+ # Returns the javascript tags that are included in the html layout head
+ def javascript_heads
+ tags = javascript_include_tag(:defaults)
+ unless User.current.pref.warn_on_leaving_unsaved == '0'
+ tags << "\n" + javascript_tag("Event.observe(window, 'load', function(){ new WarnLeavingUnsaved('#{escape_javascript( l(:text_warn_on_leaving_unsaved) )}'); });")
+ end
+ tags
+ end
def favicon
"<link rel='shortcut icon' href='#{image_path('/favicon.ico')}' />"
def comments_sorting; self[:comments_sorting] end
def comments_sorting=(order); self[:comments_sorting]=order end
+ def warn_on_leaving_unsaved; self[:warn_on_leaving_unsaved] || '1'; end
+ def warn_on_leaving_unsaved=(value); self[:warn_on_leaving_unsaved]=value; end
<%= favicon %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'application', :media => 'all' %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'rtl', :media => 'all' if l(:direction) == 'rtl' %>
-<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>
+<%= javascript_heads %>
<%= heads_for_theme %>
<%= heads_for_wiki_formatter %>
<!--[if IE 6]>
<p><%= pref_fields.check_box :hide_mail %></p>
<p><%= pref_fields.select :time_zone, ActiveSupport::TimeZone.all.collect {|z| [ z.to_s, z.name ]}, :include_blank => true %></p>
<p><%= pref_fields.select :comments_sorting, [[l(:label_chronological_order), 'asc'], [l(:label_reverse_chronological_order), 'desc']] %></p>
+<p><%= pref_fields.check_box :warn_on_leaving_unsaved %></p>
<% end %>
field_assigned_to_role: "Assignee's role"
field_text: Text field
field_visible: Visible
+ field_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: "Warn me when leaving a page with unsaved text"
setting_app_title: Application title
setting_app_subtitle: Application subtitle
text_own_membership_delete_confirmation: "You are about to remove some or all of your permissions and may no longer be able to edit this project after that.\nAre you sure you want to continue?"
text_zoom_in: Zoom in
text_zoom_out: Zoom out
+ text_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: "The current page contains unsaved text that will be lost if you leave this page."
default_role_manager: Manager
default_role_developer: Developer
field_active: Actif
field_parent_issue: Tâche parente
field_visible: Visible
+ field_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: "M'avertir lorsque je quitte une page contenant du texte non sauvegardé"
setting_app_title: Titre de l'application
setting_app_subtitle: Sous-titre de l'application
text_wiki_page_destroy_children: "Supprimer les sous-pages et toutes leurs descedantes"
text_wiki_page_reassign_children: "Réaffecter les sous-pages à cette page"
text_own_membership_delete_confirmation: "Vous allez supprimer tout ou partie de vos permissions sur ce projet et ne serez peut-être plus autorisé à modifier ce projet.\nEtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?"
+ text_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: "Cette page contient du texte non sauvegardé qui sera perdu si vous quittez la page."
default_role_manager: "Manager "
default_role_developer: "Développeur "
Event.observe('project_enabled_module_names_issue_tracking', 'change', f);
+ * Class used to warn user when leaving a page with unsaved textarea
+ * Author: mathias.fischer@berlinonline.de
+var WarnLeavingUnsaved = Class.create({
+ observedForms: false,
+ observedElements: false,
+ changedForms: false,
+ message: null,
+ initialize: function(message){
+ this.observedForms = $$('form');
+ this.observedElements = $$('textarea');
+ this.message = message;
+ this.observedElements.each(this.observeChange.bind(this));
+ this.observedForms.each(this.submitAction.bind(this));
+ window.onbeforeunload = this.unload.bind(this);
+ },
+ unload: function(){
+ if(this.changedForms)
+ return this.message;
+ },
+ setChanged: function(){
+ this.changedForms = true;
+ },
+ setUnchanged: function(){
+ this.changedForms = false;
+ },
+ observeChange: function(element){
+ element.observe('change',this.setChanged.bindAsEventListener(this));
+ },
+ submitAction: function(element){
+ element.observe('submit',this.setUnchanged.bindAsEventListener(this));
+ }
/* shows and hides ajax indicator */
assert_equal 'text/plain', @response.content_type
assert @response.body.match(%r{^Disallow: /projects/ecookbook/issues\r?$})
+ def test_warn_on_leaving_unsaved_turn_on
+ user = User.find(2)
+ user.pref.warn_on_leaving_unsaved = '1'
+ user.pref.save!
+ @request.session[:user_id] = 2
+ get :index
+ assert_tag 'script',
+ :attributes => {:type => "text/javascript"},
+ :content => %r{new WarnLeavingUnsaved}
+ end
+ def test_warn_on_leaving_unsaved_turn_off
+ user = User.find(2)
+ user.pref.warn_on_leaving_unsaved = '0'
+ user.pref.save!
+ @request.session[:user_id] = 2
+ get :index
+ assert_no_tag 'script',
+ :attributes => {:type => "text/javascript"},
+ :content => %r{new WarnLeavingUnsaved}
+ end