--- /dev/null
+<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
+ Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
+ conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
+ ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
+<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
+ "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Diacritical Marks//EN//XML">
+ %ISOdia;
+<!-- This version of the entity set can be used with any SGML document
+ which uses ISO 10646 as its document character set.
+ This includes XML documents and ISO HTML documents.
+ This entity set uses hexadecimal numeric character references.
+ Creator: Rick Jelliffe, Allette Systems
+ Version: 1997-07-07
+<!ENTITY acute "´" ><!--=acute accent-->
+<!ENTITY breve "˘" ><!--=breve-->
+<!ENTITY caron "ˇ" ><!--=caron-->
+<!ENTITY cedil "¸" ><!--=cedilla-->
+<!ENTITY circ "^" ><!--=circumflex accent-->
+<!ENTITY dblac "˝" ><!--=double acute accent-->
+<!ENTITY die "¨" ><!--=dieresis-->
+<!ENTITY dot "˙" ><!--=dot above-->
+<!ENTITY grave "`" ><!--=grave accent-->
+<!ENTITY macr "¯" ><!--=macron-->
+<!ENTITY ogon "˛" ><!--=ogonek-->
+<!ENTITY ring "˚" ><!--=ring-->
+<!ENTITY tilde "˜" ><!--=tilde-->
+<!ENTITY uml "¨" ><!--=umlaut mark-->
--- /dev/null
+<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
+ Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
+ conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
+ ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
+ Creator: version from ISO 8879:1986
+ Version: 0.21 1992-12-04
+<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
+ "ISO 9573-15:1993//ENTITIES Greek Letters//EN//XML">
+<!-- This version of the entity set can be used with any SGML document
+ which uses ISO 10646 as its document character set.
+ This includes XML documents and ISO HTML documents.
+ Creator: Rick Jelliffe, from HTMLlat1
+ Version: 1997-07-07
+<!ENTITY agr "α" ><!--small alpha, Greek, U03B1 -->
+<!ENTITY Agr "Α" ><!--capital Alpha, Greek, U0391 -->
+<!ENTITY bgr "β" ><!--small beta, Greek, U03B2 -->
+<!ENTITY Bgr "Β" ><!--capital Beta, Greek, U0392 -->
+<!ENTITY ggr "γ" ><!--small gamma, Greek, U03B3 -->
+<!ENTITY Ggr "Γ" ><!--capital Gamma, Greek, U0393 -->
+<!ENTITY dgr "δ" ><!--small delta, Greek, U03B4 -->
+<!ENTITY Dgr "Δ" ><!--capital Delta, Greek, U0394 -->
+<!ENTITY egr "ε" ><!--small epsilon, Greek, U03B5 -->
+<!ENTITY Egr "Ε" ><!--capital Epsilon, Greek, U0395 -->
+<!ENTITY zgr "ζ" ><!--small zeta, Greek, U03B6 -->
+<!ENTITY Zgr "Ζ" ><!--capital Zeta, Greek, U0396 -->
+<!ENTITY eegr "η" ><!--small eta, Greek, U03B7 -->
+<!ENTITY EEgr "Η" ><!--capital Eta, Greek, U0397 -->
+<!ENTITY thgr "θ" ><!--small theta, Greek, U03B8 -->
+<!ENTITY THgr "Θ" ><!--capital Theta, Greek, U0398 -->
+<!ENTITY igr "ι" ><!--small iota, Greek, U03B9 -->
+<!ENTITY Igr "Ι" ><!--capital Iota, Greek, U0399 -->
+<!ENTITY kgr "κ" ><!--small kappa, Greek, U03BA -->
+<!ENTITY Kgr "Κ" ><!--capital Kappa, Greek, U039A -->
+<!ENTITY lgr "λ" ><!--small lambda, Greek, U03BB -->
+<!ENTITY Lgr "Λ" ><!--capital Lambda, Greek, U039B -->
+<!ENTITY mgr "μ" ><!--small mu, Greek, U03BC -->
+<!ENTITY Mgr "Μ" ><!--capital Mu, Greek, U039C -->
+<!ENTITY ngr "ν" ><!--small nu, Greek, U03BD -->
+<!ENTITY Ngr "Ν" ><!--capital Nu, Greek, U039D -->
+<!ENTITY xgr "ξ" ><!--small xi, Greek, U03BE -->
+<!ENTITY Xgr "Ξ" ><!--capital Xi, Greek, U039E -->
+<!ENTITY ogr "ο" ><!--small omicron, Greek, U03BF -->
+<!ENTITY Ogr "Ο" ><!--capital Omicron, Greek, U039F -->
+<!ENTITY pgr "π" ><!--small pi, Greek, U03C0 -->
+<!ENTITY Pgr "Π" ><!--capital Pi, Greek, U03A0 -->
+<!ENTITY rgr "ρ" ><!--small rho, Greek, U03C1 -->
+<!ENTITY Rgr "Ρ" ><!--capital Rho, Greek, U03A1 -->
+<!ENTITY sfgr "ς" ><!--final small sigma, Greek, U03C2 -->
+<!ENTITY sgr "σ" ><!--small sigma, Greek, U03C3 -->
+<!ENTITY Sgr "Σ" ><!--capital Sigma, Greek, U03A3 -->
+<!ENTITY tgr "τ" ><!--small tau, Greek, U03C4 -->
+<!ENTITY Tgr "Τ" ><!--capital Tau, Greek, U03A4 -->
+<!ENTITY ugr "υ" ><!--small upsilon, Greek, U03C5 -->
+<!ENTITY Ugr "Υ" ><!--capital Upsilon, Greek, U03A5 -->
+<!ENTITY phgr "φ" ><!--small phi, Greek, U03C6 -->
+<!ENTITY PHgr "Φ" ><!--capital Phi, Greek, U03A6 -->
+<!ENTITY khgr "χ" ><!--small chi, Greek, U03C7 -->
+<!ENTITY KHgr "Χ" ><!--capital Chi, Greek, U03A7 -->
+<!ENTITY psgr "ψ" ><!--small psi, Greek, U03C8 -->
+<!ENTITY PSgr "Ψ" ><!--capital Psi, Greek, U03A8 -->
+<!ENTITY ohgr "ω" ><!--small omega, Greek, U03C9 -->
+<!ENTITY OHgr "Ω" ><!--capital Omega, Greek, U03A9 -->
--- /dev/null
+<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
+ Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
+ conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
+ ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
+<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
+ "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//XML">
+ %ISOlat1;
+<!-- This version of the entity set can be used with any SGML document
+ which uses ISO 8859-1 or ISO 10646 as its document character
+ set. This includes XML documents and ISO HTML documents.
