* Defect #37151: The done ratio of a parent issue may not be 100% even if all subtasks have a done ratio of 100%
* Patch #37155: Issue#last_notes fallback does not respect notes visibility
+* Defect #37171: Ability to change the issue category or issue target version with nonexistent value for the specific project
=== [Performance]
* Defect #37255: Information Leak in QueryAssociationColumn/QueryAssociationCustomFieldColumn
* Defect #37256: Medium severity XSS security vulnerabilities (3x) in jQuery UI v1.12.1
-# Defect #37136: Remote code execution vulnerability in commonmarker
-# Defect #37171: Ability to change the issue category or issue target version with nonexistent value for the specific project
+* Defect #37136: Remote code execution vulnerability in commonmarker
=== [Text formatting]