use strict;
my @symbols_search;
+my @symbols_exclude;
my $reject_score = 15.0;
my $junk_score = 6.0;
my $diff_alpha = 0.1;
"reject-score|r=f" => \$reject_score,
"junk-score|j=f" => \$junk_score,
"symbol|s=s@" => \@symbols_search,
+ "exclude|s=s@" => \@symbols_exclude,
"log|l=s" => \$log_file,
"alpha|a=f" => \$diff_alpha,
"correlations|c" => \$correlations,
+ my @symbols = split /(?:\{[^}]*\})?(?:$|,)/, $4;
+ my $scan_time = $5;
+ my $act = $1;
+ my $score = $2 * 1.0;
+ my $skip = 0;
+ foreach my $ex (@symbols_exclude) {
+ my @found = grep {/^$ex/} @symbols;
+ if (scalar(@found) > 0) {
+ $skip = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ next if ( $skip != 0 );
$timeStamp{'end'} = $ts;
$timeStamp{'start'} //= $timeStamp{'end'};
- $scanTime{'min'} = $5
- if ( !exists $scanTime{'min'} || $scanTime{'min'} > $5 );
- $scanTime{'max'} = $5
- if ( $scanTime{'max'} < $5 );
- $scanTime{'total'} += $5;
+ $scanTime{'min'} = $scan_time
+ if ( !exists $scanTime{'min'} || $scanTime{'min'} > $scan_time );
+ $scanTime{'max'} = $scan_time
+ if ( $scanTime{'max'} < $scan_time );
+ $scanTime{'total'} += $scan_time;
- $action{$1}++;
+ $action{$act}++;
$total ++;
- my $score = $2 * 1.0;
if ($score >= $reject_score) {
$total_spam ++;
$total_junk ++;
- # Symbols
- my @symbols = split /(?:\{[^}]*\})?(?:$|,)/, $4;
my @sym_names;
foreach my $s (@symbols_search) {
Do not process input unless finding the specified regular expression. Useful to skip logs to a certain position.
+=item B<--exclude>
+Exclude log lines if certain symbols are fired (e.g. GTUBE). You may specify this option multiple time to skip multiple symbols.
=item B<--start>
Select log entries after this time. Format: C<YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS> (can be