+ <!ENTITY Agrave "À" ><!-- capital A, grave accent -->
+ <!ENTITY Aacute "Á" ><!-- capital A, acute accent -->
+ <!ENTITY Acirc "Â" ><!-- capital A, circumflex accent -->
+ <!ENTITY Atilde "Ã" ><!-- capital A, tilde -->
+ <!ENTITY Auml "Ä" ><!-- capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
+ <!ENTITY Aring "Å" ><!-- capital A, ring -->
+ <!ENTITY AElig "Æ" ><!-- capital AE diphthong (ligature) -->
+ <!ENTITY Ccedil "Ç" ><!-- capital C, cedilla -->
+ <!ENTITY Egrave "È" ><!-- capital E, grave accent -->
+ <!ENTITY Eacute "É" ><!-- capital E, acute accent -->
+ <!ENTITY Ecirc "Ê" ><!-- capital E, circumflex accent -->
+ <!ENTITY Euml "Ë" ><!-- capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
+ <!ENTITY Igrave "Ì" ><!-- capital I, grave accent -->
+ <!ENTITY Iacute "Í" ><!-- capital I, acute accent -->
+ <!ENTITY Icirc "Î" ><!-- capital I, circumflex accent -->
+ <!ENTITY Iuml "Ï" ><!-- capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
+ <!ENTITY ETH "Ð" ><!-- capital Eth, Icelandic -->
+ <!ENTITY Ntilde "Ñ" ><!-- capital N, tilde -->
+ <!ENTITY Ograve "Ò" ><!-- capital O, grave accent -->
+ <!ENTITY Oacute "Ó" ><!-- capital O, acute accent -->
+ <!ENTITY Ocirc "Ô" ><!-- capital O, circumflex accent -->
+ <!ENTITY Otilde "Õ" ><!-- capital O, tilde -->
+ <!ENTITY Ouml "Ö" ><!-- capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
+ <!ENTITY Oslash "Ø" ><!-- capital O, slash -->
+ <!ENTITY Ugrave "Ù" ><!-- capital U, grave accent -->
+ <!ENTITY Uacute "Ú" ><!-- capital U, acute accent -->
+ <!ENTITY Ucirc "Û" ><!-- capital U, circumflex accent -->
+ <!ENTITY Uuml "Ü" ><!-- capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
+ <!ENTITY Yacute "Ý" ><!-- capital Y, acute accent -->
+ <!ENTITY THORN "Þ" ><!-- capital THORN, Icelandic -->
+ <!ENTITY szlig "ß" ><!-- small sharp s, German (sz ligature) -->
+ <!ENTITY agrave "à" ><!-- small a, grave accent -->
+ <!ENTITY aacute "á" ><!-- small a, acute accent -->
+ <!ENTITY acirc "â" ><!-- small a, circumflex accent -->
+ <!ENTITY atilde "ã" ><!-- small a, tilde -->
+ <!ENTITY auml "ä" ><!-- small a, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
+ <!ENTITY aring "å" ><!-- small a, ring -->
+ <!ENTITY aelig "æ" ><!-- small ae diphthong (ligature) -->
+ <!ENTITY ccedil "ç" ><!-- small c, cedilla -->
+ <!ENTITY egrave "è" ><!-- small e, grave accent -->
+ <!ENTITY eacute "é" ><!-- small e, acute accent -->
+ <!ENTITY ecirc "ê" ><!-- small e, circumflex accent -->
+ <!ENTITY euml "ë" ><!-- small e, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
+ <!ENTITY igrave "ì" ><!-- small i, grave accent -->
+ <!ENTITY iacute "í" ><!-- small i, acute accent -->
+ <!ENTITY icirc "î" ><!-- small i, circumflex accent -->
+ <!ENTITY iuml "ï" ><!-- small i, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
+ <!ENTITY eth "ð" ><!-- small eth, Icelandic -->
+ <!ENTITY ntilde "ñ" ><!-- small n, tilde -->
+ <!ENTITY ograve "ò" ><!-- small o, grave accent -->
+ <!ENTITY oacute "ó" ><!-- small o, acute accent -->
+ <!ENTITY ocirc "ô" ><!-- small o, circumflex accent -->
+ <!ENTITY otilde "õ" ><!-- small o, tilde -->
+ <!ENTITY ouml "ö" ><!-- small o, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
+ <!ENTITY oslash "ø" ><!-- small o, slash -->
+ <!ENTITY ugrave "ù" ><!-- small u, grave accent -->
+ <!ENTITY uacute "ú" ><!-- small u, acute accent -->
+ <!ENTITY ucirc "û" ><!-- small u, circumflex accent -->
+ <!ENTITY uuml "ü" ><!-- small u, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
+ <!ENTITY yacute "ý" ><!-- small y, acute accent -->
+ <!ENTITY thorn "þ" ><!-- small thorn, Icelandic -->
+ <!ENTITY yuml "ÿ" ><!-- small y, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
--- /dev/null
+<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
+ Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
+ conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
+ ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
+<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
+ "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN//XML">
+ %ISOnum;
+<!-- This version of the entity set can be used with any SGML document
+ which uses ISO 10646 as its document character set.
+ This includes XML documents and ISO HTML documents.
+ This entity set uses hexadecimal numeric character references.
+ Creator: Rick Jelliffe, Allette Systems
+ Version: 1997-07-07
+<!ENTITY half "½" ><!--=fraction one-half-->
+<!ENTITY frac12 "½" ><!--=fraction one-half-->
+<!ENTITY frac14 "¼" ><!--=fraction one-quarter-->
+<!ENTITY frac34 "¾" ><!--=fraction three-quarters-->
+<!ENTITY frac18 "⅛" >
+ <!-- or "±Ȃ⁄₈" --><!--=fraction one-eighth-->
+<!ENTITY frac38 "⅜" >
+ <!-- or "³⁄₈" --><!--=fraction three-eighths-->
+<!ENTITY frac58 "⅝" >
+ <!-- or "⁵⁄₈" --><!--=fraction five-eighths-->
+<!ENTITY frac78 "⅞" >
+ <!-- or "⁷⁄₈" --><!--=fraction seven-eighths-->
+<!ENTITY sup1 "¹" ><!--=superscript one-->
+<!ENTITY sup2 "²" ><!--=superscript two-->
+<!ENTITY sup3 "³" ><!--=superscript three-->
+<!ENTITY plus "+" ><!--=plus sign B:-->
+<!ENTITY plusmn "±" ><!--/pm B: =plus-or-minus sign-->
+<!ENTITY lt "&#60;" ><!--=less-than sign R:-->
+<!ENTITY equals "=" ><!--=equals sign R:-->
+<!ENTITY gt ">" ><!--=greater-than sign R:-->
+<!ENTITY divide "÷" ><!--/div B: =divide sign-->
+<!ENTITY times "×" ><!--/times B: =multiply sign-->
+<!ENTITY curren "¤" ><!--=general currency sign-->
+<!ENTITY pound "£" ><!--=pound sign-->
+<!ENTITY dollar "$" ><!--=dollar sign-->
+<!ENTITY cent "¢" ><!--=cent sign-->
+<!ENTITY yen "¥" ><!--/yen =yen sign-->
+<!ENTITY num "#" ><!--=number sign-->
+<!ENTITY percnt "%" ><!--=percent sign-->
+<!ENTITY amp "&#38;" ><!--=ampersand-->
+<!ENTITY ast "*" ><!--/ast B: =asterisk-->
+<!ENTITY commat "@" ><!--=commercial at-->
+<!ENTITY lsqb "[" ><!--/lbrack O: =left square bracket-->
+<!ENTITY bsol "\" ><!--/backslash =reverse solidus-->
+<!ENTITY rsqb "]" ><!--/rbrack C: =right square bracket-->
+<!ENTITY lcub "{" ><!--/lbrace O: =left curly bracket-->
+<!ENTITY horbar "―" ><!--=horizontal bar-->
+<!ENTITY verbar "|" ><!--/vert =vertical bar-->
+<!ENTITY rcub "}" ><!--/rbrace C: =right curly bracket-->
+<!ENTITY micro "µ" ><!--=micro sign-->
+<!ENTITY ohm "ࡎ" ><!--=ohm sign-->
+<!ENTITY deg "°" ><!--=degree sign-->
+<!ENTITY ordm "º" ><!--=ordinal indicator, masculine-->
+<!ENTITY ordf "ª" ><!--=ordinal indicator, feminine-->
+<!ENTITY sect "§" ><!--=section sign-->
+<!ENTITY para "¶" ><!--=pilcrow (paragraph sign)-->
+<!ENTITY middot "·" ><!--/centerdot B: =middle dot-->
+<!ENTITY larr "←" ><!--/leftarrow /gets A: =leftward arrow-->
+<!ENTITY rarr "→" ><!--/rightarrow /to A: =rightward arrow-->
+<!ENTITY uarr "↑" ><!--/uparrow A: =upward arrow-->
+<!ENTITY darr "↓" ><!--/downarrow A: =downward arrow-->
+<!ENTITY copy "©" ><!--=copyright sign-->
+<!ENTITY reg "®" ><!--/circledR =registered sign-->
+<!ENTITY trade "™" ><!--=trade mark sign-->
+<!ENTITY brvbar "¦" ><!--=bren (vertical) bar-->
