See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
==================================================================== */
+buildscript {
+ repositories {
+ jcenter()
+ }
+ dependencies {
+ classpath 'me.champeau.gradle:japicmp-gradle-plugin:0.1.1'
+ }
// For help converting an Ant build to a Gradle build, see
//Put instructions for each sub project, but not the master
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'jacoco'
+ // See
+ apply plugin: 'me.champeau.gradle.japicmp'
version = '3.16-beta1'
+ ext {
+ japicmpversion = '3.15'
+ }
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
jacoco {
toolVersion = ''
+ // ensure the build-dir exists
+ projectDir.mkdirs()
project('main') {
artifacts {
tests testJar
+ // TOOD: we should not duplicate this task in each project, but I did not figure out how to inject the artifactId for each project
+ task japicmp(type: me.champeau.gradle.ArtifactJapicmpTask, dependsOn: jar) {
+ baseline = 'org.apache.poi:poi:' + japicmpversion + '@jar'
+ to = jar.archivePath
+ onlyModified = true
+ // not available, see issue #6: onlyBinaryIncompatibleModified = true
+ failOnModification = false
+ txtOutputFile = file("$buildDir/reports/japi.txt")
+ // not available, see issue #6: htmlOutputFile = file("$buildDir/reports/japi.html")
+ }
project('ooxml') {
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
testCompile project(path: ':main', configuration: 'tests')
+ // TOOD: we should not duplicate this task in each project, but I did not figure out how to inject the artifactId for each project
+ task japicmp(type: me.champeau.gradle.ArtifactJapicmpTask, dependsOn: jar) {
+ baseline = 'org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:' + japicmpversion + '@jar'
+ to = jar.archivePath
+ onlyModified = true
+ // not available, see issue #6: onlyBinaryIncompatibleModified = true
+ failOnModification = false
+ txtOutputFile = file("$buildDir/reports/japi.txt")
+ // not available, see issue #6: htmlOutputFile = file("$buildDir/reports/japi.html")
+ }
project('examples') {
testCompile project(path: ':main', configuration: 'tests')
+ // TOOD: we should not duplicate this task in each project, but I did not figure out how to inject the artifactId for each project
+ task japicmp(type: me.champeau.gradle.ArtifactJapicmpTask, dependsOn: jar) {
+ baseline = 'org.apache.poi:poi-excelant:' + japicmpversion + '@jar'
+ to = jar.archivePath
+ onlyModified = true
+ // not available, see issue #6: onlyBinaryIncompatibleModified = true
+ failOnModification = false
+ txtOutputFile = file("$buildDir/reports/japi.txt")
+ // not available, see issue #6: htmlOutputFile = file("$buildDir/reports/japi.html")
+ }
project('integrationtest') {
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
testCompile project(path: ':main', configuration: 'tests')
- * Notes:
- *
- * See and
- * for an example of using japicmp
- *
- **/
+ // TOOD: we should not duplicate this task in each project, but I did not figure out how to inject the artifactId for each project
+ task japicmp(type: me.champeau.gradle.ArtifactJapicmpTask, dependsOn: jar) {
+ baseline = 'org.apache.poi:poi-scratchpad:' + japicmpversion + '@jar'
+ to = jar.archivePath
+ onlyModified = true
+ // not available, see issue #6: onlyBinaryIncompatibleModified = true
+ failOnModification = false
+ txtOutputFile = file("$buildDir/reports/japi.txt")
+ // not available, see issue #6: htmlOutputFile = file("$buildDir/reports/japi.html")
+ }