@@storage_path = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/files"
def validate
- errors.add_to_base :too_long if self.filesize > Setting.attachment_max_size.to_i.kilobytes
+ if self.filesize > Setting.attachment_max_size.to_i.kilobytes
+ errors.add(:base, :too_long, :count => Setting.attachment_max_size.to_i.kilobytes)
+ end
def file=(incoming_file)
errors.add(:value, :blank) if custom_field.is_required? and value.blank?
errors.add(:value, :invalid) unless custom_field.regexp.blank? or value =~ Regexp.new(custom_field.regexp)
- errors.add(:value, :too_short) if custom_field.min_length > 0 and value.length < custom_field.min_length
- errors.add(:value, :too_long) if custom_field.max_length > 0 and value.length > custom_field.max_length
+ errors.add(:value, :too_short, :count => custom_field.min_length) if custom_field.min_length > 0 and value.length < custom_field.min_length
+ errors.add(:value, :too_long, :count => custom_field.max_length) if custom_field.max_length > 0 and value.length > custom_field.max_length
# Format specific validations
case custom_field.field_format