+<!ENTITY not "¬" ><!--/neg /lnot =not sign-->
+<!ENTITY sung "♪" ><!--=music note (sung text sign)-->
+<!ENTITY excl "!" ><!--=exclamation mark-->
+<!ENTITY iexcl "¡" ><!--=inverted exclamation mark-->
+<!ENTITY quot '"' ><!--=quotation mark-->
+<!ENTITY apos "'" ><!--=apostrophe-->
+<!ENTITY lpar "(" ><!--O: =left parenthesis-->
+<!ENTITY rpar ")" ><!--C: =right parenthesis-->
+<!ENTITY comma "," ><!--P: =comma-->
+<!ENTITY lowbar "_" ><!--=low line-->
+<!ENTITY hyphen "‐" ><!--=hyphen-->
+<!ENTITY period "." ><!--=full stop, period-->
+<!ENTITY sol "/" ><!--=solidus-->
+<!ENTITY colon ":" ><!--/colon P:-->
+<!ENTITY semi ";" ><!--=semicolon P:-->
+<!ENTITY quest "?" ><!--=question mark-->
+<!ENTITY iquest "¿" ><!--=inverted question mark-->
+<!ENTITY laquo "‹" ><!--=angle quotation mark, left
+ But note that Unicode 1 & Maler & el Andaloussi give « -->
+<!ENTITY raquo "›" ><!--=angle quotation mark, right
+ But note that Unicode 1 & Maler & el Andaloussi give » -->
+<!ENTITY lsquo "‘" ><!--=single quotation mark, left-->
+<!ENTITY rsquo "’" ><!--=single quotation mark, right-->
+<!ENTITY ldquo "“" ><!--=double quotation mark, left-->
+<!ENTITY rdquo "”" ><!--=double quotation mark, right-->
+<!ENTITY nbsp " " ><!--=no break (required) space-->
+<!ENTITY shy "­" ><!--=soft hyphen-->
--- /dev/null
+<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
+ Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
+ conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
+ ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
+<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
+ "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Publishing//EN//XML">
+ %ISOpub;
+<!-- This version of the entity set can be used with any SGML document
+ which uses ISO 10646 as its document character set.
+ This includes XML documents and ISO HTML documents.
+ This entity set uses hexadecimal numeric character references.
+ Creator: Rick Jelliffe, Allette Systems
+ Version: 1997-07-07
+<!ENTITY emsp " " ><!--=em space-->
+<!ENTITY ensp " " ><!--=en space (1/2-em)-->
+<!ENTITY emsp13 " " ><!--=1/3-em space-->
+<!ENTITY emsp14 " " ><!--=1/4-em space-->
+<!ENTITY numsp " " ><!--=digit space (width of a number)-->
+<!ENTITY puncsp " " ><!--=punctuation space (width of comma)-->
+<!ENTITY thinsp " " ><!--=thin space (1/6-em)-->
+<!ENTITY hairsp " " ><!--=hair space-->
+<!ENTITY mdash "—" ><!--=em dash-->
+<!ENTITY ndash "–" ><!--=en dash-->
+<!ENTITY dash "‐" ><!--=hyphen (true graphic)-->
+<!ENTITY blank "␣" ><!--=significant blank symbol-->
+<!ENTITY hellip "…" ><!--=ellipsis (horizontal)-->
+<!ENTITY nldr "‥" ><!--=double baseline dot (en leader)-->
+<!ENTITY frac13 "⅓" ><!--=fraction one-third-->
+<!ENTITY frac23 "⅔" ><!--=fraction two-thirds-->
+<!ENTITY frac15 "⅕" ><!--=fraction one-fifth-->
+<!ENTITY frac25 "⅖" ><!--=fraction two-fifths-->
+<!ENTITY frac35 "⅗" ><!--=fraction three-fifths-->
+<!ENTITY frac45 "⅘" ><!--=fraction four-fifths-->
+<!ENTITY frac16 "⅙" ><!--=fraction one-sixth-->
+<!ENTITY frac56 "⅚" ><!--=fraction five-sixths-->
+<!ENTITY incare "℅" ><!--=in-care-of symbol-->
+<!ENTITY block "█" ><!--=full block-->
+<!ENTITY uhblk "▀" ><!--=upper half block-->
+<!ENTITY lhblk "▄" ><!--=lower half block-->
+<!ENTITY blk14 "░" ><!--=25% shaded block-->
+<!ENTITY blk12 "▒" ><!--=50% shaded block-->
+<!ENTITY blk34 "▓" ><!--=75% shaded block-->
+<!ENTITY marker "▮" ><!--=histogram marker-->
+<!ENTITY cir "○" ><!--/circ B: =circle, open-->
+<!ENTITY squ "□" ><!--=square, open-->
+<!ENTITY rect "▭" ><!--=rectangle, open-->
+<!ENTITY utri "▵" ><!--/triangle =up triangle, open-->
+<!ENTITY dtri "▿" ><!--/triangledown =down triangle, open-->
+<!ENTITY star "☆" ><!--=star, open-->
+<!ENTITY bull "•" ><!--/bullet B: =round bullet, filled-->
+<!ENTITY squf "▪" ><!--/blacksquare =sq bullet, filled-->
+<!ENTITY utrif "▴" ><!--/blacktriangle =up tri, filled-->
+<!ENTITY dtrif "▾" ><!--/blacktriangledown =dn tri, filled-->
+<!ENTITY ltrif "◂" ><!--/blacktriangleleft R: =l tri, filled-->
+<!ENTITY rtrif "▸" ><!--/blacktriangleright R: =r tri, filled-->
+<!ENTITY clubs "♣" ><!--/clubsuit =club suit symbol-->
+<!ENTITY diams "♢" ><!--/diamondsuit =diamond suit symbol-->
+<!ENTITY hearts "♡" ><!--/heartsuit =heart suit symbol-->
+<!ENTITY spades "♠" ><!--/spadesuit =spades suit symbol-->
+<!ENTITY malt "✠" ><!--/maltese =maltese cross-->
+<!ENTITY dagger "†" ><!--/dagger B: =dagger-->
+<!ENTITY Dagger "‡" ><!--/ddagger B: =double dagger-->
+<!ENTITY check "✓" ><!--/checkmark =tick, check mark-->
+<!ENTITY cross "✗" ><!--=ballot cross-->
+<!ENTITY sharp "♯" ><!--/sharp =musical sharp-->
+<!ENTITY flat "♭" ><!--/flat =musical flat-->
+<!ENTITY male "♂" ><!--=male symbol-->
+<!ENTITY female "♀" ><!--=female symbol-->
+<!ENTITY phone "⛠" ><!--=telephone symbol-->
+<!ENTITY telrec "⌕" ><!--=telephone recorder symbol-->
+<!ENTITY copysr "℗" ><!--=sound recording copyright sign-->
+<!ENTITY caret "⁁" ><!--=caret (insertion mark)-->
+<!ENTITY lsquor "‚" ><!--=rising single quote, left (low)-->
+<!ENTITY ldquor "„" ><!--=rising dbl quote, left (low)-->
+<!ENTITY fflig "ff" ><!--small ff ligature-->
+<!ENTITY filig "fi" ><!--small fi ligature-->
+<!ENTITY fjlig "fj" ><!--small fj ligature-->
+<!ENTITY ffilig "ffi" ><!--small ffi ligature-->
+<!ENTITY ffllig "ffl" ><!--small ffl ligature-->
+<!ENTITY fllig "fl" ><!--small fl ligature-->
+<!ENTITY mldr "‥" ><!--em leader-->
+<!ENTITY rdquor "”" ><!--rising dbl quote, right (high)-->
+<!ENTITY rsquor "’" ><!--rising single quote, right (high)-->
+<!ENTITY vellip "⋮" ><!--vertical ellipsis-->
+<!ENTITY hybull "⁃" ><!--rectangle, filled (hyphen bullet)-->
+<!ENTITY loz "✧" ><!--/lozenge - lozenge or total mark-->
+<!ENTITY lozf "✦" ><!--/blacklozenge - lozenge, filled-->
+<!ENTITY ltri "◃" ><!--/triangleleft B: l triangle, open-->
+<!ENTITY rtri "▹" ><!--/triangleright B: r triangle, open-->
+<!ENTITY starf "★" ><!--/bigstar - star, filled-->
+<!ENTITY natur "♮" ><!--/natural - music natural-->
+<!ENTITY rx "℞" ><!--pharmaceutical prescription (Rx)-->
+<!ENTITY sext "✶" ><!--sextile (6-pointed star)-->
+<!ENTITY target "⌖" ><!--register mark or target-->
+<!ENTITY dlcrop "⌍" ><!--downward left crop mark -->
+<!ENTITY drcrop "⌌" ><!--downward right crop mark -->
+<!ENTITY ulcrop "⌏" ><!--upward left crop mark -->
+<!ENTITY urcrop "⌎" ><!--upward right crop mark -->
--- /dev/null
+<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
+ Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
+ conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
+ ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
+<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
+ "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES General Technical//EN//XML"
+ "ISOtech.pen">
+ %ISOtech;
+<!-- This version of the entity set can be used with any SGML document
+ which uses ISO 10646 as its document character set.
