assertThat(result.coverageFor(file, 4)).isNull();
+ // SONAR-11641
+ @Test
+ public void dontFallbackOnExecutableLinesIfNoCoverageSaved() throws IOException {
+ File baseDir = temp.getRoot();
+ File srcDir = new File(baseDir, "src");
+ srcDir.mkdir();
+ File xooFile = new File(srcDir, "sample.xoo");
+ File measuresFile = new File(srcDir, "sample.xoo.measures");
+ File coverageFile = new File(srcDir, "sample.xoo.coverage");
+ FileUtils.write(xooFile, "function foo() {\n if (a && b) {\nalert('hello');\n}\n}", StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
+ FileUtils.write(measuresFile, "# The code analyzer disagree with the coverage tool and consider some lines to be executable\nexecutable_lines_data:2=1;3=1;4=0", StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
+ FileUtils.write(coverageFile, "# No lines to cover in this file according to the coverage tool", StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
+ AnalysisResult result = tester.newAnalysis()
+ .properties(ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder()
+ .put("sonar.projectBaseDir", baseDir.getAbsolutePath())
+ .put("sonar.projectKey", "")
+ .put("sonar.sources", "src")
+ .build())
+ .execute();
+ InputFile file = result.inputFile("src/sample.xoo");
+ assertThat(result.coverageFor(file, 1)).isNull();
+ assertThat(result.coverageFor(file, 2)).isNull();
+ assertThat(result.coverageFor(file, 3)).isNull();
+ assertThat(result.coverageFor(file, 4)).isNull();
+ }
// SONAR-9557
public void exclusionsAndForceToZeroOnModules() throws IOException {