// List of plugins that are silently removed if installed
private static final Set<String> DEFAULT_BLACKLISTED_PLUGINS = ImmutableSet.of("scmactivity", "issuesreport", "genericcoverage");
// List of plugins that should prevent the server to finish its startup
- private static final Set<String> FORBIDDEN_INCOMPATIBLE_PLUGINS = ImmutableSet
- .of("sqale", "report", "views", "authgithub", "authgitlab", "authsaml", "ldap", "scmgit", "scmsvn");
+ private static final Set<String> FORBIDDEN_INCOMPATIBLE_PLUGINS = Set.of(
+ "sqale", "report", "views", "authgithub", "authgitlab", "authbitbucket", "authsaml", "ldap", "scmgit", "scmsvn");
private static final String LOAD_ERROR_GENERIC_MESSAGE = "Startup failed: Plugins can't be loaded. See web logs for more information";