+ This includes XML documents and ISO HTML documents.
+ This entity set uses hexadecimal numeric character references.
+ Creator: Rick Jelliffe, Allette Systems
+ Version: 1997-07-07
+<!ENTITY aleph "ℵ" ><!--/aleph =aleph, Hebrew-->
+<!ENTITY and "∧" ><!--/wedge /land B: =logical and-->
+<!ENTITY ang90 "∟" ><!--=right (90 degree) angle-->
+<!ENTITY angsph "∢" ><!--/sphericalangle =angle-spherical-->
+<!ENTITY ap "≉" ><!--/approx R: =approximate-->
+<!ENTITY becaus "∵" ><!--/because R: =because-->
+<!ENTITY bottom "⊥" ><!--/bot B: =perpendicular-->
+<!ENTITY cap "∩" ><!--/cap B: =intersection-->
+<!ENTITY cong "≅" ><!--/cong R: =congruent with-->
+<!ENTITY conint "∮" ><!--/oint L: =contour integral operator-->
+<!ENTITY cup "∪" ><!--/cup B: =union or logical sum-->
+<!ENTITY equiv "≡" ><!--/equiv R: =identical with-->
+<!ENTITY exist "∃" ><!--/exists =at least one exists-->
+<!ENTITY forall "∀" ><!--/forall =for all-->
+<!ENTITY fnof "ƒ" ><!--=function of (italic small f)-->
+<!ENTITY ge "≥" ><!--/geq /ge R: =greater-than-or-equal-->
+<!ENTITY iff "⇔" ><!--/iff =if and only if-->
+<!ENTITY infin "∞" ><!--/infty =infinity-->
+<!ENTITY int "∫" ><!--/int L: =integral operator-->
+<!ENTITY isin "∈" ><!--/in R: =set membership-->
+<!ENTITY lang "〈" ><!--/langle O: =left angle bracket-->
+<!ENTITY lArr "⇐" ><!--/Leftarrow A: =is implied by-->
+<!ENTITY le "≤" ><!--/leq /le R: =less-than-or-equal-->
+<!ENTITY minus "-" ><!--B: =minus sign-->
+<!ENTITY mnplus "∓" ><!--/mp B: =minus-or-plus sign-->
+<!ENTITY nabla "∇" ><!--/nabla =del, Hamilton operator-->
+<!ENTITY ne "≠" ><!--/ne /neq R: =not equal-->
+<!ENTITY ni "∋" ><!--/ni /owns R: =contains-->
+<!ENTITY or "∨" ><!--/vee /lor B: =logical or-->
+<!ENTITY par "∥" ><!--/parallel R: =parallel-->
+<!ENTITY part "∂" ><!--/partial =partial differential-->
+<!ENTITY permil "‰" ><!--=per thousand-->
+<!ENTITY perp "⊥" ><!--/perp R: =perpendicular-->
+<!ENTITY prime "′" ><!--/prime =prime or minute-->
+<!ENTITY Prime "″" ><!--=double prime or second-->
+<!ENTITY prop "∝" ><!--/propto R: =is proportional to-->
+<!ENTITY radic "√" ><!--/surd =radical-->
+<!ENTITY rang "〉" ><!--/rangle C: =right angle bracket-->
+<!ENTITY rArr "⇒" ><!--/Rightarrow A: =implies-->
+<!ENTITY sim "∼" ><!--/sim R: =similar-->
+<!ENTITY sime "≃" ><!--/simeq R: =similar, equals-->
+<!ENTITY square "□" ><!--/square B: =square-->
+<!ENTITY sub "⊂" ><!--/subset R: =subset or is implied by-->
+<!ENTITY sube "⊆" ><!--/subseteq R: =subset, equals-->
+<!ENTITY sup "⊃" ><!--/supset R: =superset or implies-->
+<!ENTITY supe "⊇" ><!--/supseteq R: =superset, equals-->
+<!ENTITY there4 "∴" ><!--/therefore R: =therefore-->
+<!ENTITY Verbar "‖" ><!--/Vert =dbl vertical bar-->
+<!ENTITY angst "Å" ><!--Angstrom =capital A, ring-->
+<!ENTITY bernou "ℬ" ><!--Bernoulli function (script capital B)-->
+<!ENTITY compfn "∘" ><!--B: composite function (small circle)-->
+<!ENTITY Dot "¨" ><!--=dieresis or umlaut mark-->
+<!ENTITY DotDot "⃜" ><!--four dots above-->
+<!ENTITY hamilt "ℋ" ><!--Hamiltonian (script capital H)-->
+<!ENTITY lagran "ℒ" ><!--Lagrangian (script capital L)-->
+<!ENTITY lowast "∗" ><!--low asterisk-->
+<!ENTITY notin "∉" ><!--N: negated set membership-->
+<!ENTITY order "ℴ" ><!--order of (script small o)-->
+<!ENTITY phmmat "ℳ" ><!--physics M-matrix (script capital M)-->
+<!ENTITY tdot "⃛" ><!--three dots above-->
+<!ENTITY tprime "‴" ><!--triple prime-->
+<!ENTITY wedgeq "≙" ><!--R: corresponds to (wedge, equals)-->
--- /dev/null
+<!-- ===================================================================
+ Apache Cocoon Documentation Book DTD (Version 1.0)
+This DTD defines the */book.xml documentation configuration files.
+ "-//APACHE//DTD Cocoon Documentation Book Vx.yz//EN"
+ "book-cocoon-vxyz.dtd">
+ where
+ x := major version
+ y := minor version
+ z := status identifier (optional)
+We need to replace this DTD with the proper one.
+We are only using this DTD to enable validation during "build docs"
+because every XML instance must declare its ruleset.
+This initial minimal DTD has been reverse-engineered from the structure
+of the current documents, e.g.
+ documentation/xdocs/book.xml
+ David Crossley <crossley@apache.org>
+ - find the proper DTD for book.xml
+ 20011031 Initial version. (DC)
+ Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
+ Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
+ included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
+ provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
+ included files.
