<ajc-test dir="new" pr="883"
title="signature of handler join point">
<compile files="HandlerSignature.java"/>
<compile files="SourceLocationWithinExpr.java"/>
<run class="SourceLocationWithinExpr"/>
<ajc-test dir="new" pr="888"
title="crashes given method in declared method">
<compile files="DeclareMethodCE.java">
<compile files="AfterReturningInterfaceConstructor.java"/>
<run class="AfterReturningInterfaceConstructor"/>
<ajc-test dir="new" pr="889"
title="after returning advice on interface constructor - error">
<compile files="AfterReturningInterfaceConstructorCE.java">
<compile files="AnonymousSelfReference.java"/>
<run class="AnonymousSelfReference"/>
<ajc-test dir="new" pr="776"
title="self-reference from (aspect-declared) method-local class">
<compile files="MethodSelfReference.java"/>
<run class="MethodSelfReference"/>
<ajc-test dir="new" title="expect CE for unterminated declare error">
<compile files="UnterminatedDeclareErrorCE.java">
<message kind="error" line="4"/>
<ajc-test dir="new"
title="expect CE for declaration collision between subaspects instead of domination order">
<compile files="DeclarationCollisionCE.java">
<message kind="error" line="27"/>
<ajc-test dir="new"
title="subtype pattern in dominates should pick out aspect subtypes">
<compile files="DominatesTypePattern.java"/>
<run class="DominatesTypePattern"/>
<ajc-test dir="new"
title="subtype pattern in dominates will conflict with type pattern">
<compile files="DominatesTypePatternCE.java">
<message kind="error" line="15"/>
<ajc-test dir="new" pr="827"
title="after returning advice on interface and implementation constructor"
<message kind="error" line="41"/>
<ajc-test dir="new" pr="829" title="declare array field using postfix"
<compile files="ArrayFieldDeclaration.java">
<message kind="error" line="17"/>
<ajc-test dir="new" pr="851"
title="prohibit declaring new aspect constructor with arguments">
<compile files="DeclareAspectConstructorCE.java">
<message kind="error" line="10"/>
<!-- The follwing three idioms are allowed. Within a declare parents,
implements and extends can be used interchangably. We could
provide -Xlint style warnings for misuse.
<compile files="DeclareInterfaceImplementsInterface.java">
<ajc-test dir="new"
title="if and cflow arg binding">
<compile files="CflowBinding.java">
<message kind="error" line="18"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="28702" title="percflow code hangs compiler">
<compile files="CloseConnectionsCflow.java" options="-1.4">
<compile files="ConstructorArgTracing.java"/>
<run class="ConstructorArgTracing"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="29106" title="declared exceptions in inter-type decls">
<compile files="ExceptionsOnInters.java"/>
<run class="ExceptionsOnInters"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="28921"
title="Verify error on non-Throwable in declare soft">
<compile files="DeclareSoftCf.java" options="-Xlint:warning">
<!--message kind="warning"/-->
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="29113" title="inter-type fields with array types">
<compile files="InterFieldArrays.java"/>
<run class="InterFieldArrays"/>
<ajc-test dir="new" pr="838"
title="checking around join point for advice return type - numeric">
<compile files="AroundNumericCastCE.java">
<message kind="error" line="29"/>
<ajc-test dir="new/PR852" pr="852"
title="declaring method on superclass and subclass">
<compile files="aspectPack/Aspect.java,target/SubClass.java,target/SuperClass.java">
<run class="aspectPack.Aspect"/>
<ajc-test dir="new/finalfield" pr="28974"
title="introducing final fields (simple)">
<compile files="Introducer.java,Receiver.java,User1.java"/>
<ajc-test dir="new/finalfield" pr="28974"
title="introducing final fields and checking errors">
<compile files="Introducer.java,Receiver.java,UserCf.java">
- <message kind="error" line="6"/>
+ <message kind="error" line="6"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="29691"
title="Static inner aspects cannot reference user defined pointcuts">
<compile files="PcdLookup.java" />
<run class="PcdLookup"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="29691"
title="Static inner aspects cannot reference user defined pointcuts">
<compile files="SoftWithin.java" />
<run class="SoftWithin"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="29689"
