- picks out join points where an <literal>int</literal> is being
- passed as an argument. Second, though, it makes the value of that
- argument available to the enclosing advice or pointcut.
+ picks out join points where an <literal>int</literal> (or
+ a <literal>byte</literal>, <literal>short</literal>, or
+ <literal>char</literal>; anything assignable to an
+ <literal>int</literal>) is being passed as an argument.
+ Second, though, it makes the value of that argument
+ available to the enclosing advice or pointcut.
advice will be of type <literal>java.lang.Integer</literal>.
+ <para>
+ The "boxing" of the primitive value is based on the
+ <emphasis>original</emphasis> primitive type. So in the
+ following program
+ </para>
+ public class InstanceOf {
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ doInt(5);
+ }
+ static void doInt(int i) { }
+ }
+ aspect IntToLong {
+ pointcut el(long l) :
+ execution(* doInt(..)) <![CDATA[&&]]> args(l);
+ before(Object o) : el(o) {
+ System.out.println(o.getClass());
+ }
+ }
+ <para>
+ The pointcut will match and expose the integer argument,
+ but it will expose it as an <literal>Integer</literal>,
+ not a <literal>Long</literal>.
+ </para>