- @WidgetProperty(key = "numberOfVersions", type = WidgetPropertyType.INTEGER, defaultValue = "4"),
+ @WidgetProperty(key = "numberOfColumns", type = WidgetPropertyType.INTEGER, defaultValue = "4"),
@WidgetProperty(key = "displaySparkLine", type = WidgetPropertyType.BOOLEAN),
@WidgetProperty(key = "metric1", type = WidgetPropertyType.METRIC, defaultValue = "ncloc"),
@WidgetProperty(key = "metric2", type = WidgetPropertyType.METRIC),
ncloc = Metric.find(:first, :conditions => "name = 'ncloc'")
metric_ids << ncloc.id
- numberOfVersions = widget_properties["numberOfVersions"].to_i == 0 ? 4 : widget_properties["numberOfVersions"].to_i
+ numberOfColumns = widget_properties["numberOfColumns"].to_i == 0 ? 4 : widget_properties["numberOfColumns"].to_i
displaySparkLine = widget_properties["displaySparkLine"]
# Retrieve the measures for each metric on each snapshot
if from_date
options[:from] = from_date
- snapshots=Snapshot.for_timemachine_widget(@resource, numberOfVersions, options)
+ snapshots=Snapshot.for_timemachine_widget(@resource, numberOfColumns, options)
sids = snapshots.collect{|s| s.id}.uniq
measures=ProjectMeasure.find(:all, :conditions => {:snapshot_id => sids, :metric_id => metric_ids})
- def self.for_timemachine_widget(resource, number_of_versions, options={})
+ def self.for_timemachine_widget(resource, number_of_columns, options={})
+ if number_of_columns == 1
+ # Display only the latest snapshot
+ return [resource.last_snapshot]
+ end
+ # Get 1rst & latests snapshots of the period
snapshot_conditions = ["snapshots.project_id=? AND snapshots.status=? AND snapshots.scope=? AND snapshots.qualifier=?", resource.id, STATUS_PROCESSED, resource.scope, resource.qualifier]
- event_conditions = ["events.category=? AND events.resource_id=?", "Version", resource.id]
- if (options[:from])
+ if options[:from]
snapshot_conditions[0] += " AND snapshots.created_at>=?"
snapshot_conditions << options[:from]
- event_conditions[0] += " AND events.event_date>=?"
- event_conditions << options[:from]
- if number_of_versions == 1
- # Display only the latest snapshot
- last_snapshot = Snapshot.find(:last, :conditions => snapshot_conditions, :order => 'snapshots.created_at ASC')
- return [last_snapshot]
- end
- # Look for 1rst snapshot of the period
first_snapshot=Snapshot.find(:first, :conditions => snapshot_conditions, :order => 'snapshots.created_at ASC')
+ last_snapshot=resource.last_snapshot
- # Look for the number_of_versions-1 last events to display
- events_to_display = Event.find(:all, :conditions => event_conditions, :order => 'events.event_date ASC').last(number_of_versions-1)
- # And retrieve the wanted snapshots corresponding to the events
- sids = []
- events_to_display.each() do |event|
- sids << event.snapshot_id unless event.snapshot_id == first_snapshot.id
- end
- last_snapshots=Snapshot.find(:all, :conditions => ["snapshots.id IN (?)", sids], :include => 'events', :order => 'snapshots.created_at ASC')
+ # Look for the number_of_columns-2 last snapshots to display (they must have 'Version' events)
+ version_snapshots = []
+ if number_of_columns > 2
+ snapshot_conditions[0] += " AND events.snapshot_id=snapshots.id AND events.category='Version' AND snapshots.id NOT IN (?)"
+ snapshot_conditions << [first_snapshot.id, last_snapshot.id]
+ version_snapshots=Snapshot.find(:all, :conditions => snapshot_conditions, :include => 'events', :order => 'snapshots.created_at ASC').last(number_of_columns-2)
+ end
- return [first_snapshot] + last_snapshots
+ return [first_snapshot] + version_snapshots + [last_snapshot]
def last?