# authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed
# or implied, of Jon Disnard.
real_path () {
- IFS='/'
- for I in $1
- do
- # Resolve relative path punctuation.
- if [ "$I" = "." ] || [ -z "$I" ]
- then continue
- elif [ "$I" = ".." ]
- then FOO="${FOO%%/${FOO##*/}}"
- continue
- else FOO="${FOO}/${I}"
- fi
+ target=$1
- # Dereference symbolic links.
- if [ -h "$FOO" ] && [ -x "/bin/ls" ]
- then IFS=$OIFS
- set `/bin/ls -l "$FOO"`
- while shift ;
- do
- if [ "$1" = "->" ]
- then FOO=$2
- shift $#
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
+ (
+ while true; do
+ cd "$(dirname "$target")"
+ target=$(basename "$target")
+ link=$(readlink "$target")
+ test "$link" || break
+ target=$link
- echo "$FOO"
+ echo "$(pwd -P)/$target"
+ )
echo WARN: 'sonar-runner' script is deprecated. Please use 'sonar-scanner' instead.
if [ -h "$script_path" ] ; then
# resolve recursively symlinks
- r_script_path=$(real_path "$script_path")
- until [ "$R_script_path" = "$script_path" ]; do
- script_path="$R_script_path"
- r_script_path=$(real_path "$script_path")
- done
+ script_path=$(real_path "$script_path")
sonar_runner_home=$(dirname "$script_path")/..
exec "$java_cmd" \
-Djava.awt.headless=true \
- -classpath $jar_file \
+ -classpath "$jar_file" \
-Dscanner.home=\$sonar_runner_home \
-Dproject.home=\$project_home \
org.sonarsource.scanner.cli.Main "$@"
# authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed
# or implied, of Jon Disnard.
real_path () {
- IFS='/'
- for I in $1
- do
- # Resolve relative path punctuation.
- if [ "$I" = "." ] || [ -z "$I" ]
- then continue
- elif [ "$I" = ".." ]
- then FOO="${FOO%%/${FOO##*/}}"
- continue
- else FOO="${FOO}/${I}"
- fi
+ target=$1
- # Dereference symbolic links.
- if [ -h "$FOO" ] && [ -x "/bin/ls" ]
- then IFS=$OIFS
- set `/bin/ls -l "$FOO"`
- while shift ;
- do
- if [ "$1" = "->" ]
- then FOO=$2
- shift $#
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
+ (
+ while true; do
+ cd "$(dirname "$target")"
+ target=$(basename "$target")
+ link=$(readlink "$target")
+ test "$link" || break
+ target=$link
- echo "$FOO"
+ echo "$(pwd -P)/$target"
+ )
if [ -h "$script_path" ] ; then
# resolve recursively symlinks
- r_script_path=$(real_path "$script_path")
- until [ "$r_script_path" = "$script_path" ]; do
- script_path="$r_script_path"
- r_script_path=`real_path "$script_path"`
- done
+ script_path=$(real_path "$script_path")
sonar_scanner_home=$(dirname "$script_path")/..
-Djava.awt.headless=true \
- -classpath $jar_file \
+ -classpath "$jar_file" \
-Dscanner.home=\$sonar_scanner_home \
-Dproject.home=\$project_home \
org.sonarsource.scanner.cli.Main "$@"