The current check requires ANT_HOME/lib to contain jsch-0.1.48. There are
however other places, like .ant/lib where you can place the jar also.
Additionally the build agents in TeamCity seems to wipe ANT_HOME/lib
every now and then, which makes this a bad place to add extra jars.
Change-Id: I83b8e0612e72d422d4341fc68b1ab6a0c98848a5
<ivy:settings file="ivysettings-publish.xml" id="publish.settings" />
<property file="" />
- <available property="ant-jsch.present" file="${ant.home}/lib/ant-jsch.jar" />
- <available property="jsch.present" file="${ant.home}/lib/jsch-0.1.48.jar" />
- <fail unless="ant-jsch.present" message="Please install ant-jsch.jar into ANT_HOME/lib" />
- <fail unless="jsch.present" message="Please install jsch.jar into ANT_HOME/lib" />
<target name="nightly.publish" depends=", nightly.maven.publish">