right << [l(:field_estimated_hours), l_hours(issue.estimated_hours)] unless issue.disabled_core_fields.include?('estimated_hours')
right << [l(:label_spent_time), l_hours(issue.total_spent_hours)] if User.current.allowed_to?(:view_time_entries, issue.project)
- rows = left.size > right.size ? left.size : right.size
+ rows = [left.size, right.size].max
left << nil while left.size < rows
right << nil while right.size < rows
border_last = 'R'
- rows = left.size > right.size ? left.size : right.size
+ rows = [left.size, right.size].max
rows.times do |i|
heights = []
pdf.SetFontStyle('B', 9)
return @number_of_rows if @number_of_rows
rows = projects.inject(0) {|total, p| total += number_of_rows_on_project(p)}
- rows > @max_rows ? @max_rows : rows
+ [rows, @max_rows].min
# Returns the number of rows that will be used to list a project on