+==================================================================== -->
+<!ELEMENT book (menu+)>
+<!ELEMENT menu (menu-item|external)*>
+<!ELEMENT menu-item EMPTY>
+<!ELEMENT external EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST book software CDATA #REQUIRED
+ copyright CDATA #REQUIRED
+ xmlns:xlink CDATA #IMPLIED
+<!ATTLIST menu-item label CDATA #REQUIRED
+ type (visible|hidden) "visible"
+<!ATTLIST external label CDATA #REQUIRED
+ type (visible|hidden) "visible"
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- End of DTD -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
--- /dev/null
+<!-- ===================================================================
+ Apache Changes DTD (Version 1.1)
+ This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
+ type for software development changes for use with the Apache projects.
+ It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
+ project.
+ <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
+ "-//APACHE//DTD Changes Vx.y//EN"
+ "changes-vxy.dtd">
+ where
+ x := major version
+ y := minor version
+ It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
+ track of software changes both to give users indications of bugs that might
+ have been resolved, as well, and not less important, to provide credits
+ for the support given to the project. It is considered vital to provide
+ adequate payback using recognition and credits to let users and developers
+ feel part of the community, thus increasing development power.
+ Stefano Mazzocchi <stefano@apache.org>
+[Version 1.0]
+ 19991129 Initial version. (SM)
+ 20000316 Added bugfixing attribute. (SM)
+[Version 1.1]
+ 20011212 Used public identifiers for external entities (SM)
+ Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
+ Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
+ included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
+ provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
+ included files.
+==================================================================== -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Include the Documentation DTD -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!ENTITY % document PUBLIC
+ "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN"
+ "document-v11.dtd">
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Common entities -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!ENTITY % types "add|remove|update|fix">
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Document Type Definition -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!ELEMENT changes (devs, release*)>
+<!ATTLIST changes %common.att;
+ %title.att;>
+ <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
+ <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
+ <!ELEMENT release (action+)>
+ <!ATTLIST release %common.att;
+ <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
+ type (%types;) #IMPLIED
+ due-to-email CDATA #IMPLIED
+ fixes-bug CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- End of DTD -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
--- /dev/null
+<!-- ===================================================================
+ Apache Documentation DTD (Version 1.1)
+ This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
+ type for software documentation for use with the Apache projects.
+ It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
+ project.
+ <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
+ "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation Vx.y//EN"
+ "document-vxy.dtd">
+ where
+ x := major version
+ y := minor version
+ Many of the design patterns used in this DTD were take from the
+ W3C XML Specification DTD edited by Eve Maler <elm@arbortext.com>.
+ Where possible, great care has been used to reuse HTML tag
+ names to reduce learning efforts and to allow HTML editors to be
+ used for complex authorings like tables and lists.
+ This DTD includes several empty placeholders that can be used to
+ extend it. These placeholders are implemented with empty entities. Here
+ is the list of those empty entities and what they are used for:
+ - local.inline: this entity should contain extended definitions of
+ elements that can be used 'inline', or directly inside
+ the content. An example for this entity could be
+ <!ENTITY % local.inline "|citation">
+ - local.blocks: this entity should contain extended definitions of
+ elements that behave as 'blocks', thus can be visually
+ rendered as areas on the canvas. An example for this
+ entity could be:
+ <!ENTITY % local.blocks "|poem">
+ - local.sections: this entity should contain extended definitions of
+ elements that behave as 'sections', thus can be considered
+ containers of block-level elements. An example for
+ this entity could be:
+ <!ENTITY % local.sections "|chapter">
+ - local.headers: this entity should contain extended definitions of
+ elements that behave as parts of the document header.
+ An example for this header could be:
+ <!ENTITY % local.headers ", notes?">
+ - local.footers: this entity should contain extended definitions of
+ elements that behave as parts of the document footer.
+ An example for this header could be:
+ <!ENTITY % local.footers ", annotations*">
+ Stefano Mazzocchi <stefano@apache.org>
+ Steven Noels <stevenn@outerthought.org>
+ - should "form" tags be included?
+[Version 1.0]
+ 19991121 Initial version. (SM)
+ 19991123 Replaced "res" with more standard "strong" for emphasis. (SM)
+ 19991124 Added "fork" element for window forking behavior. (SM)
+ 19991124 Added "img-inline" element to separate from "img". (SM)
+ 19991129 Removed "affiliation" from "author". (SM)
+ 19991129 Made "author" empty and moved "name|email" as attributes. (SM)
+ 19991215 Simplified table section. (SM)
+ 19991215 Changed "img-block" in more friendly "figure". (SM)
+ 20000125 Added the "icon" image. (SM)
+ 20000126 Allowed "anchor" in all levels. (SM)
+ 20000404 Removed the "role" attribute from common-xxx.att. (SM)
+ 20000815 Allowed "code" inside "strong" and "em". (SM)
+[Version 1.1]
+ 20011212 Used public identifiers for external entities. (SM)
+ 20011212 Removed xlink attributes since not used. (SM)
+ 20011212 Removed "connect" since not required at this level. (SM)
+ 20011218 Added "warning" as a block level object. (SM)
+ 20011218 Removed explicitly numbered sections ("s1|s2|s3|s4"). (SM)
+ 20011218 Added "section" element. (SM)
+ 20011218 Allowed "body" to have blocks without a section. (SM)
+ 20011218 Removed "sl" since not really different from "ul". (SM)
+ 20020214 Moved empty placeholder entity declarations up front (SNS)
+ 20020214 Corrected content model of content.mix parameter entity (SNS)
+ Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
+ Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
+ included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
+ provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
+ included files.
+==================================================================== -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Common character entities (included from external file) -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+ "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//XML"
+ "ISOlat1.pen">
+ "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Publishing//EN//XML"
+ "ISOpub.pen">
+ "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES General Technical//EN//XML"
+ "ISOtech.pen">
+ "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN//XML"
+ "ISOnum.pen">
+ "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Diacritical Marks//EN//XML"
+ "ISOdia.pen">
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Useful entities for increased DTD readability -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA">
+<!-- Entities referred to later on are defined up front -->
+<!ENTITY % markup "strong|em|code|sub|sup">
+<!ENTITY % special-inline "br|img|icon">
+<!ENTITY % links "link|jump|fork">
+<!ENTITY % paragraphs "p|source|note|warning|fixme">
+<!ENTITY % tables "table">
+<!ENTITY % lists "ol|ul|dl">
+<!ENTITY % special-blocks "figure|anchor">
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Entities for general XML compliance -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Common attributes
+ Every element has an ID attribute (sometimes required,
+ but usually optional) for links. %common.att;
+ is for common attributes where the ID is optional, and
+ %common-idreq.att; is for common attributes where the
+ ID is required.
+<!ENTITY % common.att
+ xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED'>
+<!ENTITY % common-idreq.att
+ xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED'>
+<!-- xml:space attribute ===============================================
+ Indicates that the element contains white space
+ that the formatter or other application should retain,
+ as appropriate to its function.
+==================================================================== -->
+<!ENTITY % xmlspace.att
+ 'xml:space (default|preserve) #FIXED "preserve"'>
+<!-- def attribute =====================================================
+ Points to the element where the relevant definition can be
+ found, using the IDREF mechanism. %def.att; is for optional
+ def attributes, and %def-req.att; is for required def
+ attributes.
+==================================================================== -->
+<!ENTITY % def.att
+<!ENTITY % def-req.att
+<!-- ref attribute =====================================================
+ Points to the element where more information can be found,
+ using the IDREF mechanism. %ref.att; is for optional
+ ref attributes, and %ref-req.att; is for required ref
+ attributes.
