**Upgrade simplified: Languages, GIT and SVN support now built-in**
Languages provided with your edition and support for GIT and SVN version control are now built-in and don’t require plugins. If you were using these plugins, you need to remove them from SonarQube before upgrading. ([MMF-2042](https://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/MMF-2042)).
+[Full release notes](https://jira.sonarsource.com/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10930&version=16342)
## Release 8.4 Upgrade Notes
**Updated system settings recommendations**
In previous versions, the recommended limits regarding threads, file descriptors, and vm.max_map_count were taken from Elasticsearch dependencies. This release can reach these limits occasionally, so we recommend increasing the following settings of your OS when upgrading: