+++ /dev/null
---- a/unix/vncserver 2009-11-12 11:39:54.000000000 +0100
-+++ b/unix/vncserver 2009-12-21 16:15:01.907799091 +0100
-@@ -189,27 +189,12 @@ $vncPort = 5900 + $displayNumber;
- $desktopLog = "$vncUserDir/$host:$displayNumber.log";
- unlink($desktopLog);
--# Make an X server cookie - use /dev/urandom on systems that have it,
--# otherwise use perl's random number generator, seeded with the sum
--# of the current time, our PID and part of the encrypted form of the password.
--my $cookie = "";
--if (open(URANDOM, '<', '/dev/urandom')) {
-- my $randata;
-- if (sysread(URANDOM, $randata, 16) == 16) {
-- $cookie = unpack 'h*', $randata;
-- }
-- close(URANDOM);
--if ($cookie eq "") {
-- srand(time+$$+unpack("L",`cat $vncUserDir/passwd`));
-- for (1..16) {
-- $cookie .= sprintf("%02x", int(rand(256)) % 256);
-- }
--system("xauth -f $xauthorityFile add $host:$displayNumber . $cookie");
--system("xauth -f $xauthorityFile add $host/unix:$displayNumber . $cookie");
-+# Make an X server cookie - use mcookie
-+$cookie = `/usr/bin/mcookie`;
-+open (XAUTH, "|xauth -f $xauthorityFile source -");
-+print XAUTH "add $host:$displayNumber . $cookie\n";
-+print XAUTH "add $host/unix:$displayNumber . $cookie\n";
-+close XAUTH;
- if ($opt{'-name'}) {
- $desktopName = $opt{'-name'};
# Upstream patches
+++ /dev/null
---- a/unix/vncserver 2009-11-12 11:39:54.000000000 +0100
-+++ b/unix/vncserver 2009-12-21 16:15:01.907799091 +0100
-@@ -189,27 +189,12 @@ $vncPort = 5900 + $displayNumber;
- $desktopLog = "$vncUserDir/$host:$displayNumber.log";
- unlink($desktopLog);
--# Make an X server cookie - use /dev/urandom on systems that have it,
--# otherwise use perl's random number generator, seeded with the sum
--# of the current time, our PID and part of the encrypted form of the password.
--my $cookie = "";
--if (open(URANDOM, '<', '/dev/urandom')) {
-- my $randata;
-- if (sysread(URANDOM, $randata, 16) == 16) {
-- $cookie = unpack 'h*', $randata;
-- }
-- close(URANDOM);
--if ($cookie eq "") {
-- srand(time+$$+unpack("L",`cat $vncUserDir/passwd`));
-- for (1..16) {
-- $cookie .= sprintf("%02x", int(rand(256)) % 256);
-- }
--system("xauth -f $xauthorityFile add $host:$displayNumber . $cookie");
--system("xauth -f $xauthorityFile add $host/unix:$displayNumber . $cookie");
-+# Make an X server cookie - use mcookie
-+$cookie = `/usr/bin/mcookie`;
-+open (XAUTH, "|xauth -f $xauthorityFile source -");
-+print XAUTH "add $host:$displayNumber . $cookie\n";
-+print XAUTH "add $host/unix:$displayNumber . $cookie\n";
-+close XAUTH;
- if ($opt{'-name'}) {
- $desktopName = $opt{'-name'};
# Upstream patches
Obsoletes: tightvnc < 1.5.0-0.15.20090204svn3586
# tigervnc patches
-Patch4: tigervnc-cookie.patch
Patch12: tigervnc14-static-build-fixes.patch
Patch13: tigervnc14-Add-dridir-param.patch
Patch14: tigervnc14-Add-xkbcompdir-param.patch
cp %SOURCE9 cmake/Modules/
sed -i -e "s#@_includedir@#%{xorg_buildroot}%{_includedir}#" cmake/Modules/FindX11.cmake
sed -i -e "s#@_libdir@#%{xorg_buildroot}%{_libdir}#" cmake/Modules/FindX11.cmake
-%patch4 -p1 -b .cookie
%patch12 -p1 -b .static-build-fixes
%if %{_bootstrap}
Provides: tightvnc = 1.5.0-0.15.20090204svn3586
Obsoletes: tightvnc < 1.5.0-0.15.20090204svn3586
-Patch4: tigervnc-cookie.patch
Patch16: tigervnc-xorg-manpages.patch
%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}%{?snap:-%{snap}}
-%patch4 -p1 -b .cookie
%if %{_bootstrap}
tar xzf %SOURCE11
tar xjf %SOURCE13
Provides: tightvnc = 1.5.0-0.15.20090204svn3586
Obsoletes: tightvnc < 1.5.0-0.15.20090204svn3586
-Patch4: tigervnc-cookie.patch
Patch17: tigervnc-shebang.patch
%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}%{?snap:-%{snap}}
-%patch4 -p1 -b .cookie
%if %{_bootstrap}
tar xzf %SOURCE11