+================================================================== -->
+<!ENTITY % ref.att
+<!ENTITY % ref-req.att
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Entities for general usage -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Key attribute =====================================================
+ Optionally provides a sorting or indexing key, for cases when
+ the element content is inappropriate for this purpose.
+==================================================================== -->
+<!ENTITY % key.att
+<!-- Title attributes ==================================================
+ Indicates that the element requires to have a title attribute.
+==================================================================== -->
+<!ENTITY % title.att
+ 'title CDATA #REQUIRED'>
+<!-- Name attributes ==================================================
+ Indicates that the element requires to have a name attribute.
+==================================================================== -->
+<!ENTITY % name.att
+<!-- Email attributes ==================================================
+ Indicates that the element requires to have an email attribute.
+==================================================================== -->
+<!ENTITY % email.att
+ 'email CDATA #REQUIRED'>
+<!-- Link attributes ===================================================
+ Indicates that the element requires to have hyperlink attributes.
+==================================================================== -->
+<!ENTITY % link.att
+ title CDATA #IMPLIED '>
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- General definitions -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- A person is a general human entity -->
+<!ELEMENT person EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST person %common.att;
+ %name.att;
+ %email.att;>
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Content definitions -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!ENTITY % local.inline "">
+<!ENTITY % link-content.mix "%text;|%markup;|%special-inline; %local.inline;">
+<!ENTITY % content.mix "%link-content.mix;|%links;">
+ <!-- ==================================================== -->
+ <!-- Phrase Markup -->
+ <!-- ==================================================== -->
+ <!-- Strong (typically bold) -->
+ <!ELEMENT strong (%text;|code)*>
+ <!ATTLIST strong %common.att;>
+ <!-- Emphasis (typically italic) -->
+ <!ELEMENT em (%text;|code)*>
+ <!ATTLIST em %common.att;>
+ <!-- Code (typically monospaced) -->
+ <!ELEMENT code (%text;)>
+ <!ATTLIST code %common.att;>
+ <!-- Superscript (typically smaller and higher) -->
+ <!ELEMENT sup (%text;)>
+ <!ATTLIST sup %common.att;>
+ <!-- Subscript (typically smaller and lower) -->
+ <!ELEMENT sub (%text;)>
+ <!ATTLIST sub %common.att;>
+ <!-- ==================================================== -->
+ <!-- Hypertextual Links -->
+ <!-- ==================================================== -->
+ <!-- hyperlink (equivalent of <a ...>) -->
+ <!ELEMENT link (%link-content.mix;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST link %common.att;
+ %link.att;>
+ <!-- windows-replacing link (equivalent of <a ... target="_top">) -->
+ <!ELEMENT jump (%link-content.mix;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST jump %common.att;
+ %link.att;>
+ <!-- window-forking link (equivalent of <a ... target="_new">) -->
+ <!ELEMENT fork (%link-content.mix;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST fork %common.att;
+ %link.att;>
+ <!-- ==================================================== -->
+ <!-- Specials -->
+ <!-- ==================================================== -->
+ <!-- Breakline Object (typically forces line break) -->
+ <!ATTLIST br %common.att;>
+ <!-- Image Object (typically an inlined image) -->
+ ismap (ismap) #IMPLIED
+ %common.att;>
+ <!-- Image Icon (typically an inlined image placed as graphical item) -->
+ %common.att;>
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Blocks definitions -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!ENTITY % local.blocks "">
+<!ENTITY % blocks "%paragraphs;|%tables;|%lists;|%special-blocks; %local.blocks;">
+ <!-- ==================================================== -->
+ <!-- Paragraphs -->
+ <!-- ==================================================== -->
+ <!-- Text Paragraph (normally vertically space delimited) -->
+ <!ELEMENT p (%content.mix;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST p %common.att;>
+ <!-- Source Paragraph (normally space is preserved) -->
+ <!ELEMENT source (%content.mix;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST source %common.att;
+ %xmlspace.att;>
+ <!-- Note Paragraph (normally shown encapsulated) -->
+ <!ELEMENT note (%content.mix;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST note %common.att;>
+ <!-- Warning Paragraph (normally shown with eye-catching colors) -->
+ <!ELEMENT warning (%content.mix;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST warning %common.att;>
+ <!-- Fixme Paragraph (normally not shown) -->
+ <!ELEMENT fixme (%content.mix;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST fixme author CDATA #REQUIRED
+ %common.att;>
+ <!-- ==================================================== -->
+ <!-- Tables -->
+ <!-- ==================================================== -->
+ <!-- Attributes that indicate the spanning of the table cell -->
+ <!ENTITY % cell.span
+ 'colspan CDATA "1"
+ rowspan CDATA "1"'>
+ <!-- Table element -->
+ <!ELEMENT table (caption?, tr+)>
+ <!ATTLIST table %common.att;>
+ <!-- The table title -->
+ <!ELEMENT caption (%content.mix;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST caption %common.att;>
+ <!-- The table row element -->
+ <!ELEMENT tr (th|td)+>
+ <!ATTLIST tr %common.att;>
+ <!-- The table row header element -->
+ <!ELEMENT th (%content.mix;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST th %common.att;
+ %cell.span;>
+ <!-- The table row description element -->
+ <!ELEMENT td (%content.mix;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST td %common.att;
+ %cell.span;>
+ <!-- ==================================================== -->
+ <!-- Lists -->
+ <!-- ==================================================== -->
+ <!-- List item -->
+ <!ELEMENT li (%content.mix;|%lists;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST li %common.att;>
+ <!-- Unordered list (typically bulleted) -->
+ <!ELEMENT ul (li|%lists;)+>
+ <!-- spacing attribute:
+ Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
+ use "compact" to get less spacing. The default is dependent
+ on the stylesheet. -->
+ <!ATTLIST ul
+ %common.att;
+ spacing (normal|compact) #IMPLIED>
+ <!-- Ordered list (typically numbered) -->
+ <!ELEMENT ol (li|%lists;)+>
+ <!-- spacing attribute:
+ Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
+ use "compact" to get less spacing. The default is dependent
+ on the stylesheet. -->
+ <!ATTLIST ol
+ %common.att;
+ spacing (normal|compact) #IMPLIED>
+ <!-- Definition list (typically two-column) -->
+ <!ELEMENT dl (dt,dd)+>
+ <!ATTLIST dl %common.att;>
+ <!-- Definition term -->
+ <!ELEMENT dt (%content.mix;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST dt %common.att;>
+ <!-- Definition description -->
+ <!ELEMENT dd (%content.mix;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST dd %common.att;>
+ <!-- ==================================================== -->
+ <!-- Special Blocks -->
+ <!-- ==================================================== -->
+ <!-- Image Block (typically a separated and centered image) -->
+ <!ELEMENT figure EMPTY>
+ ismap (ismap) #IMPLIED
+ %common.att;>
+ <!-- anchor point (equivalent of <a name="...">, typically not rendered) -->
+ <!ELEMENT anchor EMPTY>
+ <!ATTLIST anchor %common-idreq.att;>
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Document -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!ELEMENT document (header?, body, footer?)>
+<!ATTLIST document %common.att;>
+ <!-- ==================================================== -->
+ <!-- Header -->
+ <!-- ==================================================== -->
+ <!ENTITY % local.headers "">
+ <!ELEMENT header (title, subtitle?, version?, type?, authors,
+ notice*, abstract? %local.headers;)>
+ <!ATTLIST header %common.att;>
+ <!ELEMENT title (%text;)>
+ <!ATTLIST title %common.att;>
+ <!ELEMENT subtitle (%text;)>
+ <!ATTLIST subtitle %common.att;>
+ <!ELEMENT version (%text;)>
+ <!ATTLIST version %common.att;>
+ <!ELEMENT type (%text;)>
+ <!ATTLIST type %common.att;>
+ <!ELEMENT authors (person+)>
+ <!ATTLIST authors %common.att;>
+ <!ELEMENT notice (%content.mix;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST notice %common.att;>
+ <!ELEMENT abstract (%content.mix;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST abstract %common.att;>
+ <!-- ==================================================== -->
+ <!-- Body -->
+ <!-- ==================================================== -->
+ <!ENTITY % local.sections "">
+ <!ENTITY % sections "section %local.sections;">
+ <!ELEMENT body (%sections;|%blocks;)+>
+ <!ATTLIST body %common.att;>
+ <!ELEMENT section (%sections;|%blocks;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST section %title.att; %common.att;>
+ <!-- ==================================================== -->
+ <!-- Footer -->
+ <!-- ==================================================== -->
+ <!ENTITY % local.footers "">
+ <!ELEMENT footer (legal %local.footers;)>
+ <!ELEMENT legal (%content.mix;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST legal %common.att;>
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- End of DTD -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
--- /dev/null
+<!-- ===================================================================
+ Apache FAQ DTD (Version 1.1)
+ This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
+ type for software FAQ's for use with the Apache projects.