title="Declare precedence should not allow multiple * patterns">
<compile files="CircularPrecedence.java">
- <message kind="error" line="14"/>
+ <message kind="error" line="14"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="29662"
title="VerifyError on accessing objects not accessible to the weaver">
<compile files="AroundAccess.java">
<run class="AroundAccess"/>
<ajc-test dir="new" pr="804"
title="aspect static initializers should run before instance constructed"
<compile files="AspectStaticInit.java"/>
<run class="AspectStaticInit"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="29959"
title="super call in intertype method declaration body causes VerifyError">
<compile files="SuperToIntro.java"/>
<run class="SuperToIntro"/>
- <ajc-test dir="bugs/crashes" pr="30168"
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs/crashes" pr="30168"
title="Error with certain combination of advice">
<compile files="test/Test3.java"/>
<run class="test.Test3"/>
- <ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="31423"
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="31423"
title="Pointcut adviceexecution() does not work">
<compile files="AdviceExec.java"/>
<run class="AdviceExec"/>
- <ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="30026"
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="30026"
title="problems with finalize call">
<compile files="Finalizer.java">
<message kind="error" line="22"/>
- <ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="33635"
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="33635"
title="Negation of if pointcut does not work">
<compile files="NotIf.java"/>
<run class="NotIf"/>
- <ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="32463"
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="32463"
title="ajc reports error when encountering static declaration of nested classes">
<compile files="WeaveLocal.java"/>
<run class="WeaveLocal"/>
- <ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="32428"
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="32428"
title="can't use pointcuts defined in inner aspects ">
<compile files="InnerPointcut.java"/>
<run class="InnerPointcut"/>
- <ajc-test dir="bugs/interfaceNames" pr="32421"
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs/interfaceNames" pr="32421"
title="can't resolve nested public interfaces (also PR#32399)">
<compile files="TransactionTest.java,sub/ExecutionMonitor.java,sub/ObserverProtocol.aj"/>
<run class="TransactionTest"/>
- <ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="34210"
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="34210"
title="thisJoinPoint.getArgs() causes IncompatibleClassChangeError">
<compile files="ThisJoinPointAndVerifier.java"/>
<run class="ThisJoinPointAndVerifier"/>
<ajc-test dir="errors" keywords="error"
title="inter-type declaration of void field">
<compile files="VoidFieldDeclarationCE.java">
<message kind="error" line="7"/>
<ajc-test dir="binding"
title="no such constructor for proceed argument (error)">
<compile files="UnfoundConstructor.java">
<message kind="error" line="25"/>
<ajc-test dir="new/declare" pr="31724"
title="omnibus declare warning context with no initializer/constructor">
<compile files="DeclareWarningEmpty.java">
<message kind="warning" line="3" text="1 - staticinitialization(DeclareWarningEmpty)"/>
<ajc-test dir="new/declare" pr="31724"
title="omnibus declare warning context">
<message kind="warning" line="72" text="adviceExecution() && within(A)"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="34858"
title="cflow binding issues with ignoring state">
<compile files="CflowBinding.java"/>
<compile files="CflowBindingOrig.java"/>
<run class="CflowBindingOrig"/>
- <ajc-test dir="errors"
+ <ajc-test dir="errors"
title="type not imported in around advice">
<compile files="TypeNotImportedInAroundCE.java">
<message kind="error" line="10"/>
- <ajc-test dir="errors"
+ <ajc-test dir="errors"
title="type not imported in aspect">
<compile files="TypeInAspectNotImportedCE.java">
<message kind="error" line="6"/>
<ajc-test dir="errors" keywords="error"
title="class extending abstract aspect">
<compile files="ClassExtendingAbstractAspectCE.java">
<compile files="ConvertToUnchecked.java" options="-Xlint:ignore"/>
