Note: on `jmxremote.password`, you should apply `chmod 600` or `400` for security reasons.
+## Kubernetes Monitoring
+You can monitor your SonarQube instance using SonarQube's native integration with Prometheus. For more information see the **Monitoring** section of the [Deploy SonarQube on Kubernetes](/setup/sonarqube-on-kubernetes/) page if you're using Community, Developer, or Enterprise Edition. See the [Deploy a SonarQube Cluster on Kubernetes](/setup/sonarqube-cluster-on-kubernetes/) if you're using Data Center Edition.
- **`X-Sonar-Passcode: xxxxx` header:** You can use `X-Sonar-passcode` during database upgrade and when SonarQube is fully operational. Define `X-Sonar-passcode` in the `sonar.properties` file using the `sonar.web.systemPasscode property`.
- **username:password and JWT token:** When SonarQube is fully operational, system admins logged in with local or delegated authentication can access the endpoint.
-####**JMX Exporter**
-You can also expose at the JMX metrics to Prometheus with the help of the Prometheus JMX exporter.
+#### **JMX Exporter**
+You can also expose the JMX metrics to Prometheus with the help of the Prometheus JMX exporter.
To use this option, set the following values in your `values.yaml` file:
- **`X-Sonar-Passcode: xxxxx` header:** You can use `X-Sonar-passcode` during database upgrade and when SonarQube is fully operational. Define `X-Sonar-passcode` in the `sonar.properties` file using the `sonar.web.systemPasscode property`.
- **username:password and JWT token:** When SonarQube is fully operational, system admins logged in with local or delegated authentication can access the endpoint.
-####**JMX Exporter**
+#### **JMX Exporter**
You can also expose the JMX metrics to Prometheus using the Prometheus JMX exporter.
To use this option, set the following values in your `values.yaml` file: