quality_gates.conditions.fails_when=Quality Gate fails when
quality_gates.conditions.cayc=Your new code will be clean if:
-quality_gates.conditions.cayc.description=These conditions apply to the new code of all branches and to Pull Requests.
+quality_gates.conditions.cayc.description=These conditions apply to the new code of all branches and to pull requests.
quality_gates.conditions.cayc.metric={metric} is {operator} to {value}
quality_gates.conditions.cayc.hint=The conditions below must be true for your project to pass the Quality Gate.
quality_gates.conditions.cayc.threshold.hint=Sonar recommends this threshold. Create a new Quality Gate to set a different value.
quality_gates.conditions.new_code=On New Code
quality_gates.conditions.new_code.long=Conditions on New Code
-quality_gates.conditions.new_code.description=Conditions on new code apply to all branches and to Pull Requests.
+quality_gates.conditions.new_code.description=Conditions on new code apply to all branches and to pull requests.
quality_gates.conditions.new_code_1=1 condition failed on new code
quality_gates.conditions.new_code_x={0} conditions failed on new code
quality_gates.conditions.overall_code=On Overall Code