+ <!--
+ Obsolete because we uploaded both binary and source JARs to GitHub Packages, so we can use JDiff as a
+ normal dependency. Keep this for reference, so we can remember where we found it.
+ -->
+ <!--
- <!--
- Binary jdiff:jdiff:1.0.9 is available on Maven Central, but different from committed version.
- There are API changes, some classes referenced in org.aspectj.testing.util.TestUtil are unavailable.
- Therefore, we would have to try and port the existing functionality, making sure the tests still
- run.
- Downloading snapshot from
- https://sourceforge.net/p/jedit/svn/24818/tree/plugins/JDiffPlugin/tags/jdiffplugin-1_2_2/jdiff/
- produces exactly identical source files as in the committed JAR. But there is no corresponding Maven
- artifact or even binary download package. We would have to compile the code within AspectJ and
- deploy it locally or Sonatype (Maven Central) or maven.springframework.org.
- Downloading source or binary packages from
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/jedit-plugins/files/JDiffPlugin/1.3/
- also has identical source files (except for tiny copyright changes), but contains more classes
- (a superset of the committed ones). Again, there is no Maven artifact for it.
- Another option would be to include the only 4 Java classes into the 'testing-util' source tree. They
- are only used from there and could easily be compiled together with the module, package names
- relocated or not.
- -->
+ -->
+ <!--
+ Obsolete because we uploaded both binary and source JARs to GitHub Packages, so we can use JDiff as a normal
+ dependency. Keep this for reference, so we can remember how we built it. After download + zip the deployment
+ was made right from the libx/jdiff directory, using the following commands (without the line breaks):
+ mvn -Dfile=jdiff.jar -DrepositoryId=github -Durl=https://maven.pkg.github.com/kriegaex/aspectj-packages
+ -DgroupId=jdiff -DartifactId=jdiff -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=1.3
+ deploy:deploy-file
+ mvn -Dfile=jdiff-src.zip -DrepositoryId=github -Durl=https://maven.pkg.github.com/kriegaex/aspectj-packages
+ -DgroupId=jdiff -DartifactId=jdiff -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=1.3
+ -Dtypes=java-source -Dclassifier=sources
+ deploy:deploy-file
+ The second command yields an error, trying to re-upload a POM, but that is no problem because the POM would
+ be identical to the one already uploaded with the first command.
+ -->
+ <!--
- <!--
- This is why we use the TrueZIP plugin: It can seamlessly copy out of or into ZIP files as if they
- were normal file system paths. No additional moves and deletes with Antrun are necessary.
- -->
- <!--
- This is why we use the TrueZIP plugin: It can seamlessly copy out of or into ZIP files as if they
- were normal file system paths. No additional moves and deletes with Antrun are necessary.
- -->
+ -->
- <include>jdiff/**</include>
+ <!-- Obsolete because JDiff is on GitHub Packages now. Keep for reference. -->
+ <!--<include>jdiff/**</include>-->