<release version="3.7-SNAPSHOT" date="2010-??-??">
+ <action dev="POI-DEVELOPERS" type="fix">49325 - Ensure that CTPhoneticPr is included in poi-ooxml jar</action>
+ <action dev="POI-DEVELOPERS" type="fix">49191 - Fixed tests failing in non-english locales</action>
<action dev="POI-DEVELOPERS" type="add">48432 - Support for XSSF themes</action>
<action dev="POI-DEVELOPERS" type="add">49244 - Support for data validation for OOXML format</action>
<action dev="POI-DEVELOPERS" type="add">49066 - Worksheet/cell formatting, with view and HTML converter</action>
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.BaseTestBugzillaIssues;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.XSSFITestDataProvider;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.XSSFTestDataSamples;
+import org.openxmlformats.schemas.spreadsheetml.x2006.main.CTWorksheet;
public final class TestXSSFBugs extends BaseTestBugzillaIssues {
public void test49020() throws Exception {
XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("BrNotClosed.xlsx");
+ /**
+ * ensure that CTPhoneticPr is loaded by the ooxml test suite so that it is included in poi-ooxml-schemas
+ */
+ public void test49325() throws Exception {
+ XSSFWorkbook wb = XSSFTestDataSamples.openSampleWorkbook("49325.xlsx");
+ CTWorksheet sh = wb.getSheetAt(0).getCTWorksheet();
+ assertNotNull(sh.getPhoneticPr());
+ }