A1:B2]
+ AreaPtg.class, // [C3:D4]
+ RangePtg.class,
+ AttrPtg.class // [sum ]
+ );
+ MemAreaPtg ma = (MemAreaPtg)ptgs[0];
+ assertEquals(19, ma.getLenRefSubexpression());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Mostly confirming that erroneous conditions are detected. Actual error message wording is not critical.
+ *
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testEdgeCaseParserErrors() throws IOException {
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ wb.createSheet("Sheet1");
+ confirmParseError(wb, "A1:ROUND(B1,1)", "The RHS of the range operator ':' at position 3 is not a proper reference.");
confirmParseError(wb, "Sheet1!!!", "Parse error near char 7 '!' in specified formula 'Sheet1!!!'. Expected number, string, defined name, or table");
confirmParseError(wb, "Sheet1!.Name", "Parse error near char 7 '.' in specified formula 'Sheet1!.Name'. Expected number, string, defined name, or table");
- confirmParseError(wb, "Sheet1!Sheet1", "Specified name 'Sheet1' for sheet Sheet1 not found");
- confirmParseError(wb, "Sheet1!F:Sheet1!G", "'Sheet1!F' is not a proper reference.");
- confirmParseError(wb, "Sheet1!F..foobar", "Complete area reference expected after sheet name at index 11.");
- confirmParseError(wb, "Sheet1!A .. B", "Dotted range (full row or column) expression 'A .. B' must not contain whitespace.");
- confirmParseError(wb, "Sheet1!A...B", "Dotted range (full row or column) expression 'A...B' must have exactly 2 dots.");
- confirmParseError(wb, "Sheet1!A foobar", "Second part of cell reference expected after sheet name at index 10.");
- confirmParseError(wb, "foobar", "Specified named range 'foobar' does not exist in the current workbook.");
- confirmParseError(wb, "A1:1", "The RHS of the range operator ':' at position 3 is not a proper reference.");
- wb.close();
- }
- private static void confirmParseError(HSSFWorkbook wb, String formula, String expectedMessage) {
- try {
- HSSFFormulaParser.parse(formula, wb);
- fail("Expected formula parse execption");
- } catch (FormulaParseException e) {
- confirmParseException(e, expectedMessage);
- }
- }
- /**
- * In bug 47078, POI had trouble evaluating a defined name flagged as 'complex'.
- * POI should also be able to parse such defined names.
- */
- @Test
- public void testParseComplexName() throws IOException {
- // Mock up a spreadsheet to match the critical details of the sample
- HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
- wb.createSheet("Sheet1");
- HSSFName definedName = wb.createName();
- definedName.setNameName("foo");
- definedName.setRefersToFormula("Sheet1!B2");
- // Set the complex flag - POI doesn't usually manipulate this flag
- NameRecord nameRec = TestHSSFName.getNameRecord(definedName);
- nameRec.setOptionFlag((short)0x10); // 0x10 -> complex
- Ptg[] result;
- try {
- result = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("1+foo", wb);
- } catch (FormulaParseException e) {
- if (e.getMessage().equals("Specified name 'foo' is not a range as expected.")) {
- fail("Identified bug 47078c");
- }
- wb.close();
- throw e;
- }
- confirmTokenClasses(result, IntPtg.class, NamePtg.class, AddPtg.class);
- wb.close();
- }
- /**
- * Zero is not a valid row number so cell references like 'A0' are not valid.
- * Actually, they should be treated like defined names.
- * <br/>
- * In addition, leading zeros (on the row component) should be removed from cell
- * references during parsing.
