# Highlights +text+ as the content of +filename+
# Should not return line numbers nor outer pre tag
def highlight_by_filename(text, filename)
+ # TODO: Delete the following workaround for #30434 and
+ # test_syntax_highlight_should_normalize_line_endings in
+ # application_helper_test.rb when Rouge is improved to
+ # handle CRLF properly.
+ # See also: https://github.com/jneen/rouge/pull/1078
+ text = text.gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n")
lexer =::Rouge::Lexer.guess_by_filename(filename)
formatter = ::Rouge::Formatters::HTML.new
::Rouge.highlight(text, lexer, CustomHTMLLinewise.new(formatter))
+ def test_syntax_highlight_should_normalize_line_endings
+ assert_equal "line 1\nline 2\n", syntax_highlight("test.txt", "line 1\rline 2\r\n")
+ end
def test_to_path_param
assert_equal 'test1/test2', to_path_param('test1/test2')
assert_equal 'test1/test2', to_path_param('/test1/test2/')