$.each(inst.sortables, function(i) {
+ var innermostIntersecting = false;
+ var thisSortable = this;
//Copy over some variables to allow calling the sortable's native _intersectsWith
this.instance.positionAbs = inst.positionAbs;
this.instance.helperProportions = inst.helperProportions;
this.instance.offset.click = inst.offset.click;
if(this.instance._intersectsWith(this.instance.containerCache)) {
+ innermostIntersecting = true;
+ $.each(inst.sortables, function () {
+ this.instance.positionAbs = inst.positionAbs;
+ this.instance.helperProportions = inst.helperProportions;
+ this.instance.offset.click = inst.offset.click;
+ if (this != thisSortable
+ && this.instance._intersectsWith(this.instance.containerCache)
+ && $.ui.contains(thisSortable.instance.element[0], this.instance.element[0]))
+ innermostIntersecting = false;
+ return innermostIntersecting;
+ });
+ }
+ if(innermostIntersecting) {
//If it intersects, we use a little isOver variable and set it once, so our move-in stuff gets fired only once
if(!this.instance.isOver) {