// we have to go and find their matching records
// We always use the latest versions of these records, and use the
// SlideAtom/NotesAtom to match them with the StyleAtomSet
- //
- // Some crazy documents don't have a master SlideListWithText, their
- // first one is the slide containing one, which makes things fun...
SlideListWithText masterSLWT = _documentRecord.getMasterSlideListWithText();
SlideListWithText slidesSLWT = _documentRecord.getSlideSlideListWithText();
SlideListWithText notesSLWT = _documentRecord.getNotesSlideListWithText();
// Find master slides
- // Need to ensure they're really master slides, and we're not dealing
- // with a crazy document that doesn't have any master slides
+ // These can be MainMaster records, but oddly they can also be
+ // Slides or Notes, and possibly even other odd stuff....
+ // About the only thing you can say is that the master details are in
+ // the first SLWT.
SlideAtomsSet[] masterSets = new SlideAtomsSet[0];
- org.apache.poi.hslf.record.MainMaster[] masterRecords = null;
+ org.apache.poi.hslf.record.MainMaster[] mainMasterRecords = null;
if (masterSLWT != null){
masterSets = masterSLWT.getSlideAtomsSets();
- // Are they Slides, Master Slides, or some broken mix?
- int slideCount = 0;
- int masterCount = 0;
+ // For now, we only care about the records which are MainMasters
+ // (In future, we might want to know about the other too)
+ ArrayList mmr = new ArrayList();
for(int i=0; i<masterSets.length; i++) {
Record r = getCoreRecordForSAS(masterSets[i]);
if(r instanceof org.apache.poi.hslf.record.Slide) {
- slideCount++;
+ // Slide master, skip
} else if(r instanceof org.apache.poi.hslf.record.MainMaster) {
- masterCount++;
- } else {
- throw new CorruptPowerPointFileException("The PowerPoint file had a broken first SlideListWithTexts. This should only contain either MainMasters, or Slides, but it contained a record of type " + r.getRecordType());
+ mmr.add(r);
- if(slideCount > 0 && masterCount == 0) {
- // Actually the Slide SlideListWithTexts
- notesSLWT = slidesSLWT;
- slidesSLWT = masterSLWT;
- masterSLWT = null;
- } else if(masterCount >= 0 && slideCount == 0) {
- // Is a normal, proper Masters SlideListWithTexts
- masterRecords = new org.apache.poi.hslf.record.MainMaster[masterSets.length];
- // Grab the Main Master records
- for(int i=0; i<masterRecords.length; i++) {
- masterRecords[i] = (org.apache.poi.hslf.record.MainMaster)getCoreRecordForSAS(masterSets[i]);
- }
- } else {
- // Contains both Slides and Main Masters, is corrupt
- throw new CorruptPowerPointFileException("The PowerPoint file had a broken first SlideListWithTexts. This should only contain either MainMasters, or Slides, but it contained a mix of both (" + slideCount + " slides and " + masterCount + " masters)");
- }
+ mainMasterRecords = new org.apache.poi.hslf.record.MainMaster[mmr.size()];
+ mmr.toArray(mainMasterRecords);
// Finally, generate model objects for everything
- _masters = new SlideMaster[masterRecords.length];
+ _masters = new SlideMaster[mainMasterRecords.length];
for(int i=0; i<_masters.length; i++) {
SlideAtomsSet sas = masterSets[i];
int sheetNo = sas.getSlidePersistAtom().getSlideIdentifier();
- _masters[i] = new SlideMaster(masterRecords[i], sheetNo);
+ _masters[i] = new SlideMaster(mainMasterRecords[i], sheetNo);