<run class="ConvertToUnchecked"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs/interAbstract"
title="inter-type declaration bug with abstract classes"
<compile files="Driver.java"/>
<run class="Driver"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs/interInherit" pr="35725"
title="Inter type declaration to base class not seen by derived class">
<compile files="a_impl/AImpl.java,a_impl/Af.java,a_intf/A.java,b_impl/BImpl.java,b_intf/B.java"/>
<compile files="Driver.java"/>
<run class="Driver"/>
- <ajc-test dir="new/declareParents"
+ <ajc-test dir="new/declareParents"
title="Declare parents removing ancestor"
<compile files="IllegalAdoption.java">
<compile files="p1/C.java,p2/A1.java"/>
<run class="p2.A1"/>
<ajc-test dir="new" pr="36736"
title="implemented abstract pointcut">
<compile files="AbstractImplementedPointcut.java">
<message kind="error" line="14"/>
<ajc-test dir="new/verifyError" pr="36673"
title="privileged aspect main verify error">
<compile files="Privilege.java"/>
<run class="Privilege"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="36564"
title="Internal compiler error with thisJoinPoint.getStaticPart()">
<compile files="tjpStaticPart/Test.java,tjpStaticPart/Exceptions.java" options="-Xlint:ignore"/>
<run class="tjpStaticPart.Test"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="29665"
title="Inconsistant stack height with around">
<compile files="StackError.java" options="-Xlint:ignore"/>
<run class="StackError"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs/messyAround" pr="36056"
title="Ajc 1.1 rc1 java.lang.VerifyError with messy arounds">
<message kind="warning" line="138"/>
<run class="cap.OptionList"/>
- </ajc-test>
+ </ajc-test>
<ajc-test dir="new"
title="try/finally in around advice (same as ...messy arounds?)">
<compile files="TryFinallyInAround.java"/>
<run class="TryFinallyInAround"/>
<ajc-test dir="new" pr="36778"
title="advise join points in subclass of empty interface">
<compile files="EmptyInterface.java"/>
<run class="EmptyInterface"/>
<ajc-test dir="new" pr="36778"
title="can't put around advice on interface static initializer"
comment="this tests for a nice message given a compiler limitation">
<message kind="error" line="23"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="36803"
title="cflow concretization causing assertion failure">
<compile files="CflowConcrete.java" options="-1.4"/>
<message kind="error" line="7"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs/interSpecials" pr="36936"
title="Error when introducing members of type Class">
<compile files="Trg.java,Asp.java"/>
<run class="Trg"/>
<ajc-test dir="new"
comment="this is a pureJava test, but we always want to run it"
title="arrays via Class.forName()">
<run class="p1.Main"/>
- <ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="37325"
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="37325"
title="Weaver fails with NPE for very large source files ">
<compile files="LongFile.java"/>
<run class="LongFile"/>
- </ajc-test>
+ </ajc-test>
<ajc-test dir="harness" keywords="command-line-error"
title="CLE: no sources">
<compile badInput="true">
<message kind="error" text="no sources"/>
- <message kind="abort" text="Usage"/>
- <ajc-test dir="harness"
+ <ajc-test dir="harness"
comment="ajde omits usage"
title="CLE: bad filename">
<compile badInput="true" files="NoSuchFile.java">
<message kind="error" text="NoSuchFile.java"/>
- <message kind="abort" text="Usage"/>
<ajc-test dir="harness" keywords="command-line-error"
comment="XXX test skipped - harness ignores -sourceroot option"
title="CLE: no dir specified for sourceroots">
- <compile badInput="true" files="ErrorTest.java"
+ <compile badInput="true" files="ErrorTest.java"
<message kind="error" text="no sources specified"/>
<message kind="error" text="bad sourceroot"/>
- <message kind="abort" text="Usage"/>
<compile badInput="true" options="-incremental">
<message kind="error" text="no sources specified"/>
<message kind="error" text="specify a source root"/>
- <message kind="abort" text="Usage"/>
<message kind="error" text="incremental mode only handles source files using -sourceroots"/>
<message kind="error" text="no sources specified"/>
<message kind="error" text="specify a source root"/>
- <message kind="abort" text="Usage"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="37304"
title="public static fields being ignored">
<compile files="FinalFields.java"/>
<run class="FinalFields"/>
<!-- This doesn't actually reproduce the bug, but no test case has been submitted
that does so this is here as a place-holder and to verify that we're mostly
<compile files="p1/Base.java,p2/Derived.java"/>
<run class="p2.Derived"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="38345"
title="try switch VerifyError, InconsistentStackHeight">
<compile files="TrySwitch.java"/>
<run class="TrySwitch"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="39458"
title="Compiler crash in ajc 1.1 - terrible error for inaccessible constructor">
<compile files="NewVoid.java">
- <message kind="error" line="17"/>
- <message kind="error" line="20"/>
+ <message kind="error" line="17"/>
+ <message kind="error" line="20"/>
<message kind="error" line="21"/>
- <message kind="error" line="28"/>
- <message kind="warning" line="29"/>
- <message kind="warning" line="30"/>
+ <message kind="error" line="28"/>
+ <message kind="warning" line="29"/>
+ <message kind="warning" line="30"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="39458"
title="Compiler crash in ajc 1.1 - terrible error for inaccessible constructor - 1.7">
<compile files="NewVoid.java">
- <message kind="error" line="17"/>
- <message kind="error" line="20"/>
+ <message kind="error" line="17"/>
+ <message kind="error" line="20"/>
<message kind="error" line="21"/>
- <message kind="error" line="28"/>
- <message kind="warning" line="29"/>
- <message kind="error" line="30"/>
+ <message kind="error" line="28"/>
+ <message kind="warning" line="29"/>
+ <message kind="error" line="30"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="39460"
title="Missing import crashes compiler">
- <compile files="MissingImport.java">
- <message kind="error" line="13" text="InvocationTargetException cannot be resolved to a type"/>
+ <compile files="MissingImport.java">
+ <message kind="error" line="13" text="InvocationTargetException cannot be resolved to a type"/>
<!-- this error has 'gone' in e37 upgrade <message kind="error" line="14" text="e cannot be resolved"/> -->
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="39479"
title="NPE in bcel.LazyMethodGen when delegating from one ctor to a second that includes a switch">
<compile files="NewSwitch.java"/>
<compile files="SwitchInAround.java"/>
<run class="SwitchInAround"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="39993"
title="ajc stack trace on declaring hashcode() method in aspect">
<compile files="OverridingInterfaceObjectMethod.java"/>
<message kind="error" line="14"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs/cflowAndJar" pr="39462"
title="Compiler crashes in jar and cflow (with no .jar)">
<compile files="TestAspect.aj,Test.java,AbstractAspect.aj">
<run class="Test"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="40589"
title="Default method impl for interface causes internal exception.">
<compile files="CloneMethod.java"/>
<run class="CloneMethod"/>
<ajc-test dir="errors"
title="compile error expected for abstract pointcut outside abstract aspect">
<compile files="AbstractPointcutCE.java">
<message kind="error" line="10"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs"
title="subtype-qualified pointcut reference">
<compile files="PointcutLibraryTest.java"/>
<run class="PointcutLibraryTest"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs"
comment="super is not permitted in pointcuts in 1.1"
<compile files="AbstractPointcutCE.java">
<message kind="error" line="14" text="The type Concrete must be an abstract class to define abstract methods"/>
<message kind="error" line="7"/>
- <message kind="error" line="11"/>
+ <message kind="error" line="11"/>
<message kind="error" line="15"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs"
- pr="40805"
+ pr="40805"
title="interface call signatures when declaring method in aspect">
<compile files="DeclareWarningAndInterfaceMethodCW.java">
<message kind="warning" line="27" text="call getSomething"/>
<message kind="warning" line="38" text="call ICanGetSomething.getSomething"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs"
title="reflective check of declared exceptions from aspect-declared methods">
<message line="7" kind="warning" text="throws both"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="42652"
