EsInstallation underTest = new EsInstallation(props);
- if (System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows")) {
- assertThat(underTest.getExecutable()).isEqualTo(new File(sqHomeDir, "elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch.bat"));
- } else {
- assertThat(underTest.getExecutable()).isEqualTo(new File(sqHomeDir, "elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch"));
- }
+ assertThat(underTest.getExecutable()).isEqualTo(new File(sqHomeDir, "elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch"));
public void scanProjectWithWrongCase() {
// To please the quality gate, don't use assumeTrue, or the test will be reported as skipped
- if (System2.INSTANCE.isOsWindows()) {
- File projectDir = new File("test-resources/mediumtest/xoo/sample");
- AnalysisResult result = tester
- .newAnalysis(new File(projectDir, ""))
- .property("sonar.sources", "XOURCES")
- .property("sonar.tests", "TESTX")
- .execute();
+ File projectDir = new File("test-resources/mediumtest/xoo/sample");
+ ScannerMediumTester.AnalysisBuilder analysis = tester
+ .newAnalysis(new File(projectDir, ""))
+ .property("sonar.sources", "XOURCES")
+ .property("sonar.tests", "TESTX");
+ if (System2.INSTANCE.isOsWindows()) { // Windows is file path case-insensitive
+ AnalysisResult result = analysis.execute();
- assertThat(result.inputFiles()).hasSize(3);
+ assertThat(result.inputFiles()).hasSize(8);
+ } else { // Other OS are case-sensitive so an exception should be thrown
+ thrown.expect(MessageException.class);
+ thrown.expectMessage("The folder 'TESTX' does not exist for 'sample'");
+ analysis.execute();