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+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Cocoon Documentation Book V1.0//EN" "../dtd/book-cocoon-v10.dtd">
+<book software="Poi Project"
+ title="Poi Project News Pages"
+ copyright="@year@ Poi Project">
+ <menu label="Navigation">
+ <menu-item label="Main" href="../index.html"/>
+ </menu>
+ <menu label="News">
+ <menu-item label="Logo Submissions" href="logocontest.html"/>
+ </menu>
--- /dev/null
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+<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.0//EN" "dtd/document-v10.dtd">
+ <header>
+ <title></title>
+ <authors>
+ <person id="AO" name="Andrew C. Oliver" email="acoliver@apache.org"/>
+ </authors>
+ </header>
+ <body>
+ <s1 title="POI logos">
+ <p>
+ Here are the current logo submissions. Thanks to the artists!
+ </p>
+ <s2 title="Michael Mosmann">
+ <p>
+ <img src="images/logoMichaelMosmann.png"/>
+ </p>
+ </s2>
+ <s2 title="Loïc Lefèvre">
+ <p>
+ <img src="images/logoLoicLefevre.png"/>
+ </p>
+ </s2>
+ <s2 title="Glen Stampoutlzis">
+ <p>
+ <img src="images/logoGlenStampoutlzis.png"/>
+ </p>
+ </s2>
+ </s1>
+ </body>
+ <footer>
+ <legal>
+ Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation All rights reserved.
+ $Revision$ $Date$
+ </legal>
+ </footer>