+ " (Note: currently only influences whether the area tree is"
+ " serialized.)\n\n"
- + " -delete-cache deletes the current font cache file\n"
+ + " -delete-cache delete the current font cache file and exit\n"
+ " -cache specifies a file/directory path location"
+ " for the font cache file\n\n"
+ " see options with \"-print help\" \n"
+ " -out mime outfile input will be rendered using the given MIME type\n"
+ " (outfile req'd) Example: \"-out application/pdf D:\\out.pdf\"\n"
- + " (Tip: \"-out list\" prints the list of supported MIME types)\n"
+ + " (Tip: \"-out list\" prints the list of supported MIME types"
+ + " and exits)\n"
//+ " -mif outfile input will be rendered as MIF (FrameMaker) (outfile req'd)\n"
//+ " Experimental feature - requires additional fop-sandbox.jar.\n"
+ " -svg outfile input will be rendered as an SVG slides file (outfile req'd) \n"