<title>AspectJ build module</title>
<h1>AspectJ build</h1>
The AspectJ project source files are broken into modules,
the subdirectories of the modules directory.
-(To eclipse users, each module is a Java project.)
+(To eclipse users, each module is a Java or AspectJ project.)
The modules are compiled independently and may be assembled
by the build script into the release jar files.
All required libraries are checked into the <code>lib</code> module.
checked in to
That means code updates in the build module are not reflected in
-the build process until the <code>build.jar<code> produced by
-building this <code>build<code> module replaces that found in
+the build process until the <code>build.jar</code> produced by
+building this <code>build</code> module replaces that found in
<code>lib/build/build.jar</code>. Once the module update is
confirmed, the new <code>lib/build/build.jar</code> must be checked in
to propogate the changes to other users.
<a href="src/org/aspectj/internal/tools/ant/taskdefs/BuildModule.java">
taskdef implements an integrated module or product build.
-<p><u>Module builds</u> are based on the Eclipse <code>.classpath</code>
+<p/><u>Module builds</u> are based on the Eclipse <code>.classpath</code>
file, and can produce
a jar with the module classes, with two variations:
in the module directory, it will be used as the manifest for the
module jar file.
-<p><u>Product builds</u> are defined by introspection of a
+<p/><u>Product builds</u> are defined by introspection of a
<a href="products">products</a> subdirectory like
<a href="products/tools">products/tools</a> for the AspectJ installer.
and a <code>dist</code> directory containing all files belonging in
the distribution, including 0-length placeholders for the module build
results. These placeholder file names are mapped to the originating
-module by the task itself (yes, an awful hack).
+module by <code>Builder.moduleAliasFor(String)</code> (yes, an awful hack).
<a name="version"></a>
<h4>Version synchronization</h4>
The version is expressed in the jar manifests, in the <code>Version</code> class,
are aligned. When not doing or testing release builds,
developers use the default "DEVELOPMENT" version.
-<p>The build version is set in
+<p/>The build version is set in
<a href="build-properties.xml">build-properties.xml</a> and propogated
using Ant copy filters out to
the <a href="../runtime/runtime.mf.txt">aspectjrt.jar manifest</a>,
without also changing the scanning code in the task.
<h4>Temporary aj-{name} and persistant aspectj-{name}</h4>
Top-level temporary build directories are prefixed "aj-",
so you can safely destroy any such directory or ignore it
in CVS or the Eclipse package explorer. By default the build script
do not use the default Eclipse Ant classpath; remove those jars and
add all the libraries in <a href="../lib/ant/lib">../lib/ant/lib</a>
as well as in <a href="../lib/junit">../lib/junit</a>.
+If the build is failing under eclipse or Ant and the problem appears
+to be in the build module, you can run the build directly in eclipse
+(not using the Ant script) by running the skipped JUnit tests in
+<a href="testsrc/org/aspectj/internal/build/ModulesTests.java">
+ testsrc/org/aspectj/internal/build/ModulesTests.java</a>.
<h4>Why new or changed modules might not work</h4>
The BuildModule taskdef makes some assumptions about the naming,
(e.g., by opening with the "default system editor") and libraries used
when compiling under Javac (if not zip products or input). This problem
presents as files not being writable, i.e., deleted or modified.
One workaround is to delete any existing build products
before re-creating them. The problem with this is that Ant provides no
notice of that deletes fail when deleting with quiet="on", but when not
before trying to deleting any files, with the result of creating unused
empty directories.
Currently BuildModule tasks forks the Javac command to try to work around
this problem, but the Zip commands do not work around it.
out everything and build from the command line. In some cases, you
have to exit Eclipse before files can be deleted. (*sigh*)