title="perthis and signature bad interaction">
<compile files="InterPerCall.java" options="-1.4"/>
<run class="InterPerCall"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs/declareBinding"
title="declare error fails on pointcuts composed from multiple classes">
<compile files="aspects/Softener.aj,test/NoSoftener.java"/>
<run class="test.NoSoftener"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="42993"
title="Interaction between pointcut binding and declare parents">
<compile files="ParentsAndPointcuts.java"/>
<run class="ParentsAndPointcuts"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="43194"
title="Non-functional concretezation of ReferencePointcut">
<compile files="AdviceInteraction.java"/>
<run class="AdviceInteraction"/>
- <ajc-test dir="bugs/extdirs"
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs/extdirs"
title="zip and jar suffixes for extdirs entries">
<compile files="extdirs-src/main/Main.java"
\ No newline at end of file
<message line="12" kind="error" />
<message line="13" kind="error" />
- <message line="12" kind="error" />
+ <message line="12" kind="error" />
<message line="13" kind="error" />
- <ajc-test dir="bugs/privilege/packageProtected" pr="42711"
- title="priviledged aspects calling methods from advice">
- <compile files="concern/ContextUser.java,concern/BaseTarget.java,core/Base.java" />
- </ajc-test>
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs/privilege/packageProtected" pr="42711"
+ title="priviledged aspects calling methods from advice">
+ <compile files="concern/ContextUser.java,concern/BaseTarget.java,core/Base.java" />
+ </ajc-test>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="49457"
title="No error on overloaded pointcuts in class">
<message kind="error" line="7" text="duplicate pointcut name: pc2"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="49457"
title="No error on overloaded pointcuts unless binding variables">
<compile files="OverloadedPointcutsInAspect.java">
<message kind="error" line="6" text="Unhandled exception"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="47754"
title="static method introduction on interfaces, should not be allowed">
<compile files="StaticInterfaceMethods.java">
title="Appropriate message for 'after() thowing(Throwable th)' syntax error"
- <compile
+ <compile
files="AfterThrowingAdviceSyntaxError.java" >
<message kind="error" line="21" />
<message kind="error" line="23" />
<compile files="SimpleTracing.java" classpath="." options="-verbose -1.4">
<message kind="warning" line="4" text="no match for this type name: SampleClass"/>
- </ajc-test>
+ </ajc-test>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="46750" title="inner aspect containing declare soft">
<compile files="TestSoftening.java">
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="45663"
title="Bad parser error recovery in advice">
<compile files="ParserRecoveryTest.java">
<message kind="error" line="7"/>
- </ajc-test>
+ </ajc-test>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="45663"
title="Bad parser error recovery in java source">
<compile files="ParserRecoveryTestPureJava.java">
<message kind="error" line="6"/>
<message kind="error" line="8"/>
- </ajc-test>
- <ajc-test dir="bugs"
+ </ajc-test>
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs"
title="compiler issues error on inner aspects when privilieged">
<compile files="PrivilegedParsing.java"/>
<run class="AfterThrowingCtor"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs/abstractMethods" pr="49784"
title="Introduced abstract method on abstract class not implemented by subtype (single source file)">
<compile files="singlesource/C.java">
<run class="C2"/>
- <ajc-test dir="bugs/interAbstract"
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs/interAbstract"
title="aspect declares interface method (no modifiers)">
<compile files="InterfaceMethodDeclarationNone.java" >
<message kind="error" line="32" text="requires a body" />
- <ajc-test dir="bugs/interAbstract"
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs/interAbstract"
title="aspect declares interface method (abstract)">
<compile files="InterfaceMethodDeclarationAbstract.java">
- <ajc-test dir="bugs/interAbstract"
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs/interAbstract"
comment="working in 1.1.1 - keep with others?"
