--- /dev/null
+package org.apache.maven.archiva.web.action.reports;
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import com.meterware.servletunit.ServletRunner;
+import com.meterware.servletunit.ServletUnitClient;
+import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action;
+import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
+import org.apache.maven.archiva.database.ArchivaDAO;
+import org.apache.maven.archiva.database.ArchivaDatabaseException;
+import org.apache.maven.archiva.database.RepositoryContentStatisticsDAO;
+import org.apache.maven.archiva.database.RepositoryProblemDAO;
+import org.apache.maven.archiva.database.constraints.RangeConstraint;
+import org.apache.maven.archiva.database.constraints.RepositoryContentStatisticsByRepositoryConstraint;
+import org.apache.maven.archiva.database.constraints.RepositoryProblemByGroupIdConstraint;
+import org.apache.maven.archiva.database.constraints.RepositoryProblemByRepositoryIdConstraint;
+import org.apache.maven.archiva.database.constraints.RepositoryProblemConstraint;
+import org.apache.maven.archiva.model.RepositoryContentStatistics;
+import org.apache.maven.archiva.model.RepositoryProblem;
+import org.apache.maven.archiva.model.RepositoryProblemReport;
+import org.apache.maven.archiva.web.action.admin.repositories.ArchivaDAOStub;
+import org.apache.maven.archiva.web.action.admin.repositories.RepositoryContentStatisticsDAOStub;
+import org.codehaus.plexus.spring.PlexusInSpringTestCase;
+import org.easymock.MockControl;
+ * Test the GenerationReportAction. Note that we are testing for <i>current</i> behaviour, however there are several
+ * instances below where other behaviour may actually be more appropriate (eg the error handling, download stats should
+ * never forward to HTML page, etc). This is also missing tests for various combinations of paging at this point.
+ */
+public class GenerateReportActionTest
+ extends PlexusInSpringTestCase
+ private GenerateReportAction action;
+ private static final String SNAPSHOTS = "snapshots";
+ private static final String INTERNAL = "internal";
+ private RepositoryProblemDAO repositoryProblemDAO;
+ private MockControl repositoryProblemDAOControl;
+ private static final String GROUP_ID = "groupId";
+ private static final String URL = "http://localhost/reports/generateReport.action";
+ @Override
+ protected void setUp()
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ super.setUp();
+ ArchivaDAOStub archivaDAOStub = (ArchivaDAOStub) lookup( ArchivaDAO.class, "jdo" );
+ archivaDAOStub.setRepositoryIds( Arrays.asList( "repo1", "repo2" ) );
+ repositoryProblemDAOControl = MockControl.createControl( RepositoryProblemDAO.class );
+ repositoryProblemDAO = (RepositoryProblemDAO) repositoryProblemDAOControl.getMock();
+ archivaDAOStub.setRepositoryProblemDAO( repositoryProblemDAO );
+ action = (GenerateReportAction) lookup( Action.class, "generateReport" );
+ }
+ private void prepareAction( List<String> selectedRepositories, List<String> availableRepositories )
+ {
+ action.setSelectedRepositories( selectedRepositories );
+ action.prepare();
+ assertEquals( Arrays.asList( GenerateReportAction.ALL_REPOSITORIES, "repo1", "repo2" ),
+ action.getRepositoryIds() );
+ assertEquals( availableRepositories, action.getAvailableRepositories() );
+ }
+ public void testGenerateStatisticsInvalidRowCount()
+ {
+ prepareAction( Collections.singletonList( INTERNAL ), Collections.singletonList( SNAPSHOTS ) );
+ action.setRowCount( 0 );
+ String result = action.generateStatistics();
+ assertEquals( Action.INPUT, result );
+ assertTrue( action.hasFieldErrors() );
+ }
+ public void testGenerateStatisticsInvalidEndDate()
+ {
+ prepareAction( Collections.singletonList( INTERNAL ), Collections.singletonList( SNAPSHOTS ) );
+ action.setStartDate( "2009/12/12" );
+ action.setEndDate( "2008/11/11" );
+ String result = action.generateStatistics();
+ assertEquals( Action.INPUT, result );
+ assertTrue( action.hasFieldErrors() );
+ }
+ public void testGenerateStatisticsMalformedEndDate()
+ {
+ prepareAction( Collections.singletonList( INTERNAL ), Collections.singletonList( SNAPSHOTS ) );
+ action.setEndDate( "This is not a date" );
+ String result = action.generateStatistics();
+ // TODO: should be an input error
+ assertEquals( Action.ERROR, result );
+ assertTrue( action.hasActionErrors() );
+ }
+ public void testGenerateStatisticsInvalidEndDateMultiRepo()
+ {
+ prepareAction( Arrays.asList( SNAPSHOTS, INTERNAL ), Collections.<String>emptyList() );
+ action.setStartDate( "2009/12/12" );
+ action.setEndDate( "2008/11/11" );
+ String result = action.generateStatistics();
+ assertEquals( Action.INPUT, result );
+ assertTrue( action.hasFieldErrors() );
+ }
+ public void testGenerateStatisticsMalformedEndDateMultiRepo()
+ {
+ prepareAction( Arrays.asList( SNAPSHOTS, INTERNAL ), Collections.<String>emptyList() );
+ action.setEndDate( "This is not a date" );
+ String result = action.generateStatistics();
+ // TODO: should be an input error
+ assertEquals( Action.ERROR, result );
+ assertTrue( action.hasActionErrors() );
+ }
+ public void testGenerateStatisticsNoRepos()
+ {
+ prepareAction( Collections.<String>emptyList(), Arrays.asList( SNAPSHOTS, INTERNAL ) );
+ String result = action.generateStatistics();
+ assertEquals( Action.INPUT, result );
+ assertTrue( action.hasFieldErrors() );
+ }
+ public void testGenerateStatisticsSingleRepo()
+ {
+ prepareAction( Collections.singletonList( INTERNAL ), Collections.singletonList( SNAPSHOTS ) );
+ String result = action.generateStatistics();
+ assertSuccessResult( result );
+ }
+ public void testGenerateStatisticsSingleRepoNoStats()
+ {
+ RepositoryContentStatisticsDAOStub dao =
+ (RepositoryContentStatisticsDAOStub) lookup( RepositoryContentStatisticsDAO.class, "jdo" );
+ dao.setStats( Collections.<RepositoryContentStatistics>emptyList() );
+ prepareAction( Collections.singletonList( INTERNAL ), Collections.singletonList( SNAPSHOTS ) );
+ String result = action.generateStatistics();
+ assertEquals( Action.ERROR, result );
+ assertTrue( action.hasActionErrors() );
+ }
+ public void testGenerateStatisticsOvershotPages()
+ {
+ action.setPage( 2 );
+ prepareAction( Collections.singletonList( INTERNAL ), Collections.singletonList( SNAPSHOTS ) );
+ String result = action.generateStatistics();
+ assertEquals( Action.ERROR, result );
+ assertTrue( action.hasActionErrors() );
+ }
+ public void testGenerateStatisticsMultipleRepoNoResults()
+ {
+ RepositoryContentStatisticsDAOStub dao =
+ (RepositoryContentStatisticsDAOStub) lookup( RepositoryContentStatisticsDAO.class, "jdo" );
+ dao.setStats( Collections.<RepositoryContentStatistics>emptyList() );
+ prepareAction( Arrays.asList( SNAPSHOTS, INTERNAL ), Collections.<String>emptyList() );
+ String result = action.generateStatistics();
+ assertEquals( GenerateReportAction.BLANK, result );
+ assertFalse( action.hasActionErrors() );
+ assertFalse( action.hasActionMessages() );
+ assertFalse( action.hasFieldErrors() );
+ }
+ public void testGenerateStatisticsMultipleRepo()
+ {
+ prepareAction( Arrays.asList( SNAPSHOTS, INTERNAL ), Collections.<String>emptyList() );
+ String result = action.generateStatistics();
+ assertSuccessResult( result );
+ }
+ public void testDownloadStatisticsSingleRepo()
+ throws IOException, ArchivaDatabaseException
+ {
+ prepareAction( Arrays.asList( SNAPSHOTS ), Arrays.asList( INTERNAL ) );
+ String result = action.downloadStatisticsReport();
+ assertEquals( GenerateReportAction.SEND_FILE, result );
+ assertFalse( action.hasActionErrors() );
+ assertFalse( action.hasFieldErrors() );
+ RepositoryContentStatisticsDAOStub dao =
+ (RepositoryContentStatisticsDAOStub) lookup( RepositoryContentStatisticsDAO.class, "jdo" );
+ RepositoryContentStatistics stats = dao.queryRepositoryContentStatistics(
+ new RepositoryContentStatisticsByRepositoryConstraint( SNAPSHOTS ) ).get( 0 );
+ assertEquals(
+ "Date of Scan,Total File Count,Total Size,Artifact Count,Group Count,Project Count,Plugins,Archetypes,Jars,Wars,Deployments,Downloads\n" +
+ stats.getWhenGathered() + ",0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0\n", IOUtils.toString( action.getInputStream() ) );
+ }
+ public void testDownloadStatisticsMultipleRepos()
+ throws IOException, ArchivaDatabaseException
+ {
+ prepareAction( Arrays.asList( SNAPSHOTS, INTERNAL ), Collections.<String>emptyList() );
+ String result = action.downloadStatisticsReport();
+ assertEquals( GenerateReportAction.SEND_FILE, result );
+ assertFalse( action.hasActionErrors() );
+ assertFalse( action.hasFieldErrors() );
+ assertMultiRepoCsvResult();
+ }
+ private void assertMultiRepoCsvResult()
+ throws IOException
+ {
+ assertEquals(
+ "Repository,Total File Count,Total Size,Artifact Count,Group Count,Project Count,Plugins,Archetypes,Jars,Wars,Deployments,Downloads\n" +
+ "snapshots,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0\n" + "internal,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0\n",
+ IOUtils.toString( action.getInputStream() ) );
+ }
+ public void testDownloadStatisticsMalformedEndDateMultiRepo()
+ {
+ prepareAction( Arrays.asList( SNAPSHOTS, INTERNAL ), Collections.<String>emptyList() );
+ action.setEndDate( "This is not a date" );
+ String result = action.downloadStatisticsReport();
+ // TODO: should be an input error
+ assertEquals( Action.ERROR, result );
+ assertTrue( action.hasActionErrors() );
+ }
+ public void testDownloadStatisticsInvalidEndDateMultiRepo()
+ {
+ prepareAction( Arrays.asList( SNAPSHOTS, INTERNAL ), Collections.<String>emptyList() );
+ action.setStartDate( "2009/12/12" );
+ action.setEndDate( "2008/11/11" );
+ String result = action.downloadStatisticsReport();
+ assertEquals( Action.INPUT, result );
+ assertTrue( action.hasFieldErrors() );
+ }
+ public void testDownloadStatisticsInvalidEndDateSingleRepo()
+ {
+ prepareAction( Arrays.asList( SNAPSHOTS ), Arrays.asList( INTERNAL ) );
+ action.setStartDate( "2009/12/12" );
+ action.setEndDate( "2008/11/11" );
+ String result = action.downloadStatisticsReport();
+ assertEquals( Action.INPUT, result );
+ assertTrue( action.hasFieldErrors() );
+ }
+ public void testDownloadStatisticsSingleRepoNoStats()
+ {
+ RepositoryContentStatisticsDAOStub dao =
+ (RepositoryContentStatisticsDAOStub) lookup( RepositoryContentStatisticsDAO.class, "jdo" );
+ dao.setStats( Collections.<RepositoryContentStatistics>emptyList() );
+ prepareAction( Collections.singletonList( INTERNAL ), Collections.singletonList( SNAPSHOTS ) );
+ String result = action.downloadStatisticsReport();
+ assertEquals( Action.ERROR, result );
+ assertTrue( action.hasActionErrors() );
+ }
+ public void testDownloadStatisticsNoRepos()
+ {
+ prepareAction( Collections.<String>emptyList(), Arrays.asList( SNAPSHOTS, INTERNAL ) );
+ String result = action.downloadStatisticsReport();
+ assertEquals( Action.INPUT, result );
+ assertTrue( action.hasFieldErrors() );
+ }
+ public void testDownloadStatisticsMultipleRepoNoResults()
+ {
+ RepositoryContentStatisticsDAOStub dao =
+ (RepositoryContentStatisticsDAOStub) lookup( RepositoryContentStatisticsDAO.class, "jdo" );
+ dao.setStats( Collections.<RepositoryContentStatistics>emptyList() );
+ prepareAction( Arrays.asList( SNAPSHOTS, INTERNAL ), Collections.<String>emptyList() );
+ String result = action.downloadStatisticsReport();
+ assertEquals( GenerateReportAction.BLANK, result );
+ assertFalse( action.hasActionErrors() );
+ assertFalse( action.hasActionMessages() );
+ assertFalse( action.hasFieldErrors() );
+ }
+ public void testDownloadStatisticsMultipleRepoInStrutsFormat()
+ throws IOException
+ {
+ prepareAction( Arrays.asList( SNAPSHOTS, INTERNAL ), Collections.<String>emptyList() );
+ action.setSelectedRepositories( Collections.singletonList( "[" + SNAPSHOTS + "],[" + INTERNAL + "]" ) );
+ String result = action.downloadStatisticsReport();
+ assertEquals( GenerateReportAction.SEND_FILE, result );
+ assertFalse( action.hasActionErrors() );
+ assertFalse( action.hasFieldErrors() );
+ assertMultiRepoCsvResult();
+ }
+ public void testHealthReportSingleRepo()
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ RepositoryProblem problem1 = createProblem( GROUP_ID, "artifactId", INTERNAL );
+ RepositoryProblem problem2 = createProblem( GROUP_ID, "artifactId-2", INTERNAL );
+ repositoryProblemDAOControl.expectAndReturn( repositoryProblemDAO.queryRepositoryProblems(
+ new RepositoryProblemByRepositoryIdConstraint( new int[]{0, 101}, INTERNAL ) ),
+ Arrays.asList( problem1, problem2 ) );
+ repositoryProblemDAOControl.replay();
+ action.setRepositoryId( INTERNAL );
+ ServletRunner sr = new ServletRunner();
+ ServletUnitClient sc = sr.newClient();
+ action.setServletRequest( sc.newInvocation( URL ).getRequest() );
+ prepareAction( Collections.<String>emptyList(), Arrays.asList( SNAPSHOTS, INTERNAL ) );
+ String result = action.execute();
+ assertSuccessResult( result );
+ RepositoryProblemReport problemReport1 = createProblemReport( problem1 );
+ RepositoryProblemReport problemReport2 = createProblemReport( problem2 );
+ assertEquals( Collections.singleton( INTERNAL ), action.getRepositoriesMap().keySet() );
+ assertEquals( Arrays.asList( problemReport1, problemReport2 ), action.getRepositoriesMap().get( INTERNAL ) );
+ repositoryProblemDAOControl.verify();
+ }
+ public void testHealthReportInvalidRowCount()
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ repositoryProblemDAOControl.replay();
+ action.setRowCount( 0 );
+ action.setRepositoryId( INTERNAL );
+ ServletRunner sr = new ServletRunner();
+ ServletUnitClient sc = sr.newClient();
+ action.setServletRequest( sc.newInvocation( URL ).getRequest() );
+ prepareAction( Collections.<String>emptyList(), Arrays.asList( SNAPSHOTS, INTERNAL ) );
+ String result = action.execute();
+ assertEquals( Action.INPUT, result );
+ assertFalse( action.hasActionErrors() );
+ assertTrue( action.hasFieldErrors() );
+ repositoryProblemDAOControl.verify();
+ }
+ public void testHealthReportAllRepos()
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ RepositoryProblem problem1 = createProblem( GROUP_ID, "artifactId", INTERNAL );
+ RepositoryProblem problem2 = createProblem( GROUP_ID, "artifactId-2", SNAPSHOTS );
+ repositoryProblemDAOControl.expectAndReturn(
+ repositoryProblemDAO.queryRepositoryProblems( new RangeConstraint( new int[]{0, 101} ) ),
+ Arrays.asList( problem1, problem2 ) );
+ repositoryProblemDAOControl.replay();
+ action.setRepositoryId( GenerateReportAction.ALL_REPOSITORIES );
+ ServletRunner sr = new ServletRunner();
+ ServletUnitClient sc = sr.newClient();
+ action.setServletRequest( sc.newInvocation( URL ).getRequest() );
+ prepareAction( Collections.<String>emptyList(), Arrays.asList( SNAPSHOTS, INTERNAL ) );
+ String result = action.execute();
+ assertSuccessResult( result );
+ RepositoryProblemReport problemReport1 = createProblemReport( problem1 );
+ RepositoryProblemReport problemReport2 = createProblemReport( problem2 );
+ assertEquals( Arrays.asList( INTERNAL, SNAPSHOTS ),
+ new ArrayList<String>( action.getRepositoriesMap().keySet() ) );
+ assertEquals( Arrays.asList( problemReport1 ), action.getRepositoriesMap().get( INTERNAL ) );
+ assertEquals( Arrays.asList( problemReport2 ), action.getRepositoriesMap().get( SNAPSHOTS ) );
+ repositoryProblemDAOControl.verify();
+ }
+ public void testHealthReportSingleRepoByCorrectGroupId()
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ RepositoryProblem problem1 = createProblem( GROUP_ID, "artifactId", INTERNAL );
+ RepositoryProblem problem2 = createProblem( GROUP_ID, "artifactId-2", INTERNAL );
+ repositoryProblemDAOControl.expectAndReturn( repositoryProblemDAO.queryRepositoryProblems(
+ new RepositoryProblemConstraint( new int[]{0, 101}, GROUP_ID, INTERNAL ) ),
+ Arrays.asList( problem1, problem2 ) );
+ repositoryProblemDAOControl.replay();
+ action.setGroupId( GROUP_ID );
+ action.setRepositoryId( INTERNAL );
+ ServletRunner sr = new ServletRunner();
+ ServletUnitClient sc = sr.newClient();
+ action.setServletRequest( sc.newInvocation( URL ).getRequest() );
+ prepareAction( Collections.<String>emptyList(), Arrays.asList( SNAPSHOTS, INTERNAL ) );
+ String result = action.execute();
+ assertSuccessResult( result );
+ RepositoryProblemReport problemReport1 = createProblemReport( problem1 );
+ RepositoryProblemReport problemReport2 = createProblemReport( problem2 );
+ assertEquals( Collections.singleton( INTERNAL ), action.getRepositoriesMap().keySet() );
+ assertEquals( Arrays.asList( problemReport1, problemReport2 ), action.getRepositoriesMap().get( INTERNAL ) );
+ repositoryProblemDAOControl.verify();
+ }
+ public void testHealthReportSingleRepoByCorrectGroupIdAllRepositories()
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ RepositoryProblem problem1 = createProblem( GROUP_ID, "artifactId", INTERNAL );
+ RepositoryProblem problem2 = createProblem( GROUP_ID, "artifactId-2", SNAPSHOTS );
+ repositoryProblemDAOControl.expectAndReturn( repositoryProblemDAO.queryRepositoryProblems(
+ new RepositoryProblemByGroupIdConstraint( new int[]{0, 101}, GROUP_ID ) ),
+ Arrays.asList( problem1, problem2 ) );
+ repositoryProblemDAOControl.replay();
+ action.setGroupId( GROUP_ID );
+ action.setRepositoryId( GenerateReportAction.ALL_REPOSITORIES );
+ ServletRunner sr = new ServletRunner();
+ ServletUnitClient sc = sr.newClient();
+ action.setServletRequest( sc.newInvocation( URL ).getRequest() );
+ prepareAction( Collections.<String>emptyList(), Arrays.asList( SNAPSHOTS, INTERNAL ) );
+ String result = action.execute();
+ assertSuccessResult( result );
+ RepositoryProblemReport problemReport1 = createProblemReport( problem1 );
+ RepositoryProblemReport problemReport2 = createProblemReport( problem2 );
+ assertEquals( Arrays.asList( INTERNAL, SNAPSHOTS ),
+ new ArrayList<String>( action.getRepositoriesMap().keySet() ) );
+ assertEquals( Arrays.asList( problemReport1 ), action.getRepositoriesMap().get( INTERNAL ) );
+ assertEquals( Arrays.asList( problemReport2 ), action.getRepositoriesMap().get( SNAPSHOTS ) );
+ repositoryProblemDAOControl.verify();
+ }
+ public void testHealthReportSingleRepoByIncorrectGroupId()
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ repositoryProblemDAOControl.expectAndReturn( repositoryProblemDAO.queryRepositoryProblems(
+ new RepositoryProblemConstraint( new int[]{0, 101}, "not.it", INTERNAL ) ),
+ Collections.<Object>emptyList() );
+ repositoryProblemDAOControl.replay();
+ action.setGroupId( "not.it" );
+ action.setRepositoryId( INTERNAL );
+ ServletRunner sr = new ServletRunner();
+ ServletUnitClient sc = sr.newClient();
+ action.setServletRequest( sc.newInvocation( URL ).getRequest() );
+ prepareAction( Collections.<String>emptyList(), Arrays.asList( SNAPSHOTS, INTERNAL ) );
+ String result = action.execute();
+ assertEquals( GenerateReportAction.BLANK, result );
+ assertFalse( action.hasActionErrors() );
+ assertFalse( action.hasFieldErrors() );
+ repositoryProblemDAOControl.verify();
+ }
+ private RepositoryProblemReport createProblemReport( RepositoryProblem problem )
+ {
+ RepositoryProblemReport problemReport = new RepositoryProblemReport( problem );
+ problemReport.setGroupURL( "http://localhost/browse/" + problem.getGroupId() );
+ problemReport.setArtifactURL( problemReport.getGroupURL() + "/" + problem.getArtifactId() );
+ return problemReport;
+ }
+ private RepositoryProblem createProblem( String groupId, String artifactId, String repoId )
+ {
+ RepositoryProblem problem = new RepositoryProblem();
+ problem.setRepositoryId( repoId );
+ problem.setGroupId( groupId );
+ problem.setArtifactId( artifactId );
+ return problem;
+ }
+ public void testHealthReportNoRepositoryId()
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ prepareAction( Collections.<String>emptyList(), Arrays.asList( SNAPSHOTS, INTERNAL ) );
+ String result = action.execute();
+ assertEquals( Action.INPUT, result );
+ assertTrue( action.hasFieldErrors() );
+ }
+ private void assertSuccessResult( String result )
+ {
+ assertEquals( Action.SUCCESS, result );
+ assertFalse( action.hasActionErrors() );
+ assertFalse( action.hasFieldErrors() );
+ }