gb.pushRestricted = authenticated push\r
gb.cloneRestricted = authenticated clone & push\r
gb.viewRestricted = authenticated view, clone, & push\r
-gb.useTicketsDescription = distributed Ticgit issues\r
gb.useTicketsDescription = readonly, distributed Ticgit issues\r
gb.useDocsDescription = enumerates Markdown documentation in repository\r
gb.showRemoteBranchesDescription = show remote branches\r
gb.canCreateDescription = can create personal repositories\r
gb.illegalPersonalRepositoryLocation = your personal repository must be located at \"{0}\"\r
gb.verifyCommitter = verify committer\r
-gb.verifyCommitterDescription = require committer identity to match pushing Gitblt user account (all merges require "--no-ff" to enforce committer identity)
\ No newline at end of file
+gb.verifyCommitterDescription = require committer identity to match pushing Gitblt user account (all merges require "--no-ff" to enforce committer identity)\r
+gb.repositoryPermissions = repository permissions\r
+gb.userPermissions = user permissions\r
+gb.teamPermissions = team permissions
\ No newline at end of file