metric_data_map[trend_item["metric_id"].to_i] << {:date => trend_item["created_at"], :value => trend_item["value"], :sid => trend_item["sid"]}
# Create JS structures to print out in the HTML page
js_data = "["
js_snapshots = "["
# Only Oracle returns a Time object, so let's parse this string if it's not a Time instance
m_date = Time.parse(metric_data[:date]) unless m_date.is_a? Time
m_value = sprintf("%0.02f", metric_data[:value])
- m_value_localized = (m_value.end_with? '.00') ? number_with_precision(metric_data[:value], :precision => 0).to_s : number_with_precision(metric_data[:value], :precision => 2).to_s
+ m_value_localized = (m_value.end_with? '.00') ? number_with_precision(metric_data[:value], :precision => 0).to_s : number_with_precision(metric_data[:value], :precision => 1).to_s
js_data += "{x:d("
js_data += m_date.year.to_s
js_data += ","