* {{{webapp.html} Installing as a web application}}
+ * {{{upgrade.html} Upgrading to a new version}}
Archiva User DB on Derby Network Server}}
-{Upgrading Archiva}
- Upgrading Archiva is straightforward if the directions for separating the base from the installation above are followed. Simply retain the <<<data/repositories>>> and <<<data/databases/users>>> directories,
- and the configuration files (in the conf directory, or the other locations specified above) and use a new extracted installation of Archiva.
- Note that the <<<users>>> database must always be retained as it contains the permissions and user information across versions. However,
- in order to take advantage of the improvements in search in Archiva 1.1 (and higher versions), s.a. search by java class/package/method, the archiva database must
- be re-created. So you need to delete the <<<data/databases/archiva>>> directory, delete the <<<.index>>> directories of your respective repositories, and execute the repository and database scanners after
- starting Archiva.
- The repository data is portable across versions, and multiple versions can be configured to look at the same repositories (though not run simultaneously).
-* Upgrading Archiva from 1.1 to 1.2
- Because of the changes in the search implementation in 1.2, a few additional steps need to be performed when upgrading Archiva from 1.x to
- 1.2. Since the format of the index has changed in 1.2, the old index directory (which is located at <<</path/to/repo/.index>>> by default) needs to
- be removed. And in order for the artifacts in the repository to be indexed again, the last modified date of the artifacts need to be updated.
- To do this, just execute <<find [REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY_NAME] | xargs touch>> at the base directory where the repository resides. Execute the repository
- scanning so that the new index will be generated.
--- /dev/null
+ ------
+ Upgrading Archiva
+ ------
+Upgrading Archiva
+ Upgrading Archiva is straightforward if the directions for separating the base from the installation above are followed. Simply retain the <<<data/repositories>>> and <<<data/databases/users>>> directories,
+ and the configuration files (in the conf directory, or the other locations specified above) and use a new extracted installation of Archiva.
+ Note that the <<<users>>> database must always be retained as it contains the permissions and user information across versions. However,
+ in order to take advantage of the improvements in search in Archiva 1.1 (and higher versions), s.a. search by java class/package/method, the archiva database must
+ be re-created. So you need to delete the <<<data/databases/archiva>>> directory, delete the <<<.index>>> directories of your respective repositories, and execute the repository and database scanners after
+ starting Archiva.
+ The repository data is portable across versions, and multiple versions can be configured to look at the same repositories (though not run simultaneously).
+* Upgrading Archiva from 1.1 to 1.2
+ Because of the changes in the search implementation in 1.2, a few additional steps need to be performed when upgrading Archiva from 1.x to
+ 1.2. Since the format of the index has changed in 1.2, the old index directory (which is located at <<</path/to/repo/.index>>> by default) needs to
+ be removed. And in order for the artifacts in the repository to be indexed again, the last modified date of the artifacts need to be updated.
+ To do this, just execute <<find [REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY_NAME] | xargs touch>> at the base directory where the repository resides. Execute the repository
+ scanning so that the new index will be generated.
<item name="Installing Archiva" href="/adminguide/installing.html" collapse="true">
<item name="Installing Standalone" href="/adminguide/standalone.html" />
<item name="Installing as a WAR" href="/adminguide/webapp.html" />
+ <item name="Upgrading to a New Version" href="/adminguide/upgrade.html" />
<item name="Databases" href="/adminguide/databases.html" />
<item name="Security" href="/adminguide/security.html" collapse="true">