use OCA\ShareByMail\Settings\SettingsManager;
use OCP\Activity\IManager;
use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder;
+use OCP\Defaults;
use OCP\Files\Folder;
use OCP\Files\IRootFolder;
use OCP\Files\Node;
/** @var SettingsManager */
private $settingsManager;
+ /** @var Defaults */
+ private $defaults;
* Return the identifier of this provider.
* @param IURLGenerator $urlGenerator
* @param IManager $activityManager
* @param SettingsManager $settingsManager
+ * @param Defaults $defaults
public function __construct(
IDBConnection $connection,
IMailer $mailer,
IURLGenerator $urlGenerator,
IManager $activityManager,
- SettingsManager $settingsManager
+ SettingsManager $settingsManager,
+ Defaults $defaults
) {
$this->dbConnection = $connection;
$this->secureRandom = $secureRandom;
$this->urlGenerator = $urlGenerator;
$this->activityManager = $activityManager;
$this->settingsManager = $settingsManager;
+ $this->defaults = $defaults;
try {
$link = $this->urlGenerator->linkToRouteAbsolute('files_sharing.sharecontroller.showShare',
['token' => $share->getToken()]);
- $this->sendMailNotification($share->getNode()->getName(),
+ $this->sendMailNotification(
+ $share->getNode()->getName(),
- $share->getSharedBy(), $share->getSharedWith());
+ $share->getSharedBy(),
+ $share->getSharedWith()
+ );
} catch (HintException $hintException) {
$this->logger->error('Failed to send share by mail: ' . $hintException->getMessage());
- protected function sendMailNotification($filename, $link, $owner, $initiator, $shareWith) {
+ /**
+ * @param string $filename
+ * @param string $link
+ * @param string $owner
+ * @param string $initiator
+ * @param string $shareWith
+ * @throws \Exception If mail couldn't be sent
+ */
+ protected function sendMailNotification($filename,
+ $link,
+ $owner,
+ $initiator,
+ $shareWith) {
$ownerUser = $this->userManager->get($owner);
$initiatorUser = $this->userManager->get($initiator);
$ownerDisplayName = ($ownerUser instanceof IUser) ? $ownerUser->getDisplayName() : $owner;
$this->l->t('Open »%s«', [$filename]),
- $emailTemplate->addFooter();
+ // The "From" contains the sharers name
+ $instanceName = $this->defaults->getName();
+ $senderName = $this->l->t(
+ '%s via %s',
+ [
+ $ownerDisplayName,
+ $instanceName
+ ]
+ );
+ $message->setFrom([\OCP\Util::getDefaultEmailAddress($instanceName) => $senderName]);
+ // The "Reply-To" is set to the sharer if an mail address is configured
+ // also the default footer contains a "Do not reply" which needs to be adjusted.
+ $ownerEmail = $ownerUser->getEMailAddress();
+ if($ownerEmail !== null) {
+ $message->setReplyTo([$ownerEmail => $ownerDisplayName]);
+ $emailTemplate->addFooter($instanceName . ' - ' . $this->defaults->getSlogan());
+ } else {
+ $emailTemplate->addFooter();
+ }
- $message->setBody($emailTemplate->renderText(), 'text/plain');
+ $message->setPlainBody($emailTemplate->renderText());
namespace OCA\ShareByMail\Tests;
+use OC\Mail\Message;
use OCA\ShareByMail\Settings\SettingsManager;
use OCA\ShareByMail\ShareByMailProvider;
+use OCP\Defaults;
use OCP\Files\IRootFolder;
use OCP\IDBConnection;
use OCP\IL10N;
use OCP\ILogger;
use OCP\IURLGenerator;
+use OCP\IUser;
use OCP\IUserManager;
+use OCP\Mail\IEMailTemplate;
use OCP\Mail\IMailer;
use OCP\Security\ISecureRandom;
use OCP\Share\IManager;
/** @var SettingsManager | \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */
private $settingsManager;
+ /** @var Defaults|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */
+ private $defaults;
public function setUp() {
$this->share = $this->getMockBuilder('\OCP\Share\IShare')->getMock();
$this->activityManager = $this->getMockBuilder('OCP\Activity\IManager')->getMock();
$this->settingsManager = $this->getMockBuilder(SettingsManager::class)->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
+ $this->defaults = $this->createMock(Defaults::class);
- $this->settingsManager
+ $this->settingsManager,
+ $this->defaults
- $this->settingsManager
+ $this->settingsManager,
+ $this->defaults
+ public function testSendMailNotificationWithSameUserAndUserEmail() {
+ $provider = $this->getInstance();
+ $user = $this->createMock(IUser::class);
+ $this->userManager
+ ->expects($this->exactly(2))
+ ->method('get')
+ ->with('OwnerUser')
+ ->willReturn($user);
+ $user
+ ->expects($this->exactly(2))
+ ->method('getDisplayName')
+ ->willReturn('Mrs. Owner User');
+ $message = $this->createMock(Message::class);
+ $this->mailer
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('createMessage')
+ ->willReturn($message);
+ $template = $this->createMock(IEMailTemplate::class);
+ $this->mailer
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('createEMailTemplate')
+ ->willReturn($template);
+ $template
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('addHeader');
+ $template
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('addHeading')
+ ->with('Mrs. Owner User shared »file.txt« with you');
+ $template
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('addBodyText')
+ ->with(
+ 'Mrs. Owner User shared »file.txt« with you. Click the button below to open it.',
+ 'Mrs. Owner User shared »file.txt« with you.'