- */
- @Test
- public void testZeroRowRefs() throws IOException {
- String badCellRef = "B0"; // bad because zero is not a valid row number
- String leadingZeroCellRef = "B000001"; // this should get parsed as "B1"
- HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
- try {
- HSSFFormulaParser.parse(badCellRef, wb);
- fail("Identified bug 47312b - Shouldn't be able to parse cell ref '"
- + badCellRef + "'.");
- } catch (FormulaParseException e) {
- // expected during successful test
- confirmParseException(e, "Specified named range '"
- + badCellRef + "' does not exist in the current workbook.");
- }
- Ptg[] ptgs;
- try {
- ptgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse(leadingZeroCellRef, wb);
- assertEquals("B1", ((RefPtg) ptgs[0]).toFormulaString());
- } catch (FormulaParseException e) {
- confirmParseException(e, "Specified named range '"
- + leadingZeroCellRef + "' does not exist in the current workbook.");
- // close but no cigar
- fail("Identified bug 47312c - '" + leadingZeroCellRef + "' should parse as 'B1'.");
- }
- // create a defined name called 'B0' and try again
- Name n = wb.createName();
- n.setNameName("B0");
- n.setRefersToFormula("1+1");
- ptgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("B0", wb);
- confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, NamePtg.class);
- wb.close();
- }
- private static void confirmParseException(FormulaParseException e, String expMsg) {
- assertEquals(expMsg, e.getMessage());
- }
+ confirmParseError(wb, "Sheet1!Sheet1", "Specified name 'Sheet1' for sheet Sheet1 not found");
+ confirmParseError(wb, "Sheet1!F:Sheet1!G", "'Sheet1!F' is not a proper reference.");
+ confirmParseError(wb, "Sheet1!F..foobar", "Complete area reference expected after sheet name at index 11.");
+ confirmParseError(wb, "Sheet1!A .. B", "Dotted range (full row or column) expression 'A .. B' must not contain whitespace.");
+ confirmParseError(wb, "Sheet1!A...B", "Dotted range (full row or column) expression 'A...B' must have exactly 2 dots.");
+ confirmParseError(wb, "Sheet1!A foobar", "Second part of cell reference expected after sheet name at index 10.");
+ confirmParseError(wb, "foobar", "Specified named range 'foobar' does not exist in the current workbook.");
+ confirmParseError(wb, "A1:1", "The RHS of the range operator ':' at position 3 is not a proper reference.");
+ wb.close();
+ }
+ private static void confirmParseError(HSSFWorkbook wb, String formula, String expectedMessage) {
+ try {
+ HSSFFormulaParser.parse(formula, wb);
+ fail("Expected formula parse execption");
+ } catch (FormulaParseException e) {
+ confirmParseException(e, expectedMessage);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * In bug 47078, POI had trouble evaluating a defined name flagged as 'complex'.
+ * POI should also be able to parse such defined names.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testParseComplexName() throws IOException {
+ // Mock up a spreadsheet to match the critical details of the sample
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ wb.createSheet("Sheet1");
+ HSSFName definedName = wb.createName();
+ definedName.setNameName("foo");
+ definedName.setRefersToFormula("Sheet1!B2");
+ // Set the complex flag - POI doesn't usually manipulate this flag
+ NameRecord nameRec = TestHSSFName.getNameRecord(definedName);
+ nameRec.setOptionFlag((short)0x10); // 0x10 -> complex
+ Ptg[] result;
+ try {
+ result = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("1+foo", wb);
+ } catch (FormulaParseException e) {
+ if (e.getMessage().equals("Specified name 'foo' is not a range as expected.")) {
+ fail("Identified bug 47078c");
+ }
+ wb.close();
+ throw e;
+ }
+ confirmTokenClasses(result, IntPtg.class, NamePtg.class, AddPtg.class);
+ wb.close();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Zero is not a valid row number so cell references like 'A0' are not valid.
+ * Actually, they should be treated like defined names.
+ * <br/>
+ * In addition, leading zeros (on the row component) should be removed from cell
+ * references during parsing.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void testZeroRowRefs() throws IOException {
+ String badCellRef = "B0"; // bad because zero is not a valid row number
+ String leadingZeroCellRef = "B000001"; // this should get parsed as "B1"
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ try {
+ HSSFFormulaParser.parse(badCellRef, wb);
+ fail("Identified bug 47312b - Shouldn't be able to parse cell ref '"
+ + badCellRef + "'.");
+ } catch (FormulaParseException e) {
+ // expected during successful test
+ confirmParseException(e, "Specified named range '"
+ + badCellRef + "' does not exist in the current workbook.");
+ }
+ Ptg[] ptgs;
+ try {
+ ptgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse(leadingZeroCellRef, wb);
+ assertEquals("B1", ((RefPtg) ptgs[0]).toFormulaString());
+ } catch (FormulaParseException e) {
+ confirmParseException(e, "Specified named range '"
+ + leadingZeroCellRef + "' does not exist in the current workbook.");
+ // close but no cigar
+ fail("Identified bug 47312c - '" + leadingZeroCellRef + "' should parse as 'B1'.");
+ }
+ // create a defined name called 'B0' and try again
+ Name n = wb.createName();
+ n.setNameName("B0");
+ n.setRefersToFormula("1+1");
+ ptgs = HSSFFormulaParser.parse("B0", wb);
+ confirmTokenClasses(ptgs, NamePtg.class);
+ wb.close();
+ }
+ private static void confirmParseException(FormulaParseException e, String expMsg) {
+ assertEquals(expMsg, e.getMessage());
+ }
public void test57196_Formula() throws IOException {