private static final short LONG_VALUE_TYPE_OTHER_PAGES = (short) 0x0;
- private static final Pattern GUID_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\s*[{]([\\p{XDigit}]{4})-([\\p{XDigit}]{2})-([\\p{XDigit}]{2})-([\\p{XDigit}]{2})-([\\p{XDigit}]{6})[}]\\s*");
+ private static final Pattern GUID_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\s*[{]([\\p{XDigit}]{8})-([\\p{XDigit}]{4})-([\\p{XDigit}]{4})-([\\p{XDigit}]{4})-([\\p{XDigit}]{12})[}]\\s*");
/** default precision value for new numeric columns */
public static final byte DEFAULT_PRECISION = 18;
/** default scale value for new numeric columns */
- public static final byte DEFAULT_SCALE = 18;
+ public static final byte DEFAULT_SCALE = 0;
/** For text columns, whether or not they are compressed */
private boolean _compressedUnicode = false;
return BigDecimal.ZERO;
} else if(value instanceof BigDecimal) {
return (BigDecimal)value;
- } else {
+ } else if(value instanceof BigInteger) {
+ return new BigDecimal((BigInteger)value);
+ } else if(value instanceof Number) {
return new BigDecimal(((Number)value).doubleValue());
+ } else {
+ return new BigDecimal(value.toString());
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
+import java.io.IOException;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
Table table = open().getTable("Table1");
Map<String, Boolean> foundPKs = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
for(Index index : table.getIndexes()) {
- System.out.println(index);
Table table = db.getTable("Test");
table.addRow(new BigDecimal("-2341234.03450"));
- table.addRow(new BigDecimal("10000.45"));
+ table.addRow("10000.45");
+ public void testGUID() throws Exception
+ {
+ Database db = create();
+ List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
+ Column col = new Column();
+ col.setName("A");
+ col.setType(DataType.GUID);
+ columns.add(col);
+ db.createTable("test", columns);
+ Table table = db.getTable("Test");
+ table.addRow("{32A59F01-AA34-3E29-453F-4523453CD2E6}");
+ table.addRow("{32a59f01-aa34-3e29-453f-4523453cd2e6}");
+ table.addRow("{11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111}");
+ table.reset();
+ List<Object> foundValues = new ArrayList<Object>();
+ Map<String, Object> row = null;
+ while((row = table.getNextRow()) != null) {
+ foundValues.add(row.get("A"));
+ }
+ assertEquals(Arrays.asList(
+ "{32A59F01-AA34-3E29-453F-4523453CD2E6}",
+ "{32A59F01-AA34-3E29-453F-4523453CD2E6}",
+ "{11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111}",
+ foundValues);
+ try {
+ table.addRow("3245234");
+ fail("IOException should have been thrown");
+ } catch(IOException e) {
+ // ignored
+ }
+ }
+ public void testNumeric() throws Exception
+ {
+ Database db = create();
+ List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
+ Column col = new Column();
+ col.setName("A");
+ col.setType(DataType.NUMERIC);
+ col.setScale((byte)4);
+ col.setPrecision((byte)8);
+ columns.add(col);
+ col = new Column();
+ col.setName("B");
+ col.setType(DataType.NUMERIC);
+ col.setScale((byte)8);
+ col.setPrecision((byte)28);
+ columns.add(col);
+ db.createTable("test", columns);
+ Table table = db.getTable("Test");
+ table.addRow(new BigDecimal("-1234.03450"),
+ new BigDecimal("23923434453436.36234219"));
+ table.addRow(37L, 37L);
+ table.addRow("1000.45", "-3452345321000");
+ table.reset();
+ List<Object> foundSmallValues = new ArrayList<Object>();
+ List<Object> foundBigValues = new ArrayList<Object>();
+ Map<String, Object> row = null;
+ while((row = table.getNextRow()) != null) {
+ foundSmallValues.add(row.get("A"));
+ foundBigValues.add(row.get("B"));
+ }
+ assertEquals(Arrays.asList(
+ new BigDecimal("-1234.0345"),
+ new BigDecimal("37.0000"),
+ new BigDecimal("1000.4500")),
+ foundSmallValues);
+ assertEquals(Arrays.asList(
+ new BigDecimal("23923434453436.36234219"),
+ new BigDecimal("37.00000000"),
+ new BigDecimal("-3452345321000.00000000")),
+ foundBigValues);
+ try {
+ table.addRow(new BigDecimal("3245234.234"),
+ new BigDecimal("3245234.234"));
+ fail("IOException should have been thrown");
+ } catch(IOException e) {
+ // ignored
+ }
+ }
private Object[] createTestRow() {
return new Object[] {"Tim", "R", "McCune", 1234, (byte) 0xad, 555.66d,
777.88f, (short) 999, new Date()};