+ It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
+ project.
+ <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
+ "-//APACHE//DTD FAQ Vx.y//EN"
+ "faq-vxy.dtd">
+ where
+ x := major version
+ y := minor version
+ FAQs represent a powerful knowledge base and a very good way of solving
+ common user problems reducing messages on mail lists and reducing the effort
+ required for software installation and usage. Thid DTD want to be a common
+ format for FAQ interchange to allow FAQ-O-Matic-type workgroup services to
+ be published in other formats as well as enhancing data interchange.
+ Stefano Mazzocchi <stefano@apache.org>
+ 19991129 Initial version. (SM)
+ 20011212 Used public identifiers for external entities (SM)
+ Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
+ Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
+ included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
+ provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
+ included files.
+==================================================================== -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Include the Documentation DTD -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!ENTITY % document PUBLIC
+ "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN"
+ "document-v11.dtd">
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Document Type Definition -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!ELEMENT faqs (authors?, faq)+>
+<!ATTLIST faqs %common.att;
+ %title.att;>
+ <!ELEMENT faq (question, answer)>
+ <!ATTLIST faq %common.att;>
+ <!ELEMENT question (%content.mix;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST question %common.att;>
+ <!ELEMENT answer (%blocks;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST answer author IDREF #IMPLIED>
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- End of DTD -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
--- /dev/null
+<!-- ===================================================================
+ Apache JavaDoc DTD (version 0.4-draft)
+ This DTD is designed to capture the output of JavaDoc as an XML document
+ through the use of the JavaDocXML Doclet. The hope is that by having the
+ JavaDoc documentation in an XML format, it will be easier for application
+ developers working with XML to treat their java source documentation in the
+ same way they treat any other XML document within their publication framework.
+ This DTD should reflect the information contained within the RootDoc object
+ passed to the JavaDocXML Doclet by JavaDoc. The RootDoc object and the rest
+ of the javaDoc Doclet API is specified at
+ http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.2/docs/tooldocs/javadoc/doclet/index.html
+ The only information that appears to be difficult to derive from this DTD
+ that is easy to obtain from the RootDoc object is the information about
+ serialization. However, this information should be derivable by manually
+ looking for the correct serialization methods and other related structures.
+ <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
+ "-//APACHE//DTD JavaDoc Vx.yz//EN"
+ "javadoc-vxyz.dtd">
+ where
+ x := major version
+ y := minor version
+ z := status identifier (optional)
+ The authors would like to thank the Cocoon's mail list subscribers for
+ providing such great support and feedback for this DTD.
+ Kenneth Murphy <murphyk@umsystem.edu>
+ 199909?? Original idea of XML doclet. (KM)
+ 199910?? Initial version of this DTD. (KM)
+ 19991129 Cleaned up DTD. (SM)
+ Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
+ Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
+ included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
+ provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
+ included files.
+==================================================================== -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Common Attribute Entities -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!ENTITY % name 'name CDATA #REQUIRED'>
+<!ENTITY % dimension 'dimension CDATA #REQUIRED'>
+<!ENTITY % abstract 'abstract (true | false) "false"'>
+<!ENTITY % anonymous 'anonymous (true | false) "false"'>
+<!ENTITY % synthetic 'synthetic (true | false) "false"'>
+<!ENTITY % static 'static (true | false) "false"'>
+<!ENTITY % final 'final (true | false) "false"'>
+<!ENTITY % transient 'transient (true | false) "false"'>
+<!ENTITY % volatile 'volatile (true | false) "false"'>
+<!ENTITY % native 'native (true | false) "false"'>
+<!ENTITY % synchronized 'synchronized (true | false) "false"'>
+<!ENTITY % access 'access (private | package | protected | public) "package"'>
+<!ENTITY % class.access 'access (package | public) "package"'>
+<!ENTITY % extensibility 'extensibility (abstract | final | default) "default"'>
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Javadoc -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!ELEMENT javadoc (package*, class*, interface*)>
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Package -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!ELEMENT package (doc?, package*, class*, interface*)>
+<!ATTLIST package %name;>
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Class -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!ELEMENT class (doc?,
+ extends_class?,
+ implements?,
+ field*,
+ constructor*,
+ method*,
+ innerclass*)>
+<!ATTLIST class
+ %name;
+ %extensibility;
+ %class.access;>
+<!ELEMENT extends_class (classref+)>
+<!ELEMENT innerclass (doc?,
+ extends?,
+ implements?,
+ field*,
+ constructor*,
+ method*)>
+<!ATTLIST innerclass
+ %name;
+ %access;
+ %abstract;
+ %anonymous;
+ %final;
+ %static;>
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Interface -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!ELEMENT interface (doc?,
+ extends_interface?,
+ field*,
+ method*)>
+<!ATTLIST interface
+ %name;
+ %access;>
+<!ELEMENT extends_interface (interfaceref+)>
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Elements -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!ELEMENT implements (interfaceref+)>
+<!ELEMENT throws (classref)+>
+<!ELEMENT classref EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST classref %name;>
+<!ELEMENT interfaceref EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST interfaceref %name;>
+<!ELEMENT methodref EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST methodref %name;>
+<!ELEMENT packageref EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST packageref %name;>
+<!ELEMENT primitive EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST primitive
+ type (void | boolean | int | long | byte | short | double | float | char) #REQUIRED>
+<!ELEMENT field (doc?, (classref | interfaceref | primitive))>
+<!ATTLIST field
+ %name;
+ %access;
+ %dimension;
+ %synthetic;
+ %static;
+ %final;
+ %transient;
+ %volatile;>
+<!ELEMENT constructor (doc?, parameter*, throws*)>
+<!ATTLIST constructor
+ %name;
+ %access;
+ %synthetic;>
+<!ELEMENT method (doc?, returns, parameter*, throws*)>
+<!ATTLIST method
+ %name;
+ %access;
+ %extensibility;
+ %native;
+ %synthetic;
+ %static;
+ %synchronized;>
+<!ELEMENT returns (classref | interfaceref | primitive)>
+<!ATTLIST returns %dimension;>
+<!ELEMENT parameter (classref | interfaceref | primitive)>
+<!ATTLIST parameter
+ %name;
+ %final;
+ %dimension;>
+<!ELEMENT dimension (#PCDATA)>
+ linktag |
+ authortag |
+ versiontag |
+ paramtag |
+ returntag |
+ exceptiontag |
+ throwstag |
+ seetag |
+ sincetag |
+ deprecatedtag |
+ serialtag |
+ serialfieldtag |
+ serialdatatag)*>
+<!ELEMENT linktag (#PCDATA)>
+<!ATTLIST linktag
+<!ELEMENT authortag (#PCDATA | linktag)*>
+<!ELEMENT versiontag (#PCDATA | linktag)*>
+<!ELEMENT paramtag (#PCDATA | linktag)*>
+<!ATTLIST paramtag %name;>
+<!ELEMENT returntag (#PCDATA | linktag)*>
+<!ELEMENT exceptiontag (#PCDATA | classref | linktag)*>
+<!ELEMENT throwstag (#PCDATA | classref | linktag)*>
+<!ELEMENT seetag (#PCDATA | linktag)*>
+<!ATTLIST seetag
+<!ELEMENT sincetag (#PCDATA | linktag)*>
+<!ELEMENT deprecatedtag (#PCDATA | linktag)*>
+<!ELEMENT serialtag (#PCDATA | linktag)*>
+<!ELEMENT serialfieldtag (#PCDATA | linktag)*>
+<!ATTLIST serialfieldtag
+ fieldname CDATA #REQUIRED
+ fieldtype CDATA #REQUIRED>
+<!ELEMENT serialdatatag (#PCDATA | linktag)*>
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- End of DTD -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!ELEMENT module ( project* ) >
+<!ELEMENT description ( #PCDATA ) >
+<!ELEMENT ant ( property | depend )* >
+<!ELEMENT depend EMPTY >
+<!ELEMENT property EMPTY >
+<!ATTLIST module
+<!ATTLIST url
+<!ATTLIST cvs
+ repository CDATA #REQUIRED
+ host-prefix CDATA #IMPLIED
+<!ATTLIST ant
+ buildfile CDATA #IMPLIED
+ basedir CDATA #IMPLIED >
+<!ATTLIST depend
+ property CDATA #IMPLIED
+ version CDATA #IMPLIED
+<!ATTLIST property
+<!ATTLIST work
+ nested CDATA #REQUIRED >
+<!ATTLIST home
+ nested CDATA #REQUIRED >
+<!ATTLIST jar
--- /dev/null
+<!-- ===================================================================
+ Apache Specification DTD (Version 1.1)
+ This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
+ type for software specifications for use with the Apache projects.