+ );
+ $template
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('addBodyButton')
+ ->with(
+ 'Open »file.txt«',
+ ''
+ );
+ $message
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('setTo')
+ ->with(['']);
+ $this->defaults
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('getName')
+ ->willReturn('UnitTestCloud');
+ $message
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('setFrom')
+ ->with([
+ \OCP\Util::getDefaultEmailAddress('UnitTestCloud') => 'Mrs. Owner User via UnitTestCloud'
+ ]);
+ $user
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('getEMailAddress')
+ ->willReturn('');
+ $message
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('setReplyTo')
+ ->with(['' => 'Mrs. Owner User']);
+ $this->defaults
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('getSlogan')
+ ->willReturn('Testing like 1990');
+ $template
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('addFooter')
+ ->with('UnitTestCloud - Testing like 1990');
+ $message
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('setSubject')
+ ->willReturn('Mrs. Owner User shared »file.txt« with you');
+ $template
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('renderText')
+ ->willReturn('Text Render');
+ $message
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('setPlainBody')
+ ->with('Text Render');
+ $template
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('renderHTML')
+ ->willReturn('HTML Render');
+ $message
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('setHtmlBody')
+ ->with('HTML Render');
+ $this->mailer
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('send')
+ ->with($message);
+ self::invokePrivate(
+ $provider,
+ 'sendMailNotification',
+ [
+ 'file.txt',
+ '',
+ 'OwnerUser',
+ 'OwnerUser',
+ '',
+ ]);
+ }
+ public function testSendMailNotificationWithDifferentUserAndNoUserEmail() {
+ $provider = $this->getInstance();
+ $ownerUser = $this->createMock(IUser::class);
+ $initiatorUser = $this->createMock(IUser::class);
+ $this->userManager
+ ->expects($this->at(0))
+ ->method('get')
+ ->with('OwnerUser')
+ ->willReturn($ownerUser);
+ $this->userManager
+ ->expects($this->at(1))
+ ->method('get')
+ ->with('InitiatorUser')
+ ->willReturn($initiatorUser);
+ $ownerUser
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('getDisplayName')
+ ->willReturn('Mrs. Owner User');
+ $initiatorUser
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('getDisplayName')
+ ->willReturn('Mr. Initiator User');
+ $message = $this->createMock(Message::class);
+ $this->mailer
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('createMessage')
+ ->willReturn($message);
+ $template = $this->createMock(IEMailTemplate::class);
+ $this->mailer
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('createEMailTemplate')
+ ->willReturn($template);
+ $template
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('addHeader');
+ $template
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('addHeading')
+ ->with('Mrs. Owner User shared »file.txt« with you');
+ $template
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('addBodyText')
+ ->with(
+ 'Mrs. Owner User shared »file.txt« with you on behalf of InitiatorUser. Click the button below to open it.',
+ 'Mrs. Owner User shared »file.txt« with you on behalf of InitiatorUser.'
+ );
+ $template
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('addBodyButton')
+ ->with(
+ 'Open »file.txt«',
+ ''
+ );
+ $message
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('setTo')
+ ->with(['']);
+ $this->defaults
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('getName')
+ ->willReturn('UnitTestCloud');
+ $message
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('setFrom')
+ ->with([
+ \OCP\Util::getDefaultEmailAddress('UnitTestCloud') => 'Mrs. Owner User via UnitTestCloud'
+ ]);
+ $ownerUser
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('getEMailAddress')
+ ->willReturn(null);
+ $message
+ ->expects($this->never())
+ ->method('setReplyTo');
+ $template
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('addFooter')
+ ->with('');
+ $message
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('setSubject')
+ ->willReturn('Mrs. Owner User shared »file.txt« with you');
+ $template
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('renderText')
+ ->willReturn('Text Render');
+ $message
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('setPlainBody')
+ ->with('Text Render');
+ $template
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('renderHTML')
+ ->willReturn('HTML Render');
+ $message
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('setHtmlBody')
+ ->with('HTML Render');
+ $this->mailer
+ ->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('send')
+ ->with($message);
+ self::invokePrivate(
+ $provider,
+ 'sendMailNotification',
+ [
+ 'file.txt',
+ '',
+ 'OwnerUser',
+ 'InitiatorUser',
+ '',
+ ]);
+ }