* query for an artifact based on a checksum
* query for all available versions of an artifact, sorted in version significance order
* query for an artifact's direct dependencies
+ * <b>search will be apply on all repositories the current user has karma</b>
* TODO query for an artifact's dependency tree (as with mvn dependency:tree - no duplicates should be included)
* TODO query for all artifacts that depend on a given artifact
@Path( "quickSearch" )
@Produces( { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML } )
@RedbackAuthorization( noPermission = true, noRestriction = true )
- /**
- * <b>search will be apply on all repositories the current user has karma</b>
- */
List<Artifact> quickSearch( @QueryParam( "queryString" ) String queryString )
throws ArchivaRestServiceException;