title="aspect declares interface method (public abstract)">
<run class="InterfaceMethodDeclarationFull"/>
- <ajc-test dir="bugs/interfaceDefinition"
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs/interfaceDefinition"
title="Use class implementing interface via aspect (not woven together)">
- <compile
+ <compile
pack/MyInterface.java" options="-XnotReweavable"/>
<run class="pack.InterfaceDefinition"/>
- <compile
+ <compile
<message kind="error" line="3"/>
- <ajc-test dir="bugs/interfaceDefinition"
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs/interfaceDefinition"
title="Use class implementing interface via aspect (weave all together)">
- <compile
+ <compile
<run class="pack.InterfaceDefinition"/>
<run class="Main"/>
- <ajc-test dir="bugs/interfaceDefinition"
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs/interfaceDefinition"
title="Use class implementing interface via aspect (only one implementer)">
- <compile
+ <compile
<run class="pack.InterfaceDefinition"/>
- <compile
+ <compile
<run class="Main1"/>
<run class="ErroneousExceptionConversion"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="34206"
title="before():execution(new(..)) does not throw NoAspectBoundException">
<compile files="ErroneousExceptionConversion1.java" options="-Xlint:ignore">
<compile files="uniqueId/Numbered.java,uniqueId/Bug.aj">
<message kind="error" line="4"/>
- </ajc-test>
- <ajc-test dir="bugs"
+ </ajc-test>
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs"
title="declare warning on subtype constructor">
<compile files="SubtypeConstructorCW.java" >
<run class="SubtypeConstructorCW"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="50570"
title="CatchClauseSignature has broken operation">
<compile files="HandlerSig.java"/>
<run class="HandlerSig"/>
<ajc-test dir="new" pr="42668"
title="after returning with parameter: matching rules">
<compile files="AfterReturningParamMatching.java" options="-1.4"/>
<run class="AfterReturningParamMatching"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs/binaryCompat" pr="50641"
title="binary compatibility of advice method names - expect no error">
<compile files="Main.java,TraceV1.aj" options="-1.4"/>
<compile files="TraceV2.aj" options="-1.4"/>
<run class="Main"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs/binaryCompat" pr="50641"
title="binary compatibility of advice method names - expect error">
<compile files="Main.java,TraceV1.aj" options="-1.4"/>
<compile files="TraceRE.aj" options="-1.4"/>
<run class="Main"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs/binaryCompat" pr="50641"
title="binary compatibility of advice method names - expect no error">
<compile files="Main.java,TraceWithInnerV1.aj" options="-1.4"/>
<compile files="TraceWithInnerV2.aj" options="-1.4"/>
<run class="Main"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs/protectedvf"
title="mail list VerifyError with protected access">
<compile files="main/Driver.java,main/p2/AbstractTest.aj,main/p1/ConcreteTest.aj"/>
<run class="main.Driver"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="51919"
title="Polymorphic ITD fails in CVS HEAD (From ajdt 1.1.6)">
<compile files="OverloadedITDNPE.java" />
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="51320"
title="ClasscastException on concretization of if(false)">
<compile files="DecwClassCastException.java">
<!-- These are the illegal PCDs against a deow -->
<message kind="error" line="27" text="if() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="29" text="if() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="31" text="cflow() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="33" text="cflow() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="35" text="cflowbelow() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="37" text="cflowbelow() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="39" text="this() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="41" text="this() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="43" text="target() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="45" text="target() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="47" text="args() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="49" text="args() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="51320"
title="ClasscastException on concretization of if(false)">
<compile files="DeclareSoftDynamicPCDs.java">
<!-- These are the illegal PCDs against a deow -->
<message kind="error" line="27" text="if() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="29" text="if() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="31" text="cflow() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="33" text="cflow() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="35" text="cflowbelow() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="37" text="cflowbelow() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="39" text="this() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="41" text="this() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="43" text="target() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="45" text="target() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="47" text="args() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<message kind="error" line="49" text="args() pointcut designator cannot be used"/>
<compile files="interface/C.java,interface/A.java,interface/B.java" />
<run class="C"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs/fieldsOnInterfaces"
title="declare String field on interface">
<compile files="StringFieldOnInterface.java">
<message kind="warning" line="16" text="this affected type is not exposed"/>
<message kind="warning" line="17" text="this affected type is not exposed"/>
- </compile>
+ </compile>
<ajc-test dir="bugs/fieldsOnInterfaces"
<message kind="warning" line="28" text="this affected type is not exposed"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs/fieldsOnInterfaces"
title="declare Object field on interface">
<message kind="warning" line="21" text="this affected type is not exposed"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="50776"
title="fail in compiling aspect with overriding method introduction with different throws clause ">
<compile files="IntertypeDifferentThrows.java" />
- <ajc-test dir="new"
+ <ajc-test dir="new"
comment="in ajc 1.1.1, VerifyError Illegal use of nonvirtual function call"
title="super call in anonymous class created in around advice">
<compile files="SuperClosure.java" />
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="44272"
title="retitle warning to circular {advice} dependency at ...">
<compile files="CircularAdvicePrecedence.java" options="-1.4">
- <message kind="error" line="4"/>
- <message kind="error" line="5"/>
- <message kind="error" line="6"/>
+ <message kind="error" line="4"/>
+ <message kind="error" line="5"/>
+ <message kind="error" line="6"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="51322"
title="Introduce Unknown Type to class causes Null pointer exception" >
- <compile files="Pr51322.java">
+ <compile files="Pr51322.java">
<message kind="error" line="5"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs"
title="Private members introduced via an interface are visible to the class"
<message kind="error" line="13"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs/declarePrecedenceWithClasses" pr="53012"
title="declare precedence on a class should be a compile-time error">
<compile files="DeclarePrecedenceTestClass.java" >
<message kind="error" line="10" text="Non-aspect types can only be specified"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs/declarePrecedenceWithClasses" pr="53012"
title="declare precedence on a class should be a compile-time error">
<compile files="Priority.aj" />
<ajc-test dir="bugs"
title="NPE when binary weaving a ctor ITD">
<compile files="DecwInitializationITD.java">
- <ajc-test dir="bugs/compileOrdering"
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs/compileOrdering"
<compile files="B.java,D.java" >
<message kind="error" line="2" file="B.java"/>
- <ajc-test dir="bugs"
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs"
pr="61538" title="nested uses of this() inside constructors not handled properly for initialization and preinitialization pointcuts">
<compile files="ConstructorMain.java"/>
<run class="ConstructorMain"/>
- </ajc-test>
+ </ajc-test>
<ajc-test dir="bugs"
pr="61568" title="wrong variable binding in || pointcuts">
<compile files="DisjunctVarBinding.java">
<message kind="error" line="17" text="ambiguous binding of parameter(s) a, b across '||' in pointcut"/>
- <ajc-test dir="bugs"
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs"
pr="60936" title="error message for constructor-execution pcd">
<compile files="InterfaceConstructor.java" options="-1.4">
<message kind="warning" line="10" text="no interface constructor-execution join point"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="43714"
title="weaving using an empty jar in -injars" >
- <compile files="notAJar.jar" outjar="outJar.jar">
+ <compile files="notAJar.jar" outjar="outJar.jar">
<message kind="warning" text="build config error: skipping missing, empty or corrupt inpath entry"/>
<message kind="error" text="no sources specified"/>
- <message kind="fail"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs" pr="43714"
title="weaving using an empty jar in -aspectpath" >
- <compile files="WeaveLocal.java" aspectpath="notAJar.jar" outjar="outJar.jar" >
+ <compile files="WeaveLocal.java" aspectpath="notAJar.jar" outjar="outJar.jar" >
<message kind="warning" text="build config error: skipping missing, empty or corrupt aspectpath entry"/>