+ It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
+ project.
+ <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
+ "-//APACHE//DTD Specification Vx.y//EN"
+ "specification-vxy.dtd">
+ where
+ x := major version
+ y := minor version
+ Stefano Mazzocchi <stefano@apache.org>
+[Version 1.0]
+ 19991129 Initial version. (SM)
+[Version 1.1]
+ 20011212 Used public identifiers for external entities (SM)
+ Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
+ Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
+ included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
+ provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
+ included files.
+==================================================================== -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Include the Documentation DTD -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!ENTITY % document PUBLIC
+ "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN"
+ "document-v11.dtd">
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- extend the local.xxx entities -->
+<!ENTITY % local.blocks "|bl">
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Document Type Definition -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!ELEMENT specification (header?, body, appendices?, footer?)>
+<!ATTLIST specification %common.att;>
+ <!ELEMENT appendices (%sections;)+>
+ <!ATTLIST appendices %common.att;>
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Bibliography List -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+ <!-- Bibliography list -->
+ <!ELEMENT bl (bi)+>
+ <!ATTLIST bl %common.att;>
+ <!-- Book item -->
+ <!ATTLIST bi %common.att;
+ %name.att;
+ %title.att;
+ %link.att;
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- End of DTD -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
--- /dev/null
+<!-- ===================================================================
+ Apache Todos DTD (Version 1.1)
+ This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
+ type for software development todo lists for use with the Apache projects.
+ It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
+ project.
+ <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
+ "-//APACHE//DTD Todo Vx.y//EN"
+ "todo-vxy.dtd">
+ where
+ x := major version
+ y := minor version
+ It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
+ track of software changes that need to be done, planned features, development
+ assignment, etc. in order to allow better work parallelization and create
+ an entry point for people that want to help. This DTD wants to provide
+ a solid foundation to provide such information and to allow it to be
+ published as well as distributed in a common format.
+ Stefano Mazzocchi <stefano@apache.org>
+ - do we need anymore working contexts? (SM)
+[Version 1.0]
+ 19991129 Initial version. (SM)
+ 19991225 Added actions element for better structure (SM)
+[Version 1.1]
+ 20011212 Used public identifiers for external entities (SM)
+ Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
+ Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
+ included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
+ provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
+ included files.
+==================================================================== -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Include the Documentation DTD -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!ENTITY % document PUBLIC
+ "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN"
+ "document-v11.dtd">
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Common entities -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!ENTITY % priorities "showstopper|high|medium|low|wish|dream">
+<!ENTITY % contexts "build|docs|code|admin|design">
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- Document Type Definition -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!ELEMENT todo (devs, actions*)>
+<!ATTLIST todo %common.att;
+ %title.att;>
+ <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
+ <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
+ <!ELEMENT actions (action+)>
+ <!ATTLIST actions %common.att;
+ priority (%priorities;) #IMPLIED>
+ <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
+ <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
+ assigned-to IDREF #IMPLIED
+ context (%contexts;) #REQUIRED>
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
+<!-- End of DTD -->
+<!-- =============================================================== -->
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!ELEMENT module ( url, cvs, mailing-lists, description, detailed, what, why, who, todo, changes, licence, credits, project* ) >
+<!ELEMENT mailing-lists ( mailing-list ) >
+<!ELEMENT mailing-list EMPTY >
+<!ELEMENT description ( #PCDATA ) >
+<!ELEMENT detailed ( #PCDATA ) >
+<!ELEMENT what ( goal+ ) >
+<!ELEMENT goal ( #PCDATA ) >
+<!ELEMENT why ( #PCDATA ) >
+<!ELEMENT who ( person+ ) >
+<!ELEMENT person EMPTY >
+<!ELEMENT todo ( actions ) >
+<!ELEMENT actions ( action+ ) >
+<!ELEMENT changes ( release ) >
+<!ELEMENT release ( action+ ) >
+<!ELEMENT action ( #PCDATA ) >
+<!ELEMENT licence ( #PCDATA ) >
+<!ELEMENT credits ( credit+ ) >
+<!ELEMENT credit ( #PCDATA ) >
+<!ELEMENT project ( ant | depend | description | home | jar | javadoc | package | url | version | work )* >
+<!ELEMENT ant ( property | depend )* >
+<!ELEMENT property EMPTY >
+<!ELEMENT depend EMPTY >
+<!ELEMENT description ( #PCDATA ) >
+<!ELEMENT javadoc EMPTY >
+<!ELEMENT package ( #PCDATA ) >
+<!ELEMENT version EMPTY >
+<!ATTLIST module
+<!ATTLIST url
+<!ATTLIST cvs
+ repository CDATA #REQUIRED
+ host-prefix CDATA #IMPLIED
+<!ATTLIST mailing-list
+ subscribe CDATA #REQUIRED
+ unsubscribe CDATA #REQUIRED
+<!ATTLIST person
+<!ATTLIST actions
+ priority NMTOKEN #REQUIRED >
+<!ATTLIST action
+ assigned-to NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
+ dev ( DC | NKB | SM | SN ) #IMPLIED
+ due-to-email CDATA #IMPLIED
+ type ( add | update ) #IMPLIED >
+<!ATTLIST ant
+ buildfile CDATA #IMPLIED
+ basedir CDATA #IMPLIED >
+<!ATTLIST depend
+ property CDATA #IMPLIED
+ version CDATA #IMPLIED
+<!ATTLIST property
+<!ATTLIST work
+ nested CDATA #REQUIRED >
+<!ATTLIST home
+ nested CDATA #REQUIRED >
+<!ATTLIST jar
+<!ATTLIST release
+<!ATTLIST javadoc
+ parent CDATA #REQUIRED >
+<!ATTLIST depend
+<!ATTLIST project
+<!ATTLIST version