**JavaScript and TypeScript analysis now requires Node.js 10+**
In order to analyze JavaScript or TypeScript code, you now need to have Node.js 10+ installed on the machine running the scan.
-**Azure DevOps Service and BitBucket Cloud are now supported**
-SonarQube now officially supports AzureDevOps Service and BitBucket Cloud. If you were running analysis using BitBucket Pipelines previously, when you upgrade, the Main branch name in your SonarQube project needs to match the branch name in your code repository to continue writing history to the branch. You may have to rename it before running analysis again.
+**Azure DevOps Services and Bitbucket Cloud are now supported**
+SonarQube now officially supports Azure DevOps Services and Bitbucket Cloud. If you were running analysis using Bitbucket Pipelines previously, when you upgrade, the Main branch name in your SonarQube project needs to match the branch name in your code repository to continue writing history to the branch. You may have to rename it before running analysis again.
[Full release notes](https://jira.sonarsource.com/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10930&version=16540)