- <section><title>News</title>
- <section><title>Latest Development Release</title>
- <p>
- The latest development release of POI is version 1.10.
- Binary distributions are available <link href="http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-poi/dev/bin/">here</link>
- and source distributions are <link href="http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-poi/dev/src/">here</link>.
- </p>
-<!-- <p>-->
-<!-- <link href="http://vote.sparklit.com/poll.spark/640946">Click here</link> to see the current results.-->
-<!-- </p>-->
- </section>
- <section><title>Translations</title>
- <p>
- The POI documentation translation project has begun. The first ones
- to start are the <link href="trans/es/index.html">Spanish
- (espaniol)</link> and <link href="http://www.terra-intl.com/jakarta/poi/">Japanese</link>, and
- <link href="trans/de/index.html">German</link>
- translations. Others are welcome. Please feel
- free to participate!
- </p>
- </section>
- <section><title>Logo Contest</title>
- <p>
- Voting for the POI logo contest is now complete. Thank you for your votes.
- </p>
-<!-- <p>-->
-<!-- <link href="http://vote.sparklit.com/poll.spark/640946">Click here</link> to see the current results.-->
-<!-- </p>-->
- </section>
+ <section><title>News</title>
+ <p>All POI news can now be found at the <link href="http://nagoya.apache.org/poi/news/">poi news